Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1956: Wang Changsheng vs Shen Tianhong, Wang Changsheng vs Zhao Gang

An unbelievable look appeared on Zhao Gang's face. He didn't believe that he was defeated so quickly. He was still thinking about fighting Shen Tianhong for 300 rounds!

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, I accept it.

Shen Tianhong clenched his fists at Zhao Gang and said politely.

Zhao Gang frowned, looking at Wang Changsheng and others, Wang Changsheng and others looked at Shen Tianhong with admiration on their faces.

"I lost."

Zhao Gang's mouth was full of bitterness, and he said a little unwillingly.

"Since Daoyou Zhao admits defeat, this discussion is over."

Shen Tianhong's voice came from Zhao Gang's ear.

He felt a blur in front of him, and he suddenly appeared in Qingshi Square with no scars on his body. He looked at Wang Changsheng and the others, and seeing their surprised faces, Zhao Gang suddenly realized.

He was caught in an illusion, and the illusion made him mistakenly think that he lost to Shen Tianhong. In fact, Zhao Gang did not lose, but he was caught in an illusion. If it was a life-and-death battle, Zhao Gang would already be dead.

"Shen Daoyou has a profound Taoism, and I admire it below."

Zhao Gang clasped his fists in a salute and stepped aside.

Wang Changsheng had a thoughtful expression on his face, it was the first time he had seen such a powerful illusion.

During the whole process of fighting, Shen Tianhong made Zhao Gang fall into illusion without any effort.

Shen Tianhong should have some kind of special treasure, which can make the cultivator of the same level fall into the illusion without knowing it, which is tricky.

Shen Tianhong turned around and looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, the meaning was self-evident.

"I'm here to ask fellow Daoist Shen for some advice."

Wang Changsheng flew in front of Shen Tianhong, his eyes calm.

Shen Tianhong nodded, his body flickered, and ten Shen Tianhong rushed towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves flicked, and nine Dinghaizhu flew out, flying around him non-stop, misty.

When his tactic changed, every Dinghaizhu burst out with dazzling aura, and when it spun around, a large amount of sea water rushed out and quickly turned into a blue sea.

The blue sea tumbled violently, forming a huge vortex. The huge vortex quickly rotated, generating a strong airflow, the floor tiles on the ground shook slightly, and the runes flashed.

His idea was very simple, if he couldn't stop Shen Tianhong's illusion, he would attack indiscriminately.

Shen Tianhong's clothes were swaying, his hair was fluttering in the wind, he frowned, and hurriedly sacrificed a snow-white ball and punched a magic trick. out.

As soon as the blue sea water came into contact with the white cold air, it immediately froze and was frozen.

But soon, the ice layer shattered, and a blue tornado with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters hit the face.

Shen Tianhong's tactic changed, the white ball turned into a white light, disappeared into the blue tornado, and the blue tornado froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into an ice sculpture.

There was a loud rumbling sound, the ice sculpture was torn apart, and the blue tornado drowned Shen Tianhong's figure.

Wang Changsheng closed his eyes and observed everything with his divine sense.

He was not targeting Shen Tianhong at all, but an indiscriminate attack.

"Friend Wang Daoyou is a good move, indiscriminate attack."

Li Rufeng commented.

"That is to say, it is used within a certain range. If it is a real life-and-death battle, there are no regional restrictions. Even so, it is not easy for Daoyou Wang to defeat Daoyou Shen. The illusion mastered by Daoyou Shen is not an ordinary illusion."

Zhao Gang disagreed.

Wang Ruyan smiled slightly and said, "Really? I think my husband can defeat Fellow Daoist Shen, let's wait and see!"

Others don't know, but she is very aware of Wang Changsheng's consciousness.

Powerful divine sense has a certain effect on resisting illusions. In addition, Wang Changsheng also wears a spiritual treasure that restrains the attack of divine sense.

