Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1951: Dinghaizhu small test knife

Wang Changsheng's arms suddenly became thicker, the blue veins were exposed, the blood vessels under the skin could be clearly seen, and the nearby void was twisted and deformed.


There was a loud noise, and the golden glow shattered like a mirror, and disappeared into little golden light.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and a blood-colored gourd the size of a slap flew out. There was a blood-colored toad on the surface of the gourd. When he punched in a magic formula, the blood-colored toad was bright, and a blood-colored gravel flew out. The mysterious and incomprehensible rune went straight to the golden eyeball.

Naturally, the red-clothed man would not sit back and watch, so he had to move his golden eyes to avoid it. At this critical moment, a muffled sound came into his ears, and an unbearable pain came from the sea of ​​​​knowledge, as if someone was taking advantage of it. The spikes hit his head.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is a relatively vulnerable place for immortal cultivators. Without special treasures to defend themselves, they are naturally unable to parry when attacked by divine consciousness.

The red-clothed man's facial features were distorted, and his face showed pain.

Taking this opportunity, the blood-colored sand covered the golden eyeballs and wrapped it into a huge blood-colored sand ball.

The blood toad gourd is made from the poisonous blood and blood soul sand of the fifth-order blood toad beast.

At this time, the two-color beam of light also arrived in front of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and it was about to pierce through their bodies.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's bodies lit up with a dazzling blue light, and a spherical blue light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering them, it was Shuiyue Xuanguang.

They modified the exercises, but the magical powers they had mastered could still be used.

The two-color beam of light hit the Shuiyue Xuanguang, and the Shuiyue Xuanguang sank immediately, but soon, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan’s body surface aura soared, and the Shuiyue Xuanguang returned to normal. The big man in red and the young woman in blue skirt left.

"Kuishui Shenguang? Are you the core disciples of Zhenhai Palace?"

The red-clothed man was surprised, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes.

There are not many core disciples in Zhenhai Palace. Generally speaking, the core disciples are those who practice Zhenzong Gongfa. If the core disciples do not grow to a certain level, they will not be released easily. This is rare.

In addition to his surprise, he was also a little excited. The higher the identities of these two people, the greater the credit for killing them.

When his tactic changed, the blood-colored sand ball suddenly shot out dozens of golden rays, pierced the blood-colored sand ball, and went straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

After a few muffled noises, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan suddenly disappeared into a flash of light.


The young woman in the blue dress frowned, her eyes flashing brightly, and she looked around.

In the void several miles away, there are two looming shadows.

With a flash of inspiration, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan suddenly appeared.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was reminded, countless blood-colored runes lit up on the surface of the blood-colored sand ball, and a blood-colored flame emerged. The golden light slowly dimmed, and soon disappeared.

Wang Changsheng's tactic changed, the speed of the huge vortex increased greatly, the airflow suddenly increased, and the void was twisted and deformed like a fold, which seemed to be unbearable, and looked like it was about to collapse.

More than a dozen fourth-order demon birds flew through the sky, were sucked into the huge vortex by the powerful airflow, and were directly crushed into a rain of blood, and the spirits could not escape.

The brows of the blue-skirted young woman wrinkled, the magic formula changed, and the blue eyeballs on the top of her head suddenly rose, bursting with ten thousand rays of light, covering the sea surface with a radius of 100 miles, the huge vortex seemed to be fixed and stopped turning.

The red-clothed man and the blue-skirted young woman's body suddenly increased in aura, and they merged together to become a conjoined baby.

The eyeballs on their faces shone brightly, bursting with beams of light of various colors, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng was not in a hurry, his sleeves flicked, Xuanyue Shield flew out, and entered a magic trick, Xuanyue Shield instantly swelled and blocked in front of him.

Dozens of beams of light hit the Xuanyue Shield one after another, and there was a muffled sound.

The red-clothed man frowned, countless mysterious spiritual patterns appeared on his body, his abdomen suddenly lit up with a dazzling red light, a red-gold eyeball appeared out of nowhere, and his face paled, as if he was using some kind of secret technique.

