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Chapter 1952: The Secret of Tianxu Yushu (Happy National Day)

More than an hour later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan returned to Cai Yunfeng's side. Cai Yunfeng's face was slightly pale, and there were some brown bloodstains on the corners of his mouth. The sea water for tens of thousands of miles turned blood red, and a large number of corpses of monsters floated on the sea, like a human world. Purgatory in general.

"Uncle Cai, are you alright!"

Wang Changsheng's face showed concern.

"I'm fine, how is it, you caught up with the enemy?"

Cai Yunfeng asked.

"We killed one person, captured one's Nascent Soul, and the other exposed himself."

Wang Changsheng said truthfully.

Wang Ruyan flipped his palm, a flash of inspiration, and a beautiful blue jade box appeared in his hand.

Cai Yunfeng put away the blue jade box, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You have done a good job, and you will be credited for this matter."

"Uncle Cai, where is that alien!"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, Cai Yunfeng's dharma image broke the enemy's dharma image in a single encounter. Could it be that the enemy escaped?

"This person has the magic eye of breaking the virtual. If it wasn't for my quick reaction, I would have been killed by the magic of breaking the virtual."

Cai Yunfeng said at the end with a lingering expression on his face.

"Okay, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time, reinforcements from alien races may arrive at any time, join others, let's go back!"

Cai Yunfeng instructed to wait quietly.

More than an hour later, Chen Xin and Lu Guanghong came back. They were disgraced and disheveled and looked a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter? What about the others!"

Cai Yunfeng had an ominous premonition and asked with a frown.

"Junior Brother Li died at the hands of the Duomu clan, and Junior Sister Yang's body was destroyed, leaving only Nascent Soul."

Chen Xin's mouth was full of bitterness. He explained the story in detail. They chased the alien race and fought fiercely with the alien race, each with casualties.

One of the disciples of Zhenhai Palace died, one of them was physically destroyed, one of the Duomu tribe died, and many others were injured.

In contrast, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan have achieved much more, not everyone has 18 Ding Haizhu like Wang Changsheng.

Cai Yunfeng frowned and said, "Let's go! Let's go back first, I hope Junior Brother Zhao succeeds."

The five of them turned into five escape lights and left this place.

After half a day, Wang Changsheng and the five returned to Jinchan Island. They did not return to Tianhailou, but came to a secluded courtyard.

"Today's affairs are not allowed to be leaked. This matter is a top secret, especially about the existence of Tianxu Yushu, do you know?"

Cai Yunfeng ordered, with a solemn expression.

"Yes, Master Cai."

The four Wang Changsheng agreed in unison.

"Nephew Wang and Nephew Wang performed well. They killed a god-turning multi-eye clan and captured a Nascent Soul. I will report it to you for credit."

Cai Yunfeng's eyes fell on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, with expressions of approval.

"Thank you, Uncle Cai."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan repeatedly claimed their thanks, with happy expressions on their faces.

For the same credit, if an elder speaks for them, the weight is naturally different.

"Uncle Cai, why didn't the Five Elements copy the contents of the Tianxu Jade Book and hand it over to the big forces, so it won't affect it!"

Chen Xin asked curiously, the disciples of Zhenhai Palace got the secret manuals, they could get a sum of good deeds by handing them over to Zhenhai Palace, and they could also copy them to check for themselves, without any delay.

The three Wang Changsheng were also full of curiosity. They didn't know much about the Tianxu Jade Book. It was said that the Tianxu Jade Book came from the immortal world and recorded the secrets of the magic powers, that's all.

"Tianxu Jade Book is from the Immortal World. It is recorded in Immortal World and has strong restrictions. It is not easy to comprehend the contents of the Tianxu Jade Book. The recorded content is different, and the accompanying restrictions are also different. If he guessed wrong, Wu Xingzi only saw part of the content, and part of the content did not comprehend, so he did not submit it. If he knew all the content, he would directly copy a copy and put the Tianxu Jade Book on the cultivator in exchange for shelter. ."

Cai Yunfeng explained.

"The contents of the records are different, and the accompanying prohibitions are also different?"

Surprise flashed across Wang Changsheng's eyes, but this was new.

Cai Yunfeng nodded and said, "That's right, you should know about the Xuanling Tianqi!"

"Of course, the Xuanling Huatian Banner is a treasure of Xuantian, but I heard that it is a defective product."

Wang Changsheng was full of curiosity.

"Fifty thousand years ago, the Xuanqing Sect obtained a complete page of Tianxu Jade Book from the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun, which recorded the refining methods of several Xuantian treasures, but the Xuanqing Sect was unable to comprehend all the contents, plus the materials. However, with this treasure in hand, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary Mahayana monks.”

Cai Yunfeng explained.

Chen Xin hesitated for a moment and asked, "Uncle Cai, do we have a celestial jade book in Zhenhai Palace?"

"I don't know, maybe there is, maybe not."

Cai Yunfeng said vaguely, he really didn't know that the Xuanqing faction obtained a complete page of the Heavenly Void Jade Book and refined the Mysterious Spiritualized Heavenly Flag. Even if there are many flaws, it is not something that Tongtianlingbao can compare with, and the Xuanqing faction is also because of this. The strength has greatly increased, and many high-level aliens have been damaged on this treasure. The outside world just thought that the high-level monks of the Xuanqing faction had great powers. It was not until the Mahayana monks appeared in the Xuanqing faction that the news of this treasure came out. Before that, the outside world had He didn't even know that the Xuanqing faction had a treasure of Xuantian.

With the preciousness of the Tianxu Jade Book, even if Zhenhai Palace gets the Tianxu Jade Book, it will not make a statement. It is the truth to make a fortune in silence.

"It's a pity that the alien race robbed the Tianxu Jade Book. Wuxingzi is really a scum of the human race. I would rather give it to the alien race than the human race."

Chen Xin said viciously, the Five Elements are the enemy of capital.

If the half-page Tianxu Jade Book records the general content, forget it. If it records the secret technique, the multi-eye clan is likely to have a huge increase in strength. In the beginning, there were more and more high-level monks of the Jinghuo Clan, and their magical powers became larger and larger. After tens of thousands of years of development, the Jinghuo Clan was already one of the five major races in the Xuanling Continent.

According to the gossip, the Jinghuo Clan obtained a complete page of the Heavenly Void Jade Book, which recorded several fire attribute exercises, but the Jinghuo Clan denied it. come forward? Is it unknowing or is there another reason?

If the integrated cultivator took the shot personally, there would be no problem. Perhaps it was Cai Yunfeng's selfishness and did not want to leak the news, which led to Tianxu Yushu being taken away by the aliens. Cai Yunfeng repeatedly ordered to block the news, but it can be explained.

"Forget it, it's done, don't mention it again, you all go back to rest!"

Cai Yunfeng ordered.

The four Wang Changsheng responded and turned to leave.

Returning to his residence, Wang Changsheng flipped his palm, and there was a golden ball with dim light in his palm. This was a low-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure, which could hold an area in place. This treasure was contaminated by the blood toad gourd, but it was not serious. Take some time to temper to recover.

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