Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1962: Cultivate spirit beasts

After taking a few sips, he felt a fiery aura rise in his abdomen, his whole body was hot, he felt the blood in his whole body boil, and his skin turned blood red.

He felt like he was in a volcano, an unbearable stinging pain came from his body, and the blood in his body seemed to be splitting out.

Wang Changsheng didn't dare to be neglected, he hurriedly sat down with his knees crossed, and used the exercises to refine this huge blood energy.

After half an hour, Wang Changsheng finished work, his eyes full of joy.

He could clearly feel that his whole body was full of strength, as if he had endless strength.

He only took a few bites, and his vigor increased a lot. If he took three blood dragon rice, his vigor would definitely increase a lot.

Wang Changsheng picked up the blood dragon rice and chewed it.

After eating half of the blood dragon rice, a huge blood energy rushed around Wang Changsheng's abdomen, and at the same time, there was a strong sense of fullness in his abdomen, the blood in the whole body boiled, and he was panting. Sweat, the skin turned blood red, and the whole person seemed to burst.

Wang Changsheng hurriedly performed the exercises, refining the huge blood energy, the surface of his body was covered with a layer of blue rays of light, and his eyes were tightly closed.

Three days later, the blue glow of Wang Changsheng's body dissipated, he opened his eyes, and a gleam of light shot out from his eyes.

Wang Changsheng's body was covered with a layer of dark material, which exuded an unbearable stench. He performed a dust-cleaning technique to wash off the dirt on his body.

He could clearly feel that his whole body was full of power.

With a flick of his sleeve, the force measuring tablet flew out and landed in front of him.

A dazzling blue light emerged from Wang Changsheng's right fist and smashed towards the force measuring tablet.

With a muffled sound, all the nine scales of the force measuring tablet were bright, obviously reaching the limit.

Half a blood dragon rice has such a strong increase. If he takes three blood dragon rice, Wang Changsheng's vigor can at least increase by half. This is still blood dragon rice. There is a better panacea in Xuanling Continent. high.

Just took half of the blood dragon rice, Wang Changsheng does not plan to continue to take the blood dragon rice, even if it is a body-building medicinal pill, it is not a one-time consumption, taking some after a period of time, the effect will be better.

Wang Changsheng walked out of the practice room and went outside.

A low roar sounded, a large amount of blue water vapor emerged in front of him, and the tortoise emerged out of thin air, and it made a low roar.

Wang Changsheng flipped his palm and found a beautiful blue jade box in his hand, from which he took out a silver jade box and two cyan jade boxes.

Open the silver jade box, there are two silver **** the size of pigeon eggs, and the surface is full of silver arcs. This is the inner core of the fifth-order thunder-attribute monster. In each of the two cyan jade boxes, there is a golden tree about a foot long. The grass, the golden grass has nine golden leaves, and there are some golden arcs on the surface, three thousand years of golden thunder grass.

After leaving Yunfeng Tower, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan went to several stores, spent more than ten million spirit stones, and purchased a batch of immortal cultivation resources, which were used for refining and making talismans, including demon pills and high-year spirit medicines.

With so many spirit beasts and insects, Wang Changsheng is most optimistic about the tortoise.

He got a Myriad Beast Pill at the auction, plus two fifth-order thunder-type demon pills and two 3,000-year-old golden thunder grasses, and the tortoise might be able to advance to fifth-order.

The tortoise smelled the scent of the demon pill and the golden thunder grass, and made a roar of excitement, and countless blue arcs appeared on its body.

Wang Changsheng touched its head and said, "I hope you can advance to the fifth rank, so that you can give me more help."

He fed two demon pills and two 3,000-year-old golden thunder grass to the tortoise. After the tortoise took it, there was a muffled sound of "crackling", which was drowned out by the dazzling blue thunder light.


The tortoise made a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, but fortunately, the formation was set up, and the sound could not be transmitted.

The double-eyed mouse was lying on the corner, not daring to approach, worried that he would be used by the turtle as a punching bag.

After a cup of tea, the tortoise fell asleep.

Wang Changsheng placed the tortoise in a secret room, allowing it to refine the huge energy contained in the demon pill and the golden thunder grass with peace of mind.

After the tortoise was settled, the double-eyed mouse rushed towards Wang Changsheng, and soon climbed onto Wang Changsheng's hand, making a "jiji" cry, and swaying its tail.

The bloodline of the double-eyed rat is average, and it is more difficult to advance. It happens that Wang Changsheng has obtained the demon pill and blood essence of the golden-eyed rat. Maybe it can strengthen the blood of the double-eyed rat, which is very beneficial to its advancement.

He took out the demon pill and blood essence of the golden-eyed mouse and fed it to the double-eyed mouse. Si minus B* Si

After the double-eyed rat took it, it made a sharp and harsh cry, and the body surface lit up with a dazzling yellow light. hours.

After a while, the double-eyed mouse returned to its original size and fell asleep.

Wang Changsheng placed it in a secret room, and the double-eyed rat would naturally not advance to a fifth-order spirit beast by taking a fifth-order demon pill, and there should be no problem in strengthening its bloodline.

After settling them, Wang Changsheng's thoughts moved, and a golden giant ant flew towards him, it was the golden swallowing ant queen.

There are some mysterious spiritual patterns on the body of the Gold Swallowing Ant Queen, which are natural.

The Gold Swallowing Ant Queen likes to eat hardware. After following Wang Changsheng to the Xuanyang Realm, she devoured a lot of high-level metal ores, otherwise it would not have grown so fast.

It is the same as the double-eyed mouse, its bloodline is not high, and it is not easy to advance.

Wang Changsheng took out a golden shiny metal ball. This is the inner core of the fifth-order spirit-devouring ant. After taking the gold-devouring ants, it will not advance to the fifth-order, and it should be no problem to speed up the advancement. UU reading

There are fewer spirit ants with supernatural powers than spirit mice, and there are fewer high-level spirit ants than spirit mice. It is very difficult for Wang Changsheng to find a suitable inner elixir for the golden swallowing ants.

It's a pity that he only got one Myriad Beast Pill, and only one spirit beast can hit the fifth rank.

After the gold swallowing ant took the spirit-devouring ant's demon pill, it became sluggish. It flapped its wings gently and swayed from side to side, as if it couldn't stand still.

Wang Changsheng also placed it in a secret room and let it refine the energy of the demon pill. sacrifice as sacrifice as

After settling the spirit worms and beasts, Wang Changsheng walked into the refining room, took out the refining materials, and started refining.

After selling the Profound Jade Needle, he got a large sum of spirit stones, purchased a batch of refining materials, and prepared to refine another set of flying needle treasures. The Tianyue Cold Crystal in his hand can also refine a set of flying needles. kind of treasure.

Wang Changsheng threw a fist-sized Ten Thousand Years Profound Jade into the air, and a snow-white flame spewed out of his mouth, wrapping the Ten Thousand Years Profound Jade.

Time passed by and Wannian Xuanyu turned into a cloud of white iron juice.

Under the control of Wang Changsheng's consciousness, the white iron juice was divided into groups, slowly turning into slender flying needles, emitting a biting chill.

He threw a pale golden spar into the air and manipulated the mysterious jade ice flame to wrap the golden spar. Mi He Mi

Soon, the golden spar also showed signs of melting, and it seemed to melt into iron juice.

The temperature in the room was frighteningly low, and a thin layer of ice debris appeared on the stone wall.

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