Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1963: Kill the Orcs

Four years passed quickly.

The door of the refining room suddenly opened, and Wang Changsheng walked out with joy in his eyes.

It took him five years to refine a set of Ice Soul Killing Needles, a total of seven pieces, each flying needle is a low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and the Tianyue Cold Crystal has been used up.

In order to refine the Ice Soul Killing Needle, it took tens of millions of spirit stones just for the material, and it was finally refined.

In addition to refining a set of Tongtian Lingbao, Wang Changsheng also took the remaining blood dragon rice, which further enhanced the power of the flesh.

Wang Changsheng checked the situation of the spirit worms and beasts, and found that they were still sleeping and had not woken up.

This did not surprise him. When he came to the courtyard, Wang Changsheng saw Wang Ruyan sitting in the stone pavilion, holding a light blue communication board in his hand, his face was solemn.

"Husband, Uncle Cai asked us to go over, as if we have some mission."

Wang Ruyan said to Wang Changsheng.

"If that's the case, let's go!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan left their residence and went to Tianhai Tower.

On the ninth floor of Tianhai Tower, Chen Xin and other seven god-turning cultivators stood neatly and respectfully, and four cultivators including Cai Yunfeng and Li Yuqing stood in front of them.

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came up.

Li Yuqing's eyes swept away and fell on Wang Changsheng. She looked at Wang Changsheng up and down.

For some reason, Wang Changsheng had the illusion of being seen through.

"You are Wang Xiaoyou! You are full of vigor and blood, yes, Cai Daoyou, your Zhenhai Palace is really talented!"

Li Yuqing praised and sighed.

"Talents come out in large numbers? Fairy Li, your Li family's children are not bad. If you send them out, aren't you afraid of accidents?"

Cai Yunfeng smiled and his eyes fell on Li Yunfeng and Li Ruyue.

Li Yuqing smiled slightly, and said, "You can't make a tool if you don't cut it. This is a kind of training. You and I came here like this. They have to practice it."

Wang Changsheng was confused and stood up obediently.

One after another, the cultivators of the gods came up and stood in line.

Half an hour later, more than a dozen cultivators appeared on the ninth floor, confused.

"We're going to carry out a very dangerous mission, and we need to bring some human assistance. Come with us!"

Cai Yunfeng ordered.

"Yes, Master Cai (Senior Cai)."

Wang Changsheng and the others agreed in unison, looking respectful.

After leaving Fangshi, Cai Yunfeng sacrificed the quadrilateral animal cart, and the monks walked up one after another.

He broke into a magic formula, and the quadrilateral beast chariot flew towards the sky with extremely fast speed.

After flying more than a hundred miles, Cai Yunfeng said their mission.

"A group of evil cultivators are fornicating with alien races. They have obtained a very important treasure and are going to give it to the alien race. Our task is to intercept them and **** it back."

Cai Yunfeng's face was dignified. The Golden Toad Island was located at the junction of multiple races.

Some human cultivators were either tempted by a lot of money or coerced to inquire about information for alien races and collect immortal cultivation resources.

"Very important treasure?"

Wang Changsheng's eyes showed a bit of curiosity. Cai Yunfeng could say that it was a very important treasure. Could it be a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao? Or is it a treasure that assists in transcending the great catastrophe?

"Uncle Cai, if that's the case, why don't you keep them in Fangshi? It's okay not to let them leave."

Lu Guanghong asked curiously.

"We signed an agreement with the alien race. The Golden Toad Island is a place to trade commodities. No matter how big the grievances are, we can't do it in the square market. When we leave the square market, we naturally don't have to abide by this rule. , they can leave Fang City alive, and they must be killed and their things taken back before they escape back to their old nest."

Cai Yunfeng explained that if the human race unilaterally tore up the agreement, the consequences would be very serious. At that time, it would not be enough to kill a few cultivators.

The most important point is that the treasure is in short supply for the cultivators, and it is not precious to the cultivators. Otherwise, the aliens in the cultivating stage will not know how to die. To put it bluntly, that treasure is not worthy of integration. The monk starts.

"Fellow Daoist Cai, the flying speed of your treasure is too slow, let's change my spirit beast! It just so happened that my spirit beast woke up."

Li Yuqing said, with a flick of his wrist, a blue light flew out, and it was a giant beast more than a hundred feet long. The head of the giant beast resembled a crocodile, with blue scales all over its body, and two pairs of huge claws under its abdomen. , The thick and long tail resembles that of a boa constrictor, and there are two pairs of huge blue fleshy wings on the back.

Judging from its aura, this is a flying crocodile of the fifth-rank top grade.

The monks jumped on the back of the flying crocodile one after another. The flying crocodile made a sharp and ear-piercing roar, and a dazzling blue light appeared on its body. The sea water violently rolled and spread out to make way.

The flying speed crocodile is very fast, proficient in the water system, and it moves forward on the sea like walking on the ground. Wherever it passes, huge waves are set off on the sea.

Before long, they disappeared into the vast sea, as if they had never appeared.

More than a million miles away, a red light quickly swept through the sky at an extremely fast speed.

The red light is an impressive scroll of red light, with a huge red giant eagle on it.

Seven men and two women stood on it, headed by a bull-headed orc and a golden-robed old man who was over seventy years old. The golden-robed old man was holding a golden snake crutch as tall as one person, with ruddy faces and solemn eyes. They are all cultivators.

An old man in yellow robe with a hunchback stood behind the old man in gold robe, looking nervous.

"Fellow Daoist Niu, are you sure there will be someone to answer us? You won't lie to the old man!"

The golden-robed old man frowned and said with suspicion.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, I will not make jokes about this kind of thing. They are already on their way. All we have to do is to accelerate. When we reach the territory of our orcs, it will be safe. When the time comes, I will honor my promise, absolutely not. I will treat fellow Daoist Jin badly, anyway, it is about to reach the orc race, can Daoist Jin give me that treasure first?”

The orcs said at the end, their eyes were fiery.

"No, when I get to the place, the old man will naturally hand it over to the top of the orc race. Don't be impatient, fellow Daoist Niu."

The golden-robed old man politely refused.

" I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the territory of the orcs. If you hand over that thing, it will save your life."

An indifferent male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, the sea in front of him tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave that was thousands of feet high, covering the sky and the sun, and the momentum was huge.

Cai Yunfeng stood on top of the giant waves, his expression was indifferent and his face was slightly pale, obviously using some kind of high-level escape technique.

"Spirituality of the Four Seas! You are from Zhenhai Palace."

The golden-robed old man frowned. The Four Seas Spirit Transformation was a unique secret technique of Zhenhai Palace. The caster could escape from tens of thousands of miles to hundreds of thousands of miles. The exact distance depends on the cultivation base and mana of the cultivator.


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