Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1965: fierce battle

More than an hour later, the yellow-robed old man and the purple-skirted young woman stopped over a deserted island with a radius of hundreds of miles. The island had few vegetation and hundreds of hills of different sizes.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan chased after them, and they looked around with alert expressions on their faces.

"I don't know whether to live or die, but you dare to catch up."

The old man in yellow robe was murderous, he never thought that the disciples of Zhenhai Palace would dare to chase here.

"They are the disciples of Zhenhai Palace, don't be careless."

The young woman in the purple skirt reminded, her expression solemn.

"Deal with them early! Quick and quick."

Wang Changsheng said softly, and his right hand grabbed the empty space of the old man in yellow robe.

The sea below suddenly rolled violently, the waves rolled, setting off one after another huge waves, like blue water mountains, lying on the sea, making a huge roar.

Hundreds of blue water mountains came from all directions, and before they got close, a strong sense of oppression came oncoming, and the void made a "humming" sound, twisting and deforming like a rag.

The old man in yellow robe saw this scene, his face condensed, his palm lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and he patted the island below, a yellow light flew out, and disappeared into the island.

The next moment, the island shook violently and turned into a huge sand pit. The wind suddenly rose, and countless yellow sand and gravels were blown into the sky by the wind, like a sandstorm.

The yellow sand in the sky suddenly condensed and turned into five yellow giants with a height of more than 1,000 meters. The yellow giants had rough facial features and blurred lines.

The five yellow giants moved their fists and smashed towards the void almost simultaneously.


After a huge explosion sounded, dozens of blue water mountains were smashed by five yellow giants, and the water flooded the deserted island.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the remaining blue water mountains were blurred, turning into giant blue fists one after another, smashing at the five yellow giants.

After a huge explosion sounded, the five yellow giants burst open, and the yellow sand filled the sky.

The young woman in the purple skirt raised her hand and threw out a zhang-long purple flag, breaking into a magic formula. Countless mysterious runes appeared on the purple flag, exuding a violent aura.

With a "puchi" sound, a large purple flame swept out, instantly turning into a sea of ​​purple flames, covering the area for dozens of miles.

The dense blue boxing shadows hit the sea of ​​purple fire and disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

In the first fight, neither side took advantage of it.

Wang Ruyan took out the red dust flute and played it, a cheerful flute sounded.

The old man in the yellow robe raised his hand, and a yellow light flew out. It was a yellow gourd as tall as a person. The runes flashed and the aura was amazing. It was obviously a low-grade heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

I saw him enter a magic formula, the yellow gourd swayed gently, and a large piece of yellow gravel flew out.

The dense yellow gravel suddenly condensed and turned into a huge sand dragon with a length of more than a thousand meters. The whole body shone with aura, and it went straight to Wang Changsheng.

This dry earth true yang gourd is made of ten thousand year gourd and dry earth and sand as the main materials.

The yellow sand worm rushed in and smashed the blue giants into pieces.

A sharp and harsh flute sounded, and a sound wave of water vapor swept in, hitting the yellow sand worm, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

Wang Changsheng flipped his hand and took out the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword, and slashed towards the opposite side. A screeching sound that ripped apart the void sounded. Thousands of dazzling sword lights swept out, forming an incomparably huge knife net, heading straight for the yellow sand. Jiao away.

The yellow sand worm rushed into the knife net, its huge body twisted and kept hitting the knife net, and there was a continuous collision sound of "ding ding dong".

The roar continued, as if the thunder was rolling, the air waves were like tidal waves, and huge waves hundreds of feet high were set off on the sea.

The Yellow Sand Jiao shook its head and waved its tail before rushing towards Wang Changsheng again.

A cold light flashed across the beautiful eyes of the young woman in the purple skirt. When she lifted her jade hand, five red lights flew out. They were five red beads the size of pigeon eggs.

A complete set of Tongtian Lingbao Red Light Beads is made from red light crystal as the main material, and it is only possible for volcanoes of more than 10,000 years to appear as a refining material such as red light crystal.

The young woman in the purple skirt reminded me of the magic trick, and the five red light beads lit up with a dazzling aura at the same time.

With a flash of red light, the fire soared, and five red scorching suns with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly appeared high in the sky.

"go with."

The young woman in the purple skirt let out a soft drink, and the five red scorching suns turned into five streams of light, with a shocking heat wave, and rushed straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. Wherever they passed, a lot of seawater evaporated.

Wang Changsheng was in no hurry, the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sabre in his hand soared, and he slashed horizontally towards the void. A piercing sound of breaking through the air rang out, and thousands of blue blade Qi swept out, instantly condensing into a blue streak. Knife River, hitting five red scorching suns.

A burst of continuous explosions sounded, the blue light mingled with the firelight, the air waves were like tidal waves, and huge waves were set off on the sea. A large number of low-level monsters were killed by the shock, turning into blood rain and dyeing a large sea of ​​water.

The purple skirt young woman's tactic changed, and the five red scorching sun's aura soared, and they actually merged into one, turning into a red cloud of fire that was thousands of miles long. The sea water was reflected in red.

The red fire cloud fell head-on with a shocking heat wave.

The scarlet fire cloud had not yet fallen, and it rolled violently like boiling water. Huge fireballs the size of houses poured down, hitting Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Thousands of miles around it turned crimson, and the heat wave was amazing.

At the same time, the yellow sand worm made a strange roar and rushed towards Wang Changsheng.

In the battle on the sea, Wang Changsheng has a relatively large advantage.

As soon as he pinched the magic formula his hands were embraced, and the calm sea suddenly tumbled violently, like boiling water.

The roar of the rumbling sounded, and two huge waves thousands of feet high rose on the sea, turning into thick blue water curtains, covering Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

A dense and huge fireball fell on the blue water curtain, and it burst open immediately, and the billowing flames drowned the figures of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The huge fireball fell on the sea, and the sea exploded with huge waves. The fireball fell on the deserted island, and a raging fire was suddenly ignited. He couldn't escape very far, and he was hit by a huge fireball and turned into fly ash.

The sea surface for thousands of miles turned into a sea of ​​red fire, and the sea water boiled.

Burn the mountains and boil the sea!

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