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Chapter 1958: Underground trade fair, dry soil rune

Back at his residence, Wang Changsheng walked into the practice room and took out a blue porcelain bottle.

He took off the cork and poured out a pale golden pill with seven silver spots on the surface, arranged like the Big Dipper, and the golden pill exuded a faint fragrance.

Qixing Yunshen Pill, fifth-order pill, can increase spiritual consciousness.

Wang Changsheng threw the Qixing Yunshen Pill into his mouth, and the pill melted in the mouth. He could clearly feel that there was a special energy in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He hurriedly sat down and performed the exercises to refine the medicinal power.

More than an hour later, Wang Changsheng stood up with a disappointed expression on his face.

The Qixing Yunshen Pill can indeed increase the consciousness, but the amount of increase is too small. Unless a large amount of it is taken, the spiritual consciousness increased by a bottle of Qixing Yunshen pill is not as good as the spiritual consciousness that Soul Eater Jin Chan fed back last time.

This is not to say that the effect of the Qixing Yun Shendan is too poor, but that Wang Changsheng's consciousness is too strong, and the increase in consciousness is too small, so he naturally dislikes it.

Wang Changsheng has the Soul Cultivation Orb, and with the Soul Eater Jin Chan, his personal consciousness is not much worse than the Great Perfection of God Transformation, and the spiritual consciousness increased by a Qixing Yunshen Pill will naturally not enter his eyes. , the effect of Qixing Yunshen Pill is still good.

If you can get a set of high-quality exercises that specialize in cultivating spiritual consciousness, that would be even better. Zhenhai Palace has a special method for cultivating spiritual consciousness, but the effect is average.

In a short period of time, Wang Changsheng's cultivation base cannot be improved. If he wants to improve his strength, one is a powerful treasure; the other is a panacea for forging his body or increasing his spiritual consciousness. After reaching the stage of spiritual transformation, spiritual consciousness is not only for manipulating magic weapons and exploring the situation. , can also be used to injure the enemy.

With a flick of his wrist, the double-eyed mouse flew out of the spirit beast bracelet and landed in front of him.

The double-eyed mouse jumped onto Wang Changsheng's hand, swung its tail back and forth, and made a "jiji" sound from its mouth.

Wang Changsheng flipped the palm of his hand, and a yellow ginseng plant about a foot long appeared in his hand and handed it to the double-eyed mouse.

The spirit beast bracelet lit up with a blue light, and the tortoise flew out of it and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

The lin turtle made a low roar and looked straight at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng flipped his palm, and two fist-sized blue fruits appeared in his hands, which were fed to the tortoise. The tortoise ate the two blue fruits and roared excitedly.

"You guys go outside and play!"

Wang Changsheng ordered, opened the door of the practice room, and the turtle and the double-eyed mouse rushed out of the practice room.

He released the Wood Demon, the Gold-Swallowing Ant Queen and the Soul-devouring Golden Cicada, allowing them to move freely.

Wang Changsheng sat down with his knees crossed, meditating and adjusting his breath.

Seven days passed quickly.

At the time of Xu, the sky darkened, and the city was bright as day, crowded with people, and it was extremely lively.

A short and fat young man in a yellow shirt and a young woman in a blue skirt with ordinary features appeared at the entrance of a blue pavilion with carved columns and jade. The three golden characters "Yunfenglou" on the plaque were very conspicuous.

The two were Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, who had been transformed into disguise. They used the Sky Magic Pearl to change their appearance and aura. The underground auction was mixed, and everyone had it. Naturally, they would not show their real faces.

There were two pill formation cultivators guarding the door, and they did not stop Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The lobby is spacious and empty, no one is there.

When they came to the second floor, they saw a fat middle-aged man who was only in the late Nascent Soul.

"Two seniors, the trade fair is on the third floor."

The middle-aged man pointed to the stairs not far away and said that at the end of the stairs, there was a cyan light curtain with runes flowing indefinitely, blocking their way.

They walked towards the stairs, and after a dazzling aura lit up on their bodies, they easily passed through the cyan light curtain.

Dozens of square cyan wooden tables were placed on the third floor, with a round wooden table in the center. More than a dozen cultivators were scattered. Most of them were alone. There were men and women. Wang Changsheng saw a Bone Race and A multi-eye clan, the multi-eye clan and the bone clan are sitting together.

They found an empty table and sat down.

Time passed a little bit, and god-turning cultivators came up one after another. Most of them were human races, and there were a few aliens.

After a cup of tea, more than 40 cultivators gathered on the third floor, including the multi-eye, bone, bat, human, and orc races, and most of them were humans.

An old man in green robe with a ruddy face in his seventies walked to the round wooden table. He clasped his fists at the cultivators and said politely, "Welcome to this fair, old man Chen Xiang, old rules, The highest bidder wins, regardless of race, the transaction is entirely voluntary, and the auction will begin below.”

He flipped the palm of his hand, and a light-blue jade box appeared in his hand. When he opened the jade box, there was a golden talisman inside. There was a miniature human-shaped pattern on the surface of the talisman, and the aura was amazing.

"This is a talisman!"

A white skeleton with a height of 10 feet spit out human words. There are small blood vessels on its surface, which are clearly visible. There are two white flames in the eye sockets, and there is no expression.

"That's right, this is the dry earth talisman of the god-transforming stage. It is made of dry earth crystals as the main material and refined from hundreds of earth-attribute materials. It is proficient in earth-attribute supernatural powers. The price of Wanling Stone shall not be less than 300,000 yuan each time."

Chen Xiang's voice was full of temptation.

The origin of the goods in the underground auction is unknown, and there is no shortage of materials for killing and stealing treasures.

Wang Changsheng's heart moved, if this talisman soldier was photographed, he could have an extra guard in the Spirit Transformation stage.

"One million three hundred thousand!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"Two million!"


The price climbed steadily, and soon exceeded 3 million spirit stones.

"I'll give four million!"

An old man in a yellow robe with a hunchback shouted, his voice a little hoarse.

"Four and a half million."

Wang Changsheng added 500,000 spirit stones, and the spirit-transforming talisman could not be encountered at any time. Compared with the fifth-order spirit beast, the talisman is obviously better. As long as the talisman is not severely damaged, it does not affect the drive. If the rank spirit beast is seriously injured, it cannot be driven in a short period of time.

"five million!"

The old man in yellow robe was unmoved.

"Five and a half million!"

Wang Changsheng added another 500,000 spirit stones.

"Six million!"

The old man in yellow robe looked like he was going to Wang Changsheng frowned, thought for a moment, and shouted, "Six and a half million!"

The old man in yellow robe frowned, glanced at Wang Changsheng, and shouted, "Seven million!"

Chen Xiang smiled and said, "This fellow Daoist has bid seven million. Is there a fellow Daoist who has bid higher? This is a god-turning talisman. He is proficient in earth attribute magical powers. Unless the damage is serious, he can use it."

Wang Changsheng did not increase the price, the talisman in the Spirit Transformation stage was really good, and the high price of 7 million had seriously exceeded the value of this dry earth talisman.

The old man in the yellow robe finally took the picture of the dry earth talisman at a high price of seven million, and got off to a good start.

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