Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1947: Li Yuqing, fiery eyes and golden pupils

Cai Yunfeng nodded and said solemnly: "Maybe he is the secret hand of Wuxingzi, or maybe he is the incarnation of Wuxingzi, Wuxingzi should be in the market, the most dangerous place is the safest place, keep an eye on him, pay attention his movements."

"Yes, Master Cai."

Chen Xin took the order and left, turned and left.

Cai Yunfeng flipped his hand and took out a light-blue magic plate, entered a magic formula, and said, "Fairy Sun, we found a person who is suspected to be the Five Elements, are you interested in joining forces?"

"Joining forces together? With the power of your Zhenhai Palace, Cai Daoyou is not sure to win the Five Elements?"

A pleasant female voice came from the blue Dharma plate.

"This is the site of Shenbingmen, not our Zhenhai Palace. Fairy Li has fiery eyes and golden pupils. She should be able to see the disguise of the Five Elements. I wonder what Fairy Li thinks?"

Cai Yunfeng's tone was heavy. The Li fairy in his mouth was from the Li family of Jinye Island. She had fiery eyes and golden pupils, and could see through most of the disguise. Unable to escape.

"Okay, it's a deal, destroying the Five Elements, I don't want Tianxu Yushu, I want the treasure on him, there's no problem!"

Cai Yunfeng was stunned at first, but quickly reacted and agreed happily.


A quiet red-tiled courtyard, with half an acre of fire cloud bamboo in the courtyard, and a red stone pavilion next to the bamboo forest, a graceful girl sitting on the stone bench, holding a red dharma plate in her hand, her face showing a stern look. Thoughtful expression.

The girl was wearing a red skirt with a slender waist wrapped around a sapphire belt. She had a sakura mouth and a beautiful nose, black hair like waterfalls, eyes like water, vermilion lips were rosy and conspicuous, and she was charming. She wore a pair of red jade bracelets on her hands. The aura flickered incessantly.

Li Yuqing, with fiery eyes and golden pupils, is in the middle stage of refining.

Behind her, stood a blue-skirted girl with a graceful face and a tall and straight-looking young man in a green shirt, both of whom were spiritual cultivators.

"Qi Gu, do you really want to give the Tianxu Jade Book to Zhenhai Palace? Tianxu Jade Book is not an ordinary thing. If we can get this thing, our Li family may be able to take it to the next level."

The girl in the blue dress said excitedly, with a look of longing on her face.

"Our Li family's strength is far inferior to Zhenhai Palace. The Tianxu Jade Book is a dead thing, and getting the Tianxu Jade Book will not allow our Li family to add a few more cultivators immediately, it will only cause unnecessary trouble, the most important thing. One point, too many forces are staring at the Tianxu Jade Book in the hands of Wuxingzi, otherwise how could I easily give it to the people of Zhenhai Palace."

Li Yuqing said slowly, her eyes solemn.

"The seventh aunt thinks long-term, and my nephew admires it."

The blue-shirted youth nodded in agreement.

"Don't be flattering, this time is a great opportunity for you to practice. It's definitely not only us who are eyeing the Five Elements, but maybe other forces are also eyeing the Five Elements. If it really starts, it will definitely be a fierce battle. One of the reasons for the virtual jade book."

Li Yuqing's voice was heavy.

"Qi Gu, do you think the Five Elements would really collude with aliens? There are quite a few aliens here."

The blue-shirted youth asked curiously.

"I don't rule out this possibility. Maybe you have to fight against aliens. Be careful, don't be careless. The aliens who dare to appear in the market are not idle people."

Li Yuqing warned.

The girl in the blue dress and the young man in the blue shirt even claimed that they were, and they agreed,


In a secluded courtyard, Hu Xiaotian is sitting in the stone pavilion, holding a round mirror with aura in his hand. On the mirror is a middle-aged man with a round face and big eyes. There are more than a dozen eyeballs on his face. , obviously a multi-eye monk.

