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Chapter 1957: 7 Star Yun Shendan

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise. Blood dragon rice is a very special kind of spiritual rice. It is said to be a spiritual rice that has been mutated with the blood of a real dragon. Growing spiritual rice has high requirements on the environment. It must be planted with **** soil. During this period, it must be continuously watered with the blood of monsters or immortals, and the maturity period is relatively long.

Aspiration soil is the heaven and earth spiritual soil with soil properties. There are many kinds of soils, with different effects and values. Some rare elixir have high requirements on the environment, and artificial cultivation must have special soils. Improves the survival rate of rare elixir.

The major races in the Xuanling Continent have their own specialties. Blood dragon rice is one of the specialties of the bat clan, which can enhance blood and improve the vigor of the cultivator. However, the cultivation of blood dragon rice is relatively difficult, and blood dragon rice rarely flows out.

Wang Changsheng killed the bat clan in the God Transformation stage, but he failed to get the blood dragon rice.

"I got it in exchange at a party, but unfortunately there are not many, only two kilograms."

Zhao Gang said with some regret, he changed his words, looked at Li Rufeng, and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, I heard that your Li family has a nine-orifice blood apricot tree, and the forging effect is better than the blood dragon rice. I wonder if you have brought it with you. on the body?"

"Nine orifices blood apricot fruit? This fruit blooms for three thousand years, bears fruit in three thousand years, and matures in another three thousand years. Each time the fruit is only a hundred or so. Only the clan elders who are highly respected or in the refining stage have a share, how can we share."

Li Rufeng smiled bitterly. It is not easy to cultivate the nine orifices blood apricot tree, and the forging effect is better than that of the blood dragon rice. The Li family rarely sells it.

Even if you use Jiuqiao Xue Xue Xue Guoshu for physical training in the asthenia stage, the effect of physical exercise is also very good.

"When it comes to physical fitness, the Five Thunder Pan, one of the treasures of your Shenbingmen's seven sects, can guide the sky and the earth to temper the body with lightning, which is much better than taking a panacea."

Chen Xin commented that all major forces have cultivated high-level body repairs, and they all have body forging objects, and of course Zhenhai Palace also has them.

"I heard that the five thunder disks are made from the thunder **** in the body of the seventh-rank high-grade five thunder beasts, which can guide the power of lightning in the world. Zhao Daoyou, is there no thunder **** in the five thunder beasts?"

Li Rufeng asked curiously.

Wang Changsheng and the others all looked at Zhao Gang with curiosity on their faces.

The Thunder Orb can absorb the power of lightning from the sky and the earth, store it, and refine it into a heavenly treasure.

"Daoyou Li is joking. The chance of a thunder-attribute monster having both a thunderball and a thunderball at the same time is extremely low. Maybe Wanlingmen has such a spirit beast! Daoyou Chen, doesn't your Zhenhai Palace have a set of 50,000 thunderwoods? Is it a refined formation? It’s not worse than the Wulei Pan.”

Zhao Gang gave a haha ​​and went over vaguely.

Wang Changsheng and the others were dubious. Taking a step back, even if there were, Shenbingmen would block the news.

There are many elixir of body forging in the Xuanyang Realm, and some exotic treasures, secret palaces or formations can also play a role in forging the body.

"Zhao Daoyou is talking about the Jiugong Tianlei Great Array! This array can indeed guide the power of thunder and lightning to temper the body. If you want to use this array, you need an astronomical sum of good deeds. If you don't have great deeds, don't think about it, and this array is right The physical body has high requirements, and if the cultivator is not strong enough to use this formation, it is likely to be wiped out."

Chen Xin said at the end, his face became solemn.

Zhenhai Palace has been inherited for many years, and its heritage is not comparable to ordinary forces.

The Jiugong Tianlei Great Array is made of 50,000-year-old lightning wood as the main material. It is similar to the Wulei Pan of Shenbingmen. It can guide the heaven and earth to temper the physical body. However, the power of this array is huge, and the physical body Disciples of Zhenhai Palace who are not strong enough to use this formation are likely to be killed by this formation.

Besides, it takes a lot of good deeds to use this array.

"Shen Daoyou's illusion is quite extraordinary, and Zhao's eyes are opened."

Zhao Gang praised, his face full of admiration.

Shen Tianhong's illusion is very powerful, he doesn't know when he fell into the illusion, Shen Tianhong can make the cultivator of the same rank silently fall into the illusion, it is really powerful.

"Zhao Daoyou praised me wrongly. I lost to Wang Daoyou, and Wang Daoyou lost to you. In response to that sentence, everything in the world grows and overcomes each other."

Shen Tianhong said modestly.

"It's just a discussion, if it's a life and death fight, the outcome is unpredictable."

Wang Changsheng disapproved and looked indifferent.

After chatting for more than an hour, the monks went back to their homes.

This time, Wang Changsheng had a lot of experiences with other god-turning cultivators, especially Shen Tianhong's magical powers of illusion, which left a deep impression on him.

After all, it is a discussion, and Shen Tianhong must have reservations.

Shangguanwei is also practicing illusion, but it needs to be used in conjunction with magic weapons. Shen Tianhong does not seem to use magic weapons. Obviously, Shen Tianhong's strength is far above Shangguanwei.

"If we can make great achievements, the husband will use the Jiugong Tianlei Great Array to temper the flesh, and the strength will definitely be further enhanced."

Wang Ruyan sighed, with a look of longing on his face.

"There will be opportunities. We can slowly do the task and accumulate good deeds."

Wang Changsheng said confidently, with his current strength, even if he could use the Nine Palaces Tianlei Great Array, his physical body might not be able to stop it.

He seemed to sense something, took out a dazzling magic plate, and entered a magic formula, Jiang Yunhe's voice suddenly sounded: "Wang Daoyou, Qixing Yun Shendan has arrived, are you here to get it, or I will send someone to deliver it to you. past?"

"I'll go get it! Thank you, Manager Jiang."

Wang Changsheng thanked him, put away the communication tray, and left the residence with Wang Ruyan.

It didn't take long for them to appear on the fourth floor of Xuanguang Building, and Jiang Yunhe personally entertained them.

"Friend Wang Dao, this is the Qixing Yunshen pill you want."

Jiang Yunhe took out two exquisite blue porcelain vases and handed them to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Manager Jiang, why are there only two bottles? Sell us a few more bottles! The price is negotiable."

Wang Ruyan's tone is warm, and there are many benefits of strong consciousness.

"Seven Star Yunshen Pill is one of the signatures of our Xuanguang Building. Many Taoist friends have ordered Qixing Yunshen Pill, two bottles are quite a lot."

Jiang Yunhe explained with a wry smile.

"Two bottles are two bottles. By the way, Manager Jiang, is there a panacea for bodybuilding?"

Wang Changsheng asked, since Qixing Yunshen Pill has arrived, maybe there are other goods.

"No, but I know of a place that may have a panacea for body forging. It depends on whether Wang Daoyou has that luck."

Jiang Yunhe said with a smile.


Wang Changsheng continued to ask, his face full of anticipation.

"Three days later, there will be an underground trade fair in Yunfeng Building. I heard that there is blood dragon rice. You can try your luck."

Jiang Yunhe said a place and asked Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to try their luck.

"Thank you, Manager Jiang.

Wang Changsheng thanked him and wrote it down.

After chatting for a while, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left.

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