Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1960: Heavy Water Thunderball

"Record the refining method of puppet beasts?"

Wang Changsheng was a little tempted. When he was in the Dongli Realm, he was limited by the materials, and he could only refine the fourth-order puppet beast. The Xuanyang Realm had rich resources for immortal cultivation, and it was not difficult to collect the materials for refining the fifth-order puppet beast.

If he can get the first volume of "Wan Puppet Record", he may be able to refine the fifth-order puppet beast.

"Friend Chen, is the refining method of puppet beasts more precious than fifth-order puppet beasts?"

The old man in yellow robe asked with some puzzlement, and the faces of the other cultivators showed confusion.

"Of course not. In addition to the puppet beast, the true monarch also mastered a technique for cultivating spiritual consciousness. It is said that he learned it from the Tianxu Jade Book."

As soon as these words fell, there was a commotion among the monks present.

"Cultivation of Divine Consciousness? It won't be a fragment!"

Wang Changsheng said meaningfully, if it is a complete exercise, it is estimated that it will not appear here. If it is directly auctioned at a large auction, it will definitely fetch a sky-high price.

"This fellow Daoist is right, it is indeed a fragment. This practice is called "Taiyi Yunshen Treasure Book". There are nine layers in total, corresponding to refining Qi to Mahayana. The follow-up exercises are in the middle and lower two volumes of "Wan Puppet Record", and we sent people to practice "Taiyi Yunshen Collection", and the effect is really good."

Chen Xiang spoke in a eloquent manner.

"Hmph, yes, what you said is right for low-level cultivators! At our stage, the spiritual sense that the first three levels of cultivation techniques can increase are optional, and it is better to increase the spiritual sense!"

The bat monk snorted softly and said disapprovingly.

"Friend Daoist is right. If you find the second volume of "Wan Puppet Record", it will be different."

Chen Xiang explained with a smile.

"The "Taiyi Yunshen Collection"? Daoyou Chen, can you tell me the first two training formulas? I have a technique for cultivating spiritual consciousness, which is somewhat similar to the "Taiyi Yunshen Collection"."

A burly young man in blue shirt said politely.

Chen Xiang hesitated for a while, nodded, and moved his lips a few times.

The blue-shirted youth frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, you have been deceived! This is our Wanlingmen's "Tai Xu Forging God Dafa"."

si minus B*Xw si. Cultivation techniques can be copied or renamed, but the formulas are difficult to change. Since they have been sent to practice, there is naturally no problem with practicing the formulas.

"I'm not sure that someone copied the exercises and sold them around, or that your Wanlingmen disciples sold the exercises and changed their names."

Bat Clan sneered.

"That's right, what's so strange about this? You say it's true? Taking a step back, even if "Taiyi Yunshen Treasure Book" and "Taixu Forging God Dafa" are the same exercise method, it's nothing. Cultivation methods are not exclusive to your Wanlingmen, and those who are destined to obtain them."

The Bone Race echoed the road, as if watching the fun was not too big of a deal.

None of the other cultivators objected. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy for them to obtain the practice of specializing in divine consciousness, and it is rare to have the opportunity to obtain the practice of specializing in divine consciousness.

Chen Xiang frowned and waved his hand: "Okay, one less word for each of you, I'm only in charge of the auction, I don't ask where you came from, whoever of you wants to track down, then go to track it down, anyway, I don't know, "Wan Puppet Record" is the first volume , the base price is 3 million spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than 500,000.”

If it is just a practice that records the puppet technique, it is naturally not worth so many spiritual stones, but it is different with the practice of cultivating spiritual consciousness.

Wang Changsheng participated in the auction, and he wanted to take this thing.

Soon, the price reached seven million and was still rising.

Wang Changsheng frowned, the price was too high, considering the blood dragon rice, Wang Changsheng had to give up the auction.

The first volume of "Wan Puppet Records" was finally sold at a high price of 9 million and was taken away by the Bone Race, which was far more than the real value. However, it is hard to buy a good heart. For some cultivators with strong financial resources, 9 million spiritual stones are not considered. what.

Chen Xiang took out three pieces of golden rice that were about a foot long. There were some vein-like lines on the surface of the rice, which exuded a special aroma.

"Three blood dragon rice! The base price is 3 million spirit stones, and each increase shall not be less than 500,000."

Wang Changsheng saw the blood dragon rice, and his heart moved. The blood dragon rice was much larger than the ordinary Ling rice. A blood dragon rice weighed dozens of kilograms, and the blood it contained was amazing.

Blood dragon rice is especially suitable for physical training. Ordinary monks eat blood dragon rice, and their flesh may not be able to support the huge blood energy.

"three million!"

"Three and a half million!"

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "four million!"


The competition is fierce, mainly the human race monks competing for the blood dragon rice.

Blood dragon rice is a specialty of the bat clan, and it is rarely sold outside.

"Six million!"

The old man in yellow robe said solemnly.

"Seven million!"

Wang Changsheng directly added 1 million spirit stones, and the three blood dragon rice was at least a hundred kilograms. The body forging effect must be good. If he missed this opportunity, he wanted to get the blood dragon rice.

"Eight million!"

The old man in yellow robe was unmoved and added one million spirit stones.

"Nine million."

Wang Changsheng's face was calm, as if nine million spirit stones were a small number.

Nine million spirit stones were far beyond the value of three blood dragon rice, and only Wang Changsheng and the old man in yellow robe were left to compete.

The old man in yellow robe hesitated for a and did not speak again.

Wang Changsheng spent 9 million spirit stones and successfully photographed three blood dragon rice. The three blood dragon rice weighed more than 100 kilograms. In total, one kilogram is close to more than 90,000 spirit stones. I hope that the forging effect will not let Wang Changsheng Disappointed.

Wang Changsheng couldn't come up with nine million spirit stones, so he sold a set of spirit treasures, and only then did he get the spirit stones.

Chen Xiang flipped his palm, blue light flashed, and a beautiful blue jade box appeared in his hand. When he opened the jade box, there were three blue-light sparkling beads. The surface of the beads was covered with mysterious and incomprehensible runes. The blue electric arc jumped, exuding a violent breath.

"Heavy water thunder beads, a one-time treasure, if the cultivator is hit directly by the heavy water thunder beads, there will be big trouble."

Chen Xiang introduced.

"A treasure that can threaten the Void Cultivator!"

Wang Changsheng showed an expression of interest on his face. He did not expect to encounter a treasure that could threaten the cultivator. He only had the trump card, the Mingyue Pearl, and he was not sure that it could threaten the Mingyue Pearl. Nice choice.

"Three heavy water thunder beads, auctioned one by one, with a base price of five million spirit stones, and each increase of not less than one million."

Chen Xiang said loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, the bat clan immediately shouted: "Five million!"

"Six million!"

Mi He Mi. "I'll pay seven million!"


The competition is particularly fierce, and it can threaten the treasures of the cultivators.

Wang Changsheng spent 16 million spirit stones to capture a heavy water drop.

He has no extra spiritual treasures, and plans to sell a complete set of Tongtian Lingbao Profound Jade Needles. He still has some Tianyue Cold Crystal and Wannian Profound Jade, and he can also re-refine a set of ice-type Tongtian Lingbao.

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