"Friend Hu, no, you should be called Daoyou Liu. Do you really think your actions are very secretive? Didn't you find some strangers near your residence?"

The middle-aged man said meaningfully.

Hu Xiaotian's face changed, and he frowned and said, "What fellow Daoist Liu? You've identified the wrong person."

"I hope to admit my mistake. When the people from the Shenbingmen come to the door, tell them to go! Your body is healing! If you don't want to die, leave Fangshi immediately, we will protect you, if you are willing to join our multi-eye clan , will definitely be reused by us, if you don't want to join our multi-eye clan, it doesn't matter, hand over the Tianxu Jade Book, we can give you a generous reward and let you leave this place safely."

The middle-aged man's voice was full of temptation.

Hu Xiaotian was a little moved, pondered for a moment, and said, "I'll think about it, think about it, and then contact you."

After saying this, the mirror dimmed.


Half a month passed quickly.

Wang Changsheng walked out of the basement with a relaxed expression.

He successfully repaired Wu Yong's treasure and planned to trade with Wu Yong in the past.

A dazzling light flashed on his chest, and after a blur, Wang Changsheng turned into a fat middle-aged man.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng appeared in the private room of a tea house, ordered a pot of spirit tea, and waited quietly.

Not long after, Wu Yong pushed in the door.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, how is it? Has it been repaired?"

Wu Yong asked nervously.

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan jade box, handed it to Wu Yong, and said, "Fortunately, it has not been humiliated, it has been repaired."

Wu Yong opened the jade box and saw that there were two round beads of cyan light in it. He punched a magic formula, and the two cyan **** flew up immediately, flying around him non-stop, and suddenly turned into a condensate. A thick cyan light curtain covered his whole body.

As soon as he closed the magic trick, the cyan light curtain disappeared, and two cyan **** landed on his hand.

He took out a cyan storage ring and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng checked it carefully, nodded, and accepted it.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, leave your contact information! If you get good refining materials in the future, please give priority to the next one, and the price is good to discuss."

Wang Changsheng suggested.

Wu Yong thought about it for a while, agreed, and took out a silver dharma plate that was sparkling with inspiration. Wang Changsheng took out a blue-light dazzling Dharma plate. The two entered a magic formula. Disk is gone.

The blue Dharma plate suddenly brightened, Wang Changsheng gestured for a while, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Fellow Daoist Wu, I have something to deal with, so I'll take my leave."

After Wang Changsheng said this, he left in a hurry.

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Changsheng appeared on the ninth floor of the Tianhai Building. He had recovered his true appearance. The seven cultivators, including Wang Ruyan, Chen Xin, and Lu Guanghong, stood in line with respectful expressions.

In addition to Cai Yunfeng, there was also an old man in his fifties. The old man was wearing a blue Taoist robe and carrying a blue wooden sword. His expression was lazy. Judging by the fluctuation of his mana, he was a middle-stage cultivator.

"Uncle Cai."

Wang Changsheng bowed and stood to the side honestly.

Chen Xin suddenly informed him that there was an urgent task and asked him to come to Tianhai Tower immediately.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Junior Brother Zhao. You are going to carry out an urgent mission with us. This mission is very important to our Zhenhai Palace. It can only be successful and not allowed to fail, you know?"

Cai Yunfeng's eyes are Yes, Master Cai. "

Wang Changsheng and the others agreed in unison. Except for Chen Xin, the other cultivators were confused.

The old man in green robe took out a blue porcelain bottle, poured out a pale golden pill and swallowed it. After a dazzling golden light lit up on his face, his facial features changed.

Cai Yunfeng followed suit and changed his appearance.

Wuxingzi is proficient in refining weapons, and ordinary disguise techniques cannot be concealed from Wuxingzi.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Cai Yunfeng waved his sleeves and took Wang Changsheng and others away from the Tianhai Building. After leaving the Tianhai Building, they dispersed and walked outside Fangshi.

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