The entire Qingshi Square swayed slightly, and the ground swayed along with it. The array plate in Li Rufeng's hand kept sending out a series of harsh screams, and the spiritual light flickered.

Inside the cyan light curtain, the azure sea water submerged the entire bluestone square, and no one could be seen.

A quarter of an hour later, with a deafening roar, the formation plate in Li Rufeng's hand shattered, the cyan light curtain shattered, and a thick blue tornado rose into the sky, heading straight for the sky.

Two figures rushed out of the blue tornado, some blood spilled from the corner of Shen Tianhong's mouth, his face paled slightly, and Wang Changsheng was safe and sound.

Shen Tianhong performed illusions on him, with a dragon on his body and his strong sense of consciousness, Shen Tianhong was not able to make Wang Changsheng fall into an illusion. This has the advantage of terrain. If there were no regional restrictions, Shen Tianhong would not have done it. So embarrassed.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, let it go."

Wang Changsheng clasped his fists and said that the entire Qingshi Square was reduced to ruins.

This is the martial arts field opened by the Li family. Li Rufeng has already ordered it to go down, and no one is allowed to approach, and no monks come to disturb them.

"Young Daoyou Wang's spiritual awareness is good. No wonder you were able to kill two multi-eyed clans in the God Transformation stage."

A look of fear flashed in Shen Tianhong's eyes. Wang Changsheng had mastered the attack of divine consciousness. Whenever Shen Tianhong wanted to perform a high-level illusion, he would be interrupted by Wang Changsheng, otherwise he would not necessarily lose to Wang Changsheng.

"Shen Daoyou praised it wrongly, it's just a fluke."

Wang Changsheng said modestly.

Zhao Gang took a step forward and said, "Don't be humble, if you win, you will win, if you lose, you will lose. If you win, you don't need to be arrogant. If you lose, you don't need to be ashamed. Dou, I don't know who wins and who loses! Friends Wang Dao, let me learn from you, how about one punch?"

"Okay, one punch is the winner."

Wang Changsheng readily agreed, he made a move with one hand, and nine Ding Haizhu flew towards him, disappearing into his sleeve.

Zhao Gang is a physical cultivator meticulously cultivated by Shenbingmen, and Wang Changsheng also wants to see the difference between him and Zhao Gang.

The two of them choked at the same time, and the body surface was full of aura.

A dazzling flame of fire emerged from Zhao Gang's right fist, with an astonishing heat wave, and smashed towards Wang Changsheng. Wang Changsheng was not afraid at all, and a dazzling blue light emerged from his right fist, and greeted him.

With a "bang", the two fists collided, and a powerful air wave suddenly erupted. The ground was shattered by the powerful air wave, and a huge crack appeared.

Wang Changsheng and Zhao Gang stepped back at the same time, Zhao Gang took two steps back, and Wang Changsheng took four steps back.

Obviously, Wang Changsheng lost.

This result is not surprising to Wang Changsheng. Zhao Gang, as a body cultivator meticulously cultivated by Shenbingmen, does not know how many elixir of body forging. Immortal cultivation resources are not comparable to the Dongli world.

They just used the power of their bodies. In a life-and-death fight, Wang Changsheng would not necessarily lose to Zhao Gang, unless Zhao Gang's natal magic weapon was more powerful than Wang Changsheng.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing, and the same goes for cultivators. There is no absolute invincible cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, it is accepted."

Zhao Gang clasped his fists and said in a good mood.

"Daoyou Zhao has taken a special body-forging medicine pill! Is there any special body-forging method? You might as well give me some pointers."

Wang Changsheng humbly asked for advice.

"Hey, I just took some blood dragon rice some time ago, and my vigor has increased a lot."

Zhao Gang smiled and said proudly.

"Blood dragon rice? Isn't this a special product of the bat clan? It is said that the cultivation of blood dragon rice is very difficult, and the bat clan does not have much. Zhao Dao is blessed with friendship."

Chen Xin said in a conspicuous tone.

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