Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1949: The power of the law

There are four Void Refinement cultivators and more than ten Spirit Transformation cultivators in the alien race, and the human race is almost the same.

The mane on the surface of the orc race skyrocketed, like black steel needles inserted into the body, and the facial features were extremely ferocious, like a human-shaped beast.


A deafening beast roar sounded, and the calm sea suddenly rolled violently, setting off tornadoes of water waves hundreds of feet high, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and others.

Before the water wave tornado approached, a strong gang wind rushed towards them, Wang Changsheng and others' clothes were swaying, their hair fluttered in the wind, and the air was tight.

Cai Yunfeng and the four cultivators nodded their heads. They didn't talk nonsense, they directly sacrificed their magic weapons and attacked the alien race.

Cai Yunfeng flipped his palm, blue light flashed, a dagger with water vapor appeared in his hand, slashed towards the void, a piercing sword sound rang out, and a blue long rainbow swept out, facing the opposite side.


After a loud noise, the dense tornado of water waves was cut into two halves by the blue Changhong like paper paste. , a large area of ​​seawater turned blood red.

The aliens were scattered and divided into two. Each group had two cultivators who fled in different directions.

"Chase, can't let them run away."

Cai Yunfeng waved his sleeves and led the disciples of Zhenhai Palace to chase the middle-aged man.

The girl in the blue skirt led someone to pursue another group of aliens, and the two sides soon disappeared into the sky, as if they had never appeared.

An hour later, Cai Yunfeng and the others had not caught up with the alien race.

"Senior Brother Cai, I'll block them, absolutely can't let them escape."

After the old man in the green robe finished speaking, his body was full of blue light, and his body was shriveled. Like an indestructible sword, he flew forward at an extremely fast speed.

"Turn your body into a sword!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise. This magical power is somewhat similar to the unity of the human and the sword. The difference is that the power of the body-incarnated sword is completely determined by the cultivation of the immortal cultivator, while the unity of the human and the sword both values ​​the immortal cultivator himself. The cultivation base also values ​​the rank of the flying sword. The body-incarnated sword is more powerful than the divine sword, and it has higher requirements for the cultivation of immortals.

The middle-aged man seemed to notice something, turned his head and glanced behind him, and saw a cyan escaping light flying towards him. And go.

The cyan escape light rose sharply, bursting with dazzling blue light, and the golden light was smashed by the cyan escape light like paper paste.

"You go first, and you must send Tianxu Yushu back to the clan."

The middle-aged man exhorted and pinched the magic trick, countless mysterious spiritual patterns lit up on his body, the void above his head violently distorted and deformed, and there was a muffled "humming" sound, and a human-shaped phantom more than 100 feet tall showed no signs. appeared above the middle-aged man's head.

The phantom of the human figure is looming, the facial features are blurred, and there are more than ten looming eyeballs on the body, which is obviously a multi-eyed family.


Wang Changsheng's face condensed. This was the first time he had seen the dharma. Only a cultivator could condense the dharma.

The human-shaped phantom made a strange roar, and more than ten eyeballs swelled with aura, each spurting a thick beam of light, and a dozen beams of light flew in, blocking Wang Changsheng and others' retreat.

More than a dozen beams of light of different colors. Wherever they passed, there was a piercing sound of breaking the air. The void was distorted and deformed, and it seemed to be torn apart. , which made people tremble.

Wang Changsheng and other god-transforming cultivators tightened their faces, and it was no small matter for the cultivators to attack them using the law.

The aura of the cyan escaped light rose again and disappeared.

"It is not easy to condense the law, especially your multi-eyed family. There are only a few kinds of things suitable for condensing the law. Your law looks like it will collapse at any time. How much power can you exert?"

Cai Yunfeng sneered and said, when the magic trick was pinched, the blue light on the body surface was released, and there was a muffled sound of "humming" in the void above his head, the void oscillated and distorted, and countless blue water vapors emerged. The tall human-shaped phantom, the phantom's facial features are obvious, the upper body is covered with a layer of blue light, and the lower body is looming.

Cai Yunfeng made a pinch gesture, and the humanoid phantom followed suit.

An astonishing scene appeared. The calm sea surface was like boiling water, rolling violently, setting off one after another huge waves, like blue water mountains, standing on the sea surface.

More than a dozen beams of light hit the sky-shattering giant waves, and the sky-shattering giant waves were torn and smashed. generally.

When Cai Yunfeng's tactic changed, so did the phantom's tactic.

With them as the center, the sea water with a radius of 50,000 miles tumbled violently, turned rapidly, forming a huge vortex, and at the same time generated a strong air flow, and there were bursts of harsh air breaking sounds from the void, twisting and deforming like folds, wind and clouds. Rewinding, the sky and the earth changed color, dozens of small islands could not bear this powerful airflow, and directly turned into powder.

A large number of low-level monsters were directly turned into a pile of minced meat, and the spirits could not escape.

The body of the alien swayed from side to side, as if it was about to fall into a huge vortex.

Cai Yunfeng lightly tapped his two fingers, and the speed of the vortex increased greatly. The void seemed to be torn apart, shaking violently.

After a strange roar, the multi-eye clan dharma phase suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

The dharma aspect was broken, the middle-aged man opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, his face paled, the two men's cultivations were not much different, but the degree of condensedness of the dharma aspect was quite different, and once they fought, they were able to distinguish themselves.

Wang Changsheng's face was full of shock, and he secretly said in his heart: "Is this the power of the Dharma? If the Tongtian Lingbao is used, the power will be even greater!"

Cai Yunfeng is obviously cultivating the Water Element Cultivation Technique, and using the magical powers to use the magical greatly increases the power, this is the real supernatural power, even if the Tongtian Lingbao is not used, the power should not be underestimated.

The two alien races in the god-transforming stage fell uncontrollably toward the huge vortex, and their bodies flashed with aura. In front of the huge vortex, their defenses were like paper paste, instantly shattered, and the two of them turned into a large rain of blood and merged into the huge vortex. In the whirlpool, even Nascent Soul could not escape.

The middle-aged man's face sank, and a blue eyeball between his eyebrows suddenly brightened, bursting with dazzling blue rays, illuminating a large area.

Seeing the blue glow, Wang Changsheng and the others felt dizzy and could not stand still.

Cai Yunfeng's eyes were also dull, and the huge vortex on the sea also disappeared. A large piece of sea water was dyed red, and the wind was calm, as if nothing had happened.

Taking this opportunity, the aliens were divided into two groups.

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