Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1959: Wan Puppet True Monarch, Wan Puppet Record

Taking pictures of the dry earth talisman, the yellow-robed old man's eyes showed a strong look of joy, but soon, he returned to normal.

Chen Xiang flipped his hand and took out a palm-sized golden jade box, a cyan porcelain vase and a yellow jade box, and said with a smile, "You fellow Daoists should have heard of the swallowing rat!"

"Swallowing Rat! Could this be the inner alchemy of Swallowing Rat? Impossible! This kind of monster is probably extinct."

A golden-shirted young man with a fat brain frowned. He had eyes on his arms and face, and he was obviously a multi-eyed clan.

"Swallow the rat!"

Wang Changsheng squinted his eyes, the swallowing mouse is a monster with a fierce reputation, but such monsters are rare.

Chen Xiang naturally couldn't come up with the inner alchemy of swallowing the rat, and even if he could, he wouldn't put it up for auction at the trade fair of the cultivator.

"Fellow Daoists all know that the Five Elements colluded with foreigners! The Five Elements Sect established by the Five Elements was also destroyed. This is the inner elixir, blood essence and animal skin of the Golden Eyed Rat with the blood of the Swallowing Rat. It is said to be in the treasure house of the Five Elements Sect. For things, the base price is one million spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than 300,000.”

High-level rat demons are relatively rare, and there are very few high-level monks who raise spirit mice, but the name of swallowing mice still attracts many monks to bid.

Wang Changsheng spent 5 million spirit stones to photograph the inner elixir, blood essence and animal skin of the golden-eyed rat. The golden-eyed rat was a fifth-order middle grade before his death. He did not know that the double-eyed rat devoured the inner elixir and essence of the golden-eyed rat. Blood, can you advance to the fifth rank.

It is not bad that animal skins can refine a piece of earth-type heavenly treasure.

Chen Xin flipped the palm of his hand, and a beautiful golden jade box appeared in his hand. When he opened the jade box, there was a jade pen whose golden light was flowing indefinitely.

"The lower grade Tongtian Lingbao Golden Que Pen is made from the whiskers of the fifth-order golden-eyed rat and the ten thousand-year-old Golden Que bamboo. The base price is 2 million spirit stones, and the price increase shall not be less than 500,000 each time."

There are not many high-level talisman makers, and the talismans are easy to use, but most of them are one-time-use items, which are expensive and difficult to refine. There are not many high-level talisman makers participating.

"I'll give three million!"

A plump young woman in a purple skirt shouted, and an old man in a yellow robe with a hunchback sat beside him.

"Three and a half million!"

Wang Changsheng had just competed with the old man in yellow robe for a talisman soldier, but the old man in yellow robe took away the talisman soldier at a high price.

After a period of fierce competition, Wang Ruyan took this golden pen at a high price of 11 million.

She can already refine fifth-order talismans, but the success rate is not high.

The young woman in the purple skirt frowned, looked at Wang Ruyan, and said nothing.

In the following time, Chen Xiang took out a number of commodities for auction one after another, and the pills, talismans, formations, etc., all sold at high prices.

Chen Xiang flipped his palm, and there was a beautiful cyan brocade box in his hand. When he opened the brocade box, he saw two flags with glittering azure lights. The runes were flashing. .

He grabbed the two cyan flags and threw them in front of him, each hitting a magic trick. The two cyan flags suddenly glowed brightly, and a gust of wind suddenly blew nearby, causing the monks' clothes to sway.

Wang Ruyan carefully found that there were several small cracks on the flagpole of the two flags.

"A complete set of Lingbao dry wind flag, this treasure originally had five sides, and it was one of the treasures of the Five Elements sect. Three pieces were destroyed. The base price was 2 million spirit stones, and each time the increase was not less than 500,000 spirit stones. "

"The damage is so serious that it will not be repaired and sold again?"

A middle-aged man with a pointed mouth and a high nose frowned and said, his eyes were golden, and he could clearly see a pair of golden fangs in his mouth, apparently from the bat clan.

"The complete set of Tongtian Lingbao is not easy to repair. It has been destroyed on three sides, and the cost of repair can be refined into a set. This treasure is the treasure of the Five Elements sect, and its power is not small. Re-refining the five dry wind flags is definitely a big boost."

Chen Xiang explained.

After all, it is the treasure of the Five Elements sect, attracting many monks to bid.

The middle-aged man took these two dry wind flags for a high price of 19 million. If the two Tongtian Lingbao had not suffered some damage, the transaction price would have been even higher.

Chen Xiang's sleeves flicked, and a gleaming metal ball flew out and floated in the air.

The surface of the metal sphere is covered with mysterious spiritual patterns. If you look closely, you can find that a small piece of the metal sphere is missing.

He entered a magic formula, and the spiritual pattern on the surface of the metal ball suddenly brightened. In a dazzling light, it turned into a five-zhang-sized azure Pengbird. The surface of the Pengbird was covered with mysterious spiritual patterns. It exudes a metallic luster, and its eyes are dull, and it is obviously a puppet beast.

The golden peng bird has four wings on its back, a golden claws under its belly, and there are obvious cut marks on its head.

"This is a top-grade puppet beast of the fifth rank. It is made from the bones of Qingfeng Peng. It has a variety of wind attribute magical powers. This puppet beast is damaged and will not affect its use. You can ask a refiner to repair this treasure. bigger."

Chen Xiang introduced.

"The fifth-order puppet beast!"

Wang Changsheng was a little moved, but after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea. He didn't have many spirit stones in his hand. If he hadn't killed a few aliens and got some property, he wouldn't be able to take out five million spirit stones. Buy Golden Eyed Rat's inner elixir, blood essence and animal hide.

Si minus B xwx.cO* Si. He plans to keep the spirit stone to auction the blood dragon rice, the blood dragon rice can enhance his strength, and the puppet beast is a foreign object after a fifth-order puppet beast, the reserve price is 3 million spirit stones, each time The markup shall not be less than one million. "

Chen Xiang said loudly.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Fifth-order puppet beasts are relatively rare. Although it is damaged, it is a fifth-order puppet beast after all, and it does not affect the use. There are still many monks bidding.

After a period of fierce bidding, this Qingfengpeng puppet beast was sold at a high price of 17 million spirit stones.

"You fellow Daoists should have heard of True Monarch Wan Puppet!"

Chen Xiang sold off the pass and asked with a smile.

"Of course, True Monarch Wan Puppet is a loose cultivator, and his cultivation period was mediocre. Later, he suddenly made a fortune. It is said that he entered the dojo of Xuanling Tianzun, obtained the inheritance of puppet art, and refined many high-level puppet beasts. With three A puppet beast in the fusion stage, there are few rivals, but he has not shown up for tens of thousands of years, what is it? Do you have the news of the True Monarch of Ten Thousand Puppets?"

The old man in the yellow robe talked eloquently, his face full of curiosity.

Mi He Mi. Chen Xiang flipped his palm, and a pale blue jade slip appeared in his hand.

"Could it be the main cultivation technique of True Monarch Wan Puppet?"

The cultivators were a little disappointed. When they got to this stage, they naturally wouldn't change their exercises easily.

"Wan Puppet Zhenjun compiled a "Wan Puppet Record", according to his disciples, "Wan Puppet Record" records the refining methods of tens of thousands of puppet beasts, this jade slip is the first volume, records the above There are thousands of puppet beast refining methods, from the first-order to the fifth-order puppet beast."

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