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Chapter 1950: Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan vs Duomu

After a while, Cai Yunfeng and the others regained consciousness, and the alien race was gone.

"Chase, absolutely can't let them escape."

Cai Yunfeng waved his sleeves and pinched the magic trick, the flying boat under him soared and chased after him.

In less than an hour, they caught up with the Duomu clan.

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the five multi-eyed clans of the God Transformation stage fled in different directions.

"You go to deal with those alien races in the God Transformation period, you must not let them escape, I will stay to deal with this person."

Cai Yunfeng instructed that he didn't know who owns the Tianxu Jade Book, and if the other party handed the Tianxu Jade Book to the subordinates of the God Transformation Stage to bring it back, then they would be busy working in vain.

"Be careful, the multi-eyed clan's magical powers are not weak, don't deal with them close-up, the multi-eyed clan's eyes have different magical powers, which should not be underestimated."

Cai Yunfeng urged,

"Yes, Master Cai."

The monks agreed in unison, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into a blue light of escape, chasing after the two alien races in the spirit-transforming stage.

After chasing one million miles away, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were hundreds of miles away from the two multi-eyed clans.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan glanced at each other, their bodies lit up with a dazzling blue light at the same time, and their escaped light soared.

Two aliens, a big man in red with rough facial features, a dozen eyes on his head, blinking and closing, looking very strange, in the late stage of spiritual transformation, a graceful young woman in blue dress with four eyes on her face. Eyeballs, the middle stage of God Transformation.

"Damn, they are catching up, and they dare to chase and kill us in the early and middle stage of God Transformation. Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

The big man in red sneered, his face full of murderous intent.

"The human race should not be underestimated. Forget it, first withdraw to the clan."

The young woman in the blue dress persuaded.

The red-clothed man nodded, turned his head to look behind him, and saw the blue light that was getting closer and closer behind him. Go straight to the blue light.

Where the two red firelights passed, there was a harsh roar from the void, and a large amount of seawater evaporated.

Wang Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, and with a flick of his right hand, nine Dinghaizhu flew out and disappeared into the seabed.

As soon as he pinched the magic trick, the sea surface rolled violently, setting off a huge blue wave that was thousands of feet high and more than a hundred feet thick, lying in front of him.

Two crimson fires hit the blue giant waves, and the blue giant waves swayed with ripples, bursts of white smoke, and thick smoke billowing.

With a loud bang, the sea surface burst open, and nine blue water dragons with a length of 100 zhang drilled out from the bottom of the sea and went straight to the two multi-eyed clans.

Before the nine blue water dragons could get close, a gust of wind rushed towards them. The red-clothed man and the blue-skirted young woman felt their bodies tighten, and it became difficult to breathe.

The supernatural powers of the multi-eyes mainly rely on their eyes. The more eyes the multi-eyes have, the stronger their strength, but the shortcomings of the multi-eyes are also obvious. As long as their eyes are destroyed, their supernatural powers will be weakened by most.

The young woman in the blue dress felt the astonishing aura of the nine blue water dragons, and did not dare to be careless. She turned her jade hand over, and a blue eyeball appeared on her hand, and the rune flashed.

With a flick of her wrist, her blue eyeballs came out of her hands and entered a magic trick. The blue eyeballs suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light, covering an area for several kilometers.

The nine blue water dragons touched the blue light, as if they were fixed, floating in mid-air motionless.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, nine blue water dragons burst open one after another, turning into countless blue water blades, scrambling to slash at the red-clothed man and the blue-skirted young woman, with the stance of smashing them into flesh.

The blue rays of light were like thin paper, smashed by the dense blue water blades. Seeing that the dense blue water blades were about to hit the red-clothed man and the blue-skirted young woman, the red-clothed man sacrificed a scarlet The **** entered a magic formula. The red **** spun around and raging flames emerged. The temperature nearby suddenly rose. As soon as the dense blue water blades approached the red balls, they collapsed and disappeared like the snow melting in the spring. .

The man in the red shirt changed the magic formula, the red ball suddenly brightened, the nearby flames rolled suddenly, a deafening dragon roar sounded, and a red fire dragon with a length of 100 meters appeared out of thin air, the red fire dragon opened its **** mouth and swallowed it. The red ball was caught, the surface of the body was full of fire, and the red fire dragon circled and rushed towards Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and smashed his right hand towards the sea water below, a harsh sound of breaking the air came from the void, a strong wind emerged out of nowhere, and a huge wave suddenly set off on the sea, turning into a giant hundreds of feet in size. blue fist shadow.

With a loud noise, the blue boxing shadow was torn apart by the red fire dragon, and the red fire dragon rushed towards Wang Changsheng with an astonishing heat wave.

At this moment, ripples suddenly swayed on the sea surface, and a huge vortex with a diameter of 10,000 miles suddenly appeared on the sea surface.

The body of the Scarlet Fire Flood swayed left and right, roaring one after another, and the body fell uncontrollably toward the huge vortex.

The red-clothed man frowned and urged the magic trick. The red dragon made a dragon roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth. The fire on his body rose, but it was useless. Countless thick blue chains flew out from the huge vortex, entangling them. Lived the body of the red dragon and pulled it into a huge vortex.

The huge body of the Scarlet Flood Dragon sank into the huge vortex, and a terrifying roar came out, and the body was smashed by the powerful airflow, revealing a red shining ball.

The red ball didn't support it for a moment, and it was suddenly crushed by the powerful airflow and turned into countless tiny crystals.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ru's cigarette butts swayed with ripples like water ripples, a golden light flashed, a golden eyeball appeared out of thin air, and the golden eyeball rune flashed and turned endlessly, like a living thing.

The golden eyeballs rolled around, spewing out a golden covering Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, the two felt their bodies tighten, and the nearby void was imprisoned, unable to move.

The big man in red was instantly overjoyed, he raised his right hand, and there was a red eyeball in his palm, which opened and closed, like a living thing.

The young woman in the blue dress raised her right hand, with a blue eyeball in her palm, which blinked and closed.

A dazzling aura lit up on their bodies, and their right hands were aimed at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

With a flash of inspiration, a red light and a blue light flew out from the eyes of their palms, merged into one, and turned into a blue and red light beam, which went straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The two-color beam of light quickly swept through the void, and there was a piercing sound that pierced the eardrums.

Wang Changsheng's body surface glowed with blue light, and there was a "crackling" sound of bones in his body, and his body rose a lot.

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