Top of Qinglian

: Reproduction of the law

As soon as Cai Yunfeng appeared, the magic trick was pinched, and the calm sea surface was like boiling water, rolling violently, setting off two huge waves that lifted the sky, like two giant mountains, smashing the golden robe with ten thousand force. The old man and others.

At the same time, huge whirlpools suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and the whirlpools were rotating very fast, generating powerful airflows.


With a loud roar, hundreds of thick water tornadoes shot up into the sky, like hundreds of blue spears, stabbing at the golden-robed old man and others.

Hundreds of water wave tornadoes have not yet approached, an unbearable sense of oppression is coming, and the void is shaking and twisting, and this piece of heaven and earth seems to be torn apart.

The golden-robed old man and the others were shocked, and offered magic weapons to resist.

A huge explosion sounded, and all kinds of auras lit up in the sky, as gorgeous as fireworks. The air waves were billowing, and a large number of low-level monsters emerged from the sea. They lost their vitality, and the sea was dyed blood red.

Cai Yunfeng snorted lightly, his face full of chills.

I saw his tactic changed, the void above his head vibrated and distorted, and countless blue light spots suddenly appeared, gathered together like stars, and after a blur, it turned into a huge human-shaped phantom. The facial features of the human-shaped phantom were clear, and the lower body was It was looming, as if it were incorporeal.

It is the law!

Cai Yunfeng raised his hands high, and the humanoid phantom followed suit.

An astonishing scene appeared. There was a strong wind blowing on the sea. The calm sea rolled violently, and suddenly split into two. A monstrous wave with a height of more than 100,000 feet suddenly appeared on the sea, like a sky. Like a giant tree, with a huge roar, it patted the golden-robed old man and others.

The protective aura of the golden-robed old man and others flickered constantly, and a strong sense of oppression came upon them, making it difficult for them to breathe.

"Hmph, who doesn't have a dharma."

The orcs snorted coldly, clenched their hands together, and a beast roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a huge bull-headed human phantom appeared in the void above the orcs' heads.

The bull's head phantom made a roaring sound, the void was like a rag, the folds were deformed, and it seemed to collapse.

A red sound wave swept out, like a red full moon, facing the falling blue hand.

The big blue hand was like a piece of paper. The moment it collided with the red sound wave, it suddenly burst and turned into countless sea water. After a blur, it turned into a blue water arrow with a length of one foot, and went straight to the golden-robed old man. A posture to tie them into a sieve.

The phantom of the cow head opened its jaw, spewing out a red flame, the red flame violently tumbling and surging, turning into a huge red fire cloud, facing the falling blue water arrow with an astonishing heat wave.

As soon as the dense blue water arrows approached the red fire cloud hundreds of feet, as if the snow melted in the spring, they suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, an extremely strange roar sounded, as if it was the roar of some kind of large monster.

The golden-robed old man and the others turned pale in shock, as if they had thought of something, they all looked towards the source of the sound.

A blue light suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and flew towards it quickly. After a while, the blue aura suddenly stopped. It was a huge blue crocodile. On the back of the blue crocodile, there were two pairs of huge meat wings.

Wang Changsheng and others stood on the back of the blue crocodile, and their expressions were different.

If it wasn't for Cai Yunfeng's high-level escape technique, it would be impossible to stop the orcs and the others. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan saw the two dharmas, and their faces became more and more solemn.

A few years ago, Cai Yunfeng fought against the Duomu clan in the Void Refinement Stage, and they both used their magical powers, but Cai Yunfeng's spells were better. who can win.

Judging from the current situation, Wang Changsheng's camp is obviously much stronger than the Orcs, and the chances of winning are still relatively large, but it is not very far from the Orcs' old nest, and they must fight quickly. In order to avoid the arrival of reinforcements from the orcs, there will be many dreams in the night.

The golden-robed old man and the orcs looked at each other and nodded to each other. The two of them each led a team of cultivators to fly away in different directions. Cai Yunfeng wanted to stop it, but the bull-headed phantom echoed with an angry roar.

When Chen Xin and other cultivators heard this, they felt their qi and blood surged, and the blood in their bodies seemed to have lost control, as if they were about to burst out. Their faces were flushed, and Wang Changsheng was not affected much.

Taking this opportunity, the phantom of the cow head spewed out a red flame. After the red flame rolled violently, it suddenly turned into a red fire cloud tens of thousands of feet in size, with a shocking heat wave, and went straight to Cai Yunfeng.

Where the scarlet fire cloud passed, the void seemed to be unable to withstand the unbearable high temperature, twisted and deformed, a large amount of seawater was volatilized, and the white mist was thick.

Cai Yunfeng did not dare to be careless and made a wave of his hand. The sea suddenly burst, setting off huge waves, which shattered the red fire clouds, and the flames splashed everywhere.

Some red flames fell on the sea, and the sea suddenly exploded with huge waves, filled with white mist.

At this time, the golden-robed old man and the orcs had already split into two, fleeing in different directions at extremely fast speeds.

"Chase, don't let them escape, kill Wushe, leave none of them, be sure to **** the things back."

Cai Yunfeng ordered coldly.

Wang Changsheng and the others responded and followed their elders to catch up.

The golden-robed old man frowned, he didn't expect the other party to catch up so quickly.

This time, I'm afraid it's a lot of luck. Unless they escape a million miles at once, they won't be able to get rid of the pursuers at all, and they can't escape.

There is no need to decide between life and death, as long as they fight for a while, and when reinforcements arrive, they will not be so passive.

"Friend Jin, if you are wise, hand over your things, and we can spare you."

Cai Yunfeng said coldly.

"Joke, do you think the old man is a three-year-old child? Can you still live by giving things to you? Will others let the old man and his disciples go?"

The golden-robed old man sneered with a look of disdain.

"That's actually the case, don't blame me for being ruthless. If you do it, you won't leave one."

Cai Yunfeng's eyes were full of murderous intent.

He didn't know whose body the treasure was on. If it was on the body of the cultivator of the gods and was escaped by the other party, it would be in vain. This situation has not happened Therefore, they must kill all the Enemies, ensure that the treasure falls in his hands, which is one of the reasons why he brought Wang Changsheng and others.

As soon as the golden-robed old man's tactic was pinched, the void vibrated and distorted, and golden flames suddenly emerged. These golden flames suddenly merged into one, and turned into a huge human-shaped phantom. The phantom was looming, as if it would collapse at any time.

As soon as the human-shaped phantom appeared, the temperature in the vicinity suddenly rose, and the golden-robed old man pinched the magic trick. There was a huge roar in the sky, and a huge red fire cloud appeared in the sky without warning.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan chased the old man in yellow robe and a young woman in purple skirt. The two competed with Wang Changsheng for treasures at the underground auction, and they took a heavy water thunder bead.

On that day, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan used the Sky Magic Pearl to change their appearance and aura. Therefore, the old man in yellow robe and the young woman in purple skirt did not recognize them.

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