Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1966: 4 Haizhen Lingshou


An earth-shattering roar sounded, and a huge water tornado rose into the sky, piercing the red fire cloud, and a huge hole appeared.

A sharp and harsh flute sounded, and blue sound waves visible to the naked eye flew out from the water wave tornado and went straight to the red fire cloud.

The red fire cloud was like a mirror, with cracks appearing one after another, and then bursting open, countless red flames splashed, and five red light beads flew out.

Wang Changsheng walked out of the water wave tornado with a calm expression.

He flipped his right hand, a flash of blood flashed, and a **** gourd appeared in his hand, and there was a murder case on it.

He injected mana into the blood toad gourd, the toad pattern on the surface of the blood toad gourd suddenly brightened, and a foul-smelling, pungent blood-colored liquid flew out, condensed in the void, and suddenly turned into a blood-colored giant python more than a thousand meters long.

The blood-colored giant python opened its **** mouth and pounced on the five red light beads, with the stance of swallowing them up.

The young woman in the purple skirt has rich fighting skills. She doesn't know the specific magical powers of the blood toad gourd, and she does not dare to let the blood-colored python swallow the red light beads, and is about to control five red light beads to avoid it.

A layer of ripples swayed in the void, golden light flashed, and a golden eyeball suddenly appeared above the five red light beads. The golden eyeball rune flashed, and the aura was amazing.

The runes on the surface of the Ding Lingzhu were bright, and a golden glow shone out, covering the five red beads.

The five red light beads suddenly stopped, floating in the sky, motionless.

The young woman in the purple skirt panicked, and hurriedly urged the red light beads. She had spent a lot of money to get this set of treasures, and helped her kill powerful enemies many times.

The five red light beads were bright, and billowing flames emerged, but it was useless.

Taking this opportunity, the blood-colored giant python rushed over, and the blood-colored giant pounced on the five red light beads, swallowing them into its belly.

The young woman in the purple skirt kept urging the red light beads, and the blood-colored giant python suddenly burst into flames.

The aura of the five red light beads dimmed, and they swayed up and down, looking like they had lost their spirituality.

The blood toad gourd is made from a variety of filthy things, and it is specially designed to taint the heavenly treasure.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the blood mist rolled violently for a while, turning into a huge blood ball, wrapping five red light beads.

The young woman in the purple skirt continued to urge the red light beads, but it was of no use. She was horrified to find that she could not sense the existence of the red light beads, and the spiritual sense that controlled the red light beads was eliminated.

The yellow sand worm rushed over, Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, the size of the blood toad gourd soared, and a large pungent blood mist emerged, facing the yellow sand worm.

The old man in the yellow robe naturally did not dare to let the yellow sand worm come into contact with the blood mist. With a pinch of the magic trick, the yellow sand worm circled and flew towards the old man in the yellow robe at a faster speed.

Wang Changsheng's finger lightly tapped, and the spiritual light of the Dingling Pearl rose sharply, and suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, there was a ripple in the sky above the yellow sand flood dragon, and the Ding Lingzhu emerged out of thin air.

I saw the Ding Lingzhu swirl around, bursting with thousands of golden rays of light, covering the huge body of the yellow sand scorpion, and the yellow sand scorpion seemed to be immobilized and could not move.

When Wang Changsheng's tactic changed, the blood toad gourd was full of aura, and a large piece of pungent blood flew out, suddenly condensed, and suddenly turned into a huge blood-colored giant python, rushing towards the yellow sand flood dragon.

Seeing that the yellow sand dragon was about to follow in the footsteps of the red light beads, the old man in the yellow robe opened his mouth and spurted out a beam of yellow light, which turned out to be a shining yellow banana fan. The fan surface was covered with mysterious and incomprehensible runes.

He held the yellow banana fan in both hands, and it slammed into a roar, and a yellow hurricane swept out. After a blur, the size of the yellow hurricane skyrocketed and turned into a yellow tornado with a height of more than 1,000 meters.

The yellow tornado quickly swept away towards the opposite side. Wherever it passed, the sea was divided into two, a long crack appeared, and a large amount of seawater was involved in the yellow tornado.

The red dust flute in Wang Ruyan's hand rose sharply, and a blue sound wave visible to the naked eye swept out, facing the yellow hurricane.

The blue sound waves collided with the yellow hurricane, and they both perished together. A powerful wave of air erupted. The water filled the sky, and the air wave was like a tidal wave.

On the other side, the blood-colored python had already arrived in front of the yellow sand dragon.

At this moment, a red cauldron with three legs and two ears descended from the sky, blocking the front of the yellow sand dragon.

There is a pattern of a red fire crow on the surface of the red cauldron. The red fire crow is like a living creature, flapping its wings and making a sharp "quack" sound.

The purple skirt young woman's tactic changed, and a large red flame suddenly emerged from the red cauldron. The red flame tumbled and suddenly turned into a huge red fire crow. The red fire crow flapped its wings and rushed towards the blood-colored python.

The Scarlet Fire Crow opened its mouth and spewed out a red flame, hitting the Scarlet Python, causing a burst of blue smoke.

The fire spread quickly, and the body of the blood-colored python suddenly burst open, turning into a cloud of blood and flying back to the blood toad gourd.

The aura of the red cauldron soared, hitting the golden glow, and the surface of the yellow sand dragon also lit up with a dazzling aura, and the golden glow suddenly shattered like paper paste.

The yellow sand Jiao suddenly opened its **** mouth and rushed towards the Dingling Orb, trying to swallow the Dingling Orb.

The Ding Lingzhu suddenly released golden light and disappeared.

The next moment, the Ding Lingzhu appeared in front of Wang Changsheng.

There was a huge roar in the sky, the sky suddenly turned red, the sky was full of rays of light, and a huge red fire cloud suddenly appeared high in the sky, and you could see the red fire snakes wandering non-stop, with great momentum.

The scarlet fire cloud rolled violently, and a large red hand with a size of a thousand acres suddenly protruded from it, with a momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and slapped Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

At the same time, the old man in yellow robe turned his hand and took out a small mirror with yellow light, and punched in a magic formula. After the mirror lit up with countless yellow runes, thousands of yellow fireballs flew out like a meteor shower, hitting Wang Changsheng. And Wang Yellow Sand Jiao shook his head and waved his tail, and rushed over.

The red cauldron whirled, and countless flames rushed out, and a sea of ​​red flames emerged out of thin air, hitting the opposite side.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and opened his mouth to spew out nine blue light. It was the nine Dinghai beads. The nine Dinghai beads floated in mid-air, and with a whirl, a large cloud of misty rays of light hung down, like a cloud of smoke, sending Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan together. protected inside.

His right hand patted the void, and the sea suddenly rolled violently, setting off one after another huge waves, like a tsunami.


In a deafening roar, a huge blue wave rose up on the sea surface. After a blur, it turned into a big blue hand, emitting a terrifying energy wave.

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