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Chapter 1945: Tianxu Jade Book

This is the residence that Zhenhai Palace arranged for them, and they live here temporarily.

Wang Changsheng took out a sparkling blue array plate and punched in several magic tricks, and an aqua blue light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering the entire yard.

He released two soul-devouring golden cicadas, and they flew in mid-air, making bursts of sharp hissing noises, with a bit of anxiety in addition to excitement.

He took out the Ten Thousand Ghost Gourd and entered a magic formula, the gourd plug flew up, and a sweet and touching female acapella sounded, the succubus flew out of the Ten Thousand Ghost Gourd, and just as it flew out of the Ten Thousand Ghost Gourd, two soul-devouring golden cicadas sprayed each A golden flame shot out, hitting the succubus.

The charm of the succubus changed greatly, and she was about to avoid it when a muffled groan sounded, and the reaction slowed down. Two golden flames fell on her body, and bursts of blue smoke rose from her body, and the succubus let out a shrill scream. But soon, she opened her mouth to sing acapella, and the fairy sound burst.

The two soul-eating golden cicadas stopped attacking the succubus abruptly, their eyes were dull, and they floated in the air, motionless.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan wore dragon and phoenix locks and were not affected.

He gently patted the succubus with his right hand, a strong wind blew past, and an invisible big hand emerged out of thin air and slapped the succubus accurately.

After an extremely painful scream of a woman sounded, the succubus flew out and fell to the ground, leaving a huge pothole on the ground.

Wang Ruyan took out the red dust flute and played it. A cheerful flute sounded, and the void shook and twisted slightly.

The succubus was extremely weak, and soon fell into an illusion, with dull eyes, sometimes laughing wildly, sometimes giggling.

The two soul-devouring golden cicadas took the opportunity to pounce on them and bit the succubus.

The succubus didn't feel the slightest bit, and was still laughing.

If it was in its heyday, the two fourth-order Soul Eater Jin Chan would not be the opponents of the succubus in the divine transformation stage at all, but the succubus is now very weak and has fallen into an illusion.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the succubus sent out that it was eaten by two soul-eating golden cicadas.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan could clearly feel that the sea of ​​consciousness poured into a wave of divine consciousness.

Wang Changsheng was overjoyed, and entered a magic formula into the Wangui Gourd. A shrill cry of ghosts and wolf howls sounded. Hundreds of ghosts flew out of the Wangui Gourd. There were more than 100 ghosts in the elixir stage, and more than ten ghosts in the Yuanying stage. , they are all very weak, their bodies are looming, and they are obviously seriously injured.

The two soul-devouring golden cicadas were like tigers entering the flock, spewing golden rays of light, covering the ghosts and rolling them back into their mouths.

After half an hour, the last two ghosts were devoured by two soul-devouring golden cicadas. The aura of the ten thousand ghost gourd was extremely dim, and the cracks on the surface were doubled.

After swallowing hundreds of ghosts, the two soul-eating golden cicadas became drowsy, as if they were overwhelmed.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's spiritual consciousness has grown a lot. If the two use the secret technique of joint attack, if the spiritual consciousness is superimposed, it will not be worse than the Great Perfection of God Transformation.

The eighteen Dinghaizhu are all heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures. At the same time, driving the eighteen Dinghaizhu will not only consume a lot of mana, but also the loss of spiritual consciousness.

"After swallowing so many ghosts, maybe they can be promoted to a small realm."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile, ghost spirits are nutrients for Soul Eater Jin Chan, but some of these nutrients are fed back to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"They only advanced not long ago, and they shouldn't advance so quickly. If they are allowed to devour a few ghosts of the spirit transformation stage, they may be able to advance. We have traveled for so long, so let's take a good rest!"

Wang Changsheng analyzed that he put away the Soul Eater Jin Chan and walked towards the blue attic not far away.

Wang Ruyan put away Soul Eater Jin Chan and followed.

The interior of the cyan attic is classically furnished, with several potted plants and several landscape paintings hanging on the walls.

Walking into the practice room, Wang Changsheng took out a variety of refining materials such as mirage beads, and planned to refine a celestial magic bead.

He got a lot of refining materials at the auction, and he was busy promoting Dinghaizhu to Tongtian Lingbao, and he didn't have time to refine the Sky Magic Pearl.

He opened his mouth and spewed out mysterious jade ice flames, wrapped in mirage beads, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.


Tianhai Building, ninth floor.

Chen Xin was reporting something to Cai Yunfeng. Cai Yunfeng was holding a cyan scroll in his hand. The painting was a thin old man in golden robe. bag.

"Uncle Cai, does the Five Elements really collude with aliens?"

Chen Xin asked curiously.

"The average husband is not guilty of guilt, he actually has half a page of Tianxu Jade Book, if he offers this thing to a cultivator in exchange for shelter, or if he doesn't show it easily, then it's fine, he is neither willing to hand it in, nor can he Blocking news is naturally unlucky."

Cai Yunfeng sneered, Wu Xingzi was born in a loose cultivator and knew a little about the art of refining. I don't know when his refining level has improved rapidly, and he has refined several powerful treasures one after another. The promotion, the establishment of a school, and the limelight are the same.

"Half-page Tianxu Jade Book? Didn't he say that he got part of the inheritance of the refining equipment from Xuanling Tianzun's dojo?"

Chen Xin wondered.

"Xuanling Tianzun's dojo is at least thousands of years old, and as many as tens of thousands of years. He has cultivated to the stage of spiritual transformation for nearly a thousand years. The last time Xuanling Tianzun's dojo appeared in the world was more than 10,000 years ago, and the location is not in Xuanling Continent at all. Taking a step back, even if Xuanling Tianzun's dojo appeared in a remote corner of Xuanling Continent, it would definitely attract the attention of major forces. We have not received the slightest bit of wind, and most of it is the news released by him himself. Why has his refining level improved so fast; secondly, it also makes other forces feel jealous."

Cai Yunfeng said disapprovingly.

Chen Xin suddenly realized, he remembered something, and asked curiously, "Uncle Cai, is he really in Fangshi? Wuxingzi's courage is too big!"

"This is called Darkness under the Light. There are many monks looking for the Five Elements, including many of them, but it is not easy to find the Five Elements. This guy has a treasure that can change his appearance and his aura, and even disguise himself. He is an alien, and ordinary Tongtian Lingbao can't find his true identity. If I were him, I would honestly hide in Fangshi to heal my wounds, and I would find a chance to leave after my wounds healed."

Cai Yunfeng analyzed what he remembered and added: "Go ahead and pay attention to the high-level monks of other races. If you find a suspicious target, let me know immediately. If you can get the Tianxu Jade Book, the head Uncle Shi will definitely be rewarded."

"Yes, Master Cai."

Chen Xin agreed, with a respectful expression.


A small and quiet courtyard, the courtyard is no more than a few acres, a pale white light curtain covers the entire courtyard, Hu Xiaotian sits next to a blue stone table, and there is a green animal skin on the stone table. The distribution map of Fang City, the location of each store is very clear.

"Damn old ghost, when the old man gets out of trouble, this account will be settled with you."

Hu Xiaotian muttered to himself, he put away the cyan animal skin and walked towards the cyan attic not far away.

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