Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1955: Elite matchups

Li Ruyue's tactic changed, and one of the two blue waves was blurred, and suddenly turned into two big blue hands, which shot at Chen Xin from the left and right sides, with the posture of shooting him into a muddy flesh.

Chen Xin had been prepared for a long time, and the golden giant stick in his hand suddenly swept towards the surroundings.

A huge roar sounded, and two big blue hands suddenly burst open.

Chen Xin's body flickered and turned into an afterimage, heading straight for Li Ruyue.

Li Ruyue frowned, flipped her jade hand, blue light flashed, and a small blue mirror with water vapor appeared on her hand. The mirror surface was uneven, and there were some exquisite patterns on the edge.

After a flash of inspiration, countless blue runes appeared on the mirror, and a blue glow flew out, covering Chen Xin.

The void in front of Li Ruyue made a "humming" sound, which was quite strange.

After Chen Xin approached Li Ruyue a hundred feet, the speed suddenly slowed down, covered by the blue glow, and suddenly stopped, as if he was frozen.

Chen Xin's eyes kept turning, the body surface was shining with golden light, and his arms became much thicker. The golden giant stick was like a sharp sword, tearing apart the blue glow, and escaped from the predicament.

With a flicker of his figure, he suddenly appeared in front of Li Ruyue, raised the golden giant stick high, and smashed it towards Li Ruyue.

Li Ruyue's face changed slightly, her hands quickly drew towards the void, and an aqua blue light curtain appeared out of nowhere, covering her whole body.

With a muffled sound, the giant golden stick hit the water-blue light curtain, and the water-blue light curtain suddenly dented and deformed.

Chen Xin snorted lightly, the golden giant stick burst into light, and the water-blue light curtain shattered like a bubble. Li Ruyue was smashed by the golden giant stick and disappeared into little blue light.

He frowned, his consciousness widened, looking for Li Ruyue's trace.

A certain piece of void thousands of feet away lit up with a burst of blue light, and Li Ruyue appeared, holding a steamy command flag in her hand.

Just as Chen Xin was about to use other means, a blue light lit up above his head, and a small and exquisite blue bell appeared out of thin air, with a flash of aura, obviously a low-grade heavenly treasure.

"not good."

Just as Chen Xin was about to avoid it, a loud bell sounded from the blue bell, and the void shook and distorted.

He felt his head buzzing and dizzy.

Countless blue runes lit up on the surface of the blue small clock, and the body size soared, facing the face under the hood.

Chen Xin snorted, some blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, the golden giant stick in his hand swept away suddenly, and the heavy stick shadows swept out, facing the blue giant bell.

With a loud rumbling sound, the blue giant bell collided with the dense stick shadows, and immediately flew out.

Chen Xin turned into an afterimage again and went straight to Li Ruyue.

Li Ruyue was about to avoid it when a deafening shout came from her ear: "Gan!"

Li Ruyue was dizzy and dizzy.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Xin suddenly appeared in front of Li Ruyue, and the golden giant stick in his hand slammed down.

With a muffled sound, Li Ruyue was smashed to pieces by the golden giant stick, and disappeared into a little blue light.

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes, Li Ruyue's natal magic weapon should be unusual, and she could actually use this strange escape technique.

A dazzling blue light lit up a few hundred meters away, and Li Ruyue appeared, the blue flag in her hand dimmed a lot.

"Daoyou Chen has a profound Taoism, and my little sister admires it. I admit defeat."

Li Ruyue admits defeat, this is not a life-and-death battle, many treasures cannot be used, so as not to hurt the harmony.

Chen Xin is a body cultivator, ordinary treasures can't help Chen Xin, and Li Ruyue can only admit defeat.

"Li Xianzi has given it up, you should be using your Li family's unique secret technique, Xuanguang Escaping Spirit Dafa!"

Chen Xin wondered.

Li Ruyue shook her head and said, "Young Daoist Chen is joking, this is not the Xuanguang Escaping Spirit Dafa, but a secret technique that I used to use the magic weapon of my life, the Heavenly Sea Flag. The Xuanguang Escaping Spirit Dafa is much more powerful than this secret technique. A world apart."

Chen Xin suddenly realized and nodded.

The cyan light curtain collapsed and disappeared, and Li Ruyue flew to the side.

"Mr. Zhao will meet Daoyou Chen for a while."

Zhao Gang turned into a flash of light and landed opposite Chen Xin, his eyes full of fanaticism.

"Zhao Daoyou is one of the eighteen heroes of the gods, and Chen Daoyou may be sad about this."

Li Rufeng commented that all major sects have key disciples, and Zhao Gang and Shen Tianhong are both key disciples of their sects.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, we are all physical practitioners, so let's compare our strength! How about one punch to determine the outcome?"

Chen Xin narrowed his eyes and suggested.

"Okay, one punch is the winner."

Zhao Gang readily agreed, countless red runes lit up on his body, and a red flame suddenly appeared in his right fist, with a burst of wind breaking, and went straight to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin was not afraid at all, his right fist was wrapped in a layer of dazzling golden light, facing the opposite side.

The two fists collided, and a powerful air wave suddenly erupted, the stone bricks on the ground shook, and the runes flashed.

Chen Xin and Zhao Gang shouted at the same time, their body surface aura soared, and the two of them retreated towards each other at the same time.

Chen Xin took four steps back, and Zhao Gang took two steps back. It can be seen from this that Zhao Gang is better than Chen Xin.

This is not surprising. As the key training object of Shenbingmen, Zhao Gang has obtained more resources for immortality than Chen Xin.

The infighting between the two major factions in Zhenhai Palace is on the bright side, which affects the training of disciples to some extent.

"I've accepted it, Fellow Daoist Chen."

Zhao Gang clasped his fists and said, looked at Shen Tianhong and the others, and said, "Which fellow Taoist is willing to enlighten me?"

"I'm here to experience Fellow Daoist Shen's magical powers."

Shen Tianhong flew to the opposite side of Zhao Gang, his expression indifferent.

"Hey, Mr. Zhao has long wanted to discuss with fellow Daoist Shen. You have to be careful, and you won't leave your hand next time."

Zhao Gang smiled and looked frantic.

"Do you have any magical powers, Daoyou Zhao, just use it!"

Shen Tianhong said calmly, with a confident look.

Zhao Gang took off the two red hatchets from his waist, and the spiritual boots on his feet soared, turning into an afterimage and disappearing, instantly appearing in front of Shen Tianhong, and the red hatchet in his hand slashed towards Shen Tianhong.

The red axe had not yet fallen, and a gust of wind came under the mask.

Shen Tianhong's figure flickered and suddenly turned ten, and the ten Shen Tianhong's aura and appearance were exactly the same.


Zhao Gang snorted lightly The two red axe in his hands shone brightly and made a horizontal slash around them.

With a flash of red light, hundreds of red axe blades swept out and slashed towards the ten Shen Tianhongs.

A huge explosion sounded, and ten Shen Tianhong were smashed by hundreds of red axe blades, and disappeared into a little bit of aura.

Zhao Gang frowned, his consciousness widened.

"Is Daoyou Zhao looking for me?"

A gentle male voice suddenly came from behind.

Zhao Gang subconsciously slashed behind him, and dozens of red axe blades flew out, slashing behind him, leaving no one behind him.

He screamed badly, a huge force hit, and he flew out backwards, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

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