Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1967: Alien reinforcements arrive, scattered to escape

This is not the transformation of mana, but the magical power of the Four Seas Town Spirit Hand attached to the "Four Seas Forging Spirit Dafa".

The power of this magical power has a lot to do with the mana of the caster. If this magical power is used in the sea, the power will be even greater.

With an aura of destruction, the big blue hand faced the falling red fire palm.


The crackling and roaring sounds intertwined, the red and blue lights intertwined, bursts of dazzling rays of light bloomed, the void oscillated and twisted, and huge cracks appeared on the sea surface, and the sea water rolled back, as if the sky was falling apart.

The red fire palm flickered constantly, obviously not an opponent.

Wang Changsheng has a natural advantage when it comes to fighting in the sea.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the crimson fire palm suddenly burst open, turning into flames all over the sky, scattered on the sea, and blasting huge waves.

The big blue hand is like a rainbow, and after defeating the red fire palm, it continues to hit the red fire cloud high in the sky.

After the loud bang, the red fire cloud was smashed by the big blue hand.

The dense yellow fireballs smashed on the blue water curtain, creating ripples, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were safe and sound.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and the nine Dinghaizhu turned into nine blue lights, and disappeared into the sea.

The yellow sand worms and the red fire clouds came at a very fast speed.


Wang Changsheng gave a light drink, and the sea water lit up with eighteen dazzling blue lights. The sea tumbled violently, forming a huge vortex, making a huge roar, and the void vibrated and twisted.

After the yellow sand dragon made a miserable roar, its body suddenly burst open, turning into countless yellow gravels, which were sucked into a huge vortex, and the red fire cloud trembled slightly, suddenly burst, and disappeared as a lit fire.

The faces of the old man in the yellow robe and the young woman in the purple skirt became ugly, and the opponent's difficulty was beyond their imagination.

Just when they were going to take other measures, the calm sea suddenly boiled, setting off a huge wave that was more than ten thousand feet high, covering the sky.

The sky-high waves blurred and turned into a big blue hand, exuding a terrifying pressure.

Four Seas Town Spirit Hands!

The old man in the yellow robe and the young woman in the purple skirt turned pale in shock, and were about to cast a spell to resist.

A cheerful flute sounded into their ears, the two of them were dizzy, their heads "buzzed", their six senses were confused, and their expressions were in a trance.

The supernatural powers attached to "Plain Girl Tianyin" are no worse than "Tianyin Overturning the Sea", but they have high requirements on the cultivator's consciousness. .

Qingtian took the opportunity to take a picture, and with a scream, the body of the young woman in the purple skirt exploded, turning into a huge rain of blood, which was poured on the deserted island, and even Nascent Soul could not escape.

A dazzling azure light suddenly lit up on the chest of the old man in yellow robe, and a piece of azure glow emerged from his body, covering his entire body.

Qingtian's big hand clapped on the blue light, the blue light was