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Chapter 1948: Experts gather to compete for Tianxu Jade Book

The team of Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Chen Xin, Wang Changsheng was confused, he didn't know what the specific task was.

Cai Yunfeng refused to say it clearly, asking Chen Xin was no use, and it was estimated that it was a very important task.

At the exit of Fangshi, a hunchbacked old man in green robe left Fangshi in a hurry, followed by a middle-aged man with ordinary facial features, who did not attract the attention of other monks.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng and others to leave Fang City one after another.

There were four more men and two women beside Cai Yunfeng. The leader was a girl in a green skirt with picturesque features, and a tall and tall young man in a golden shirt stood beside the girl in a green skirt. Both of them were cultivators.

Cai Yunfeng is going to change his face and dispatch four cultivators and more than a dozen cultivators. It seems that this task is extraordinary.

With a flick of his sleeve, a azure light flew out. It was a quadrilateral beast car with a simple and simple shape.

"Come up!"

Cai Yunfeng greeted him and walked up, followed by the others.

Cai Yunfeng entered a magic formula, and the handcart from the four directions suddenly released a blue light, turned into a blue light, and flew high into the sky at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as they left their front feet, a burly old man in purple robes with eyes like copper bells and a plump young woman in a red dress walked out of the market. They all had cultivation in the late stage of virtual refining.

"Chase, absolutely can't let them escape."

The old man in the purple robe and the young woman in the red dress looked at each other, and the two turned into two rays of light, flew high into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Tens of thousands of miles away, a red light quickly cut through the sky, followed by a cyan light that was far away.

The red light was a flying shuttle with red light. An old man in green robe with a somewhat hunchback and Hu Xiaotian stood on the red flying shuttle, their eyes were heavy.

Half a day later, the red flying shuttle appeared in an endless blue sea. There was no cloud in the sky, the wind was calm, and the breeze was blowing. Not far away, there was a small island with a radius of 100 miles.

A black escaping light suddenly flew from the island, blocking the way of the old man in green robe and Hu Xiaotian.

The black escape light is a bear-headed orc clan, with a burly stature, thick hands and feet, and a black mane all over his body.

"What do you mean by this?"

The old man in green robe frowned, his expression indifferent.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, I don't want to embarrass you, hand over the Tianxu Jade Book, and you can leave."

The orcs' tone was calm, and their eyes were fixed on the old man in green robe.

"It's just you? Do you really think that the old man is made of mud?"

The blue-robed old man's expression turned cold, his face full of murderous aura.

With a flick of his sleeves, five gleaming Lingqi flags flew out, each hitting a magic formula. The five Lingqi flags suddenly burst into a flash of light, and instantly grew to more than ten feet long, flying around the old man in green robes. , flashes of light.

The colors of the five-faced flags are different, exuding aura fluctuations of different attributes. Upon careful observation, the flagpoles of the five-faced flags have several small cracks.

Each of the Five Elements Flags is a mid-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

There was a bit of jealousy in the eyes of the orcs, the dog would jump over the wall when forced, not to mention Wu Xingzi, who really tore his face, he may not be able to win Wu Xingzi.

"Don't get me wrong, Fellow Daoist Liu, there is no other meaning here, let's make an exchange!"

He took out a green storage ring and threw it to the old man in green robe.

The old man in green robe swept away his consciousness, frowned, and sneered: "Just because of these things, you want to send me away?"

At this moment, a cyan light flew from a distance. It didn't take long for the cyan light to stop, and it was a huge gourd with blue light flickering constantly. More than a dozen multi-eyed people stood on the huge gourd. , headed by a middle-aged man with a round face and big eyes. There are more than a dozen eyes on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, what I told you before is still valid. This is my sincerity."

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the old man in green robe.

With a flick of his sleeve, a golden storage ring flew out and flew towards the green-robed old man.

The old man in green robe caught the golden storage ring, his consciousness swept away, and a satisfied expression appeared on his face. He turned his hand and took out a azure-glowing jade box. With a flick of his wrist, the cyan jade box flew towards the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked happy and was about to pick it up.

Ripples suddenly swayed in the void, and a large green hand with a size of several hundred meters appeared out of thin air, grabbing towards the blue jade box like a moon fishing in the sea.

The middle-aged man snorted lightly, a certain eyeball on his face flashed, and a golden glow flew out, covering the big cyan hand, and the big cyan hand seemed to be fixed and stopped.


With a loud bang, the big blue hand suddenly burst open, and a powerful air wave erupted.

The cyan jade box was crushed by the powerful air wave, and half a page of silver glittering jade pages flew out. The surface of the page was covered with mysterious characters, which were distorted and deformed like living things.

"Tianxu Yushu!"

The eyes of the middle-aged man and the others were fiery, their eyes fixed on the silver pages.

The Tianxu Jade Book is said to come from the Immortal Realm, and the recorded contents are all-encompassing, including the secrets of the practice, the refining of weapons, and alchemy. , In less than ten thousand years, it has developed into one of the best clans, and the desolate loose cultivator has obtained the Tianxu Jade Book, and his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. There are too many legends about the Tianxu Jade Book, but not many people have seen the real thing.

One thing is certain, Tianxu Jade Book does come from the fairy world, and it is said that Tianxu Jade Book even has the refining method of Xuantian Treasure.

Every time Tianxu Yushu appeared in the world, it would cause a **** storm.

The orcs roared in the sky, a powerful suction emerged out of thin air, and Tianxu Yushu flew towards him uncontrollably.

The middle-aged man naturally refused, flicking his wrist, a blue light flew out, and suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a blue light suddenly appeared on the top of Tianxu Yushu's head.

The old man in green robe pinched the magic trick, and the red flying shuttle under him soared and flew towards the sky.

Both sides ignored the old man in green robe and were busy competing for the Heavenly Void Jade Book.

A cyan escaping light appeared in the distant sky. Not long after, the cyan escaping light stopped, and it was a four-sided beast car.

Wang Changsheng and others stood on it with a solemn expression.

"Tianxu Yushu!"

Cai Yunfeng exclaimed and looked excited.

Wang Changsheng heard the words "Tianxu Jade Book", and his eyes flashed with surprise. He naturally heard of Tianxu Jade Book. Tianxu Jade Book appeared earlier than Xuanling Tianzun, and there were even rumors that Xuanling Tianzun obtained several pages of the Tianxu Jade Book, and it was only in ten thousand years that he went from spiritual transformation to the Mahayana period.

Two groups of alien races are competing for the Heaven Void Jade Book, and the Void Refining Cultivator is the main force.

"The human monks are here, let's deal with the human monks first!"

The middle-aged man said, pulling hard, the blue net pocket quickly shrank, and the Tianxu Yushu was withdrawn from his sleeve and disappeared.

The orcs frowned, acquiescing.


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