The red-golden eyes rolled endlessly, and a thick red-golden flame suddenly shot out, hitting the sky with a monstrous heat wave.

Where the red-golden flames passed, the void distorted, a large amount of seawater evaporated, and white mist billowed.


The red-golden flame hit the Xuanyue Shield, turning into a red-golden flame, covering the Xuanyue Shield, and the temperature rose sharply.

Even though they were shielded by the spiritual light, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan still felt dry mouth and a tingling pain came from their skin.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, his aura suddenly soared, from the middle stage of divine transformation to the late stage of divine transformation, Wang Ruyan's aura shriveled, his sleeves flicked, and nine Dinghaizhu with aura of aura flew out, submerged in the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

The eyes of the young woman in the blue dress shined brightly, and when she looked towards the bottom of the sea, she could clearly see eighteen **** with sparkling aura, with astonishing aura.

"A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao! Why are there so many?"

The young woman in the blue dress was taken aback, and her face changed greatly.

A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao, the more the number, the greater the power, but the consumption of mana and consciousness is also greater.

A deafening tsunami sounded, the blue rays of light were torn apart, and the void made a "humming" sound. The bodies of the two quickly flew towards the huge vortex, and they were about to be submerged by the huge vortex.

A stern look flashed in the beautiful eyes of the young woman in the blue dress, and countless mysterious runes suddenly appeared in the palm of her left hand. Six light blue eyeballs suddenly appeared in the palm of her hand. Eyeballs are all low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

The eyes of the multi-eyes have various magical powers. After the death of the high-level multi-eyes, the descendants will use the eyeballs of the predecessors to refine tools, and even refine them into their own bodies for their own use.

The six blue eyeballs suddenly rose in aura, spewing out a light blue glow, covering the huge vortex below.

The huge vortex was exposed to the blue glow and froze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, and the magic trick was urged, and eighteen dazzling blue lights suddenly shot out from the bottom of the sea. The ice layer shattered instantly, the vortex reappeared, the suction increased greatly, and the void made a "humming" sound, as if it was about to collapse.

The red-clothed man and the blue-skirted young woman felt that it became difficult to breathe, the blood in their bodies surged, and a strong gravity seemed to crush their bodies.


The two let out a desperate cry, and their bodies flew towards the huge vortex uncontrollably.


Two earth-shattering loud noises and two dazzling auras enveloped the area for hundreds of miles, and the air was surging.

Two mini Nascent Souls flew out and flew in different directions.

Wang Changsheng had a natural advantage in fighting at sea, and when the tactics changed, he shouted softly, "Stop!"

The huge vortex stopped rotating, and the two mini-young infants seemed to be immobilized and unable to move.

The two blue light went straight to the two mini Nascent Souls, and one of the mini Nascent Souls showed a stern expression, and after making a strange cry, it suddenly burst open.

He didn't want to fall into Wang Changsheng's hands, so he quickly exposed himself.

The other mini Nascent Soul was about to follow suit when a muffled sound rang out, the mini Nascent Soul stagnates, and the reaction is half a beat.

A blue-light glittering talisman fell from the and stuck it on the Mini Yuan Ying.

The breath of the Mini Yuanying was sluggish, and it looked listless.

Wang Changsheng let out a sigh of relief, these two people's supernatural powers are not small, but in front of the eighteen Dinghaizhu, they are not opponents at all.

If it weren't for the fact that he was afraid of the multi-eyed clan's psychic eyesight and did not dare to attack at close range, he might have obtained a few powerful eyeballs.

The two multi-eyes revealed that even the storage ring was destroyed, and there were not many valuables. Fortunately, they captured one person alive, and it was a great achievement to bring it back.

Wang Ruyan's sleeves flicked, and a blue glow swept out, covering the mini Nascent Soul, and the income sleeves disappeared.

Wang Changsheng put away the belongings of Dinghaizhu and the enemy, and left the place with Wang Ruyan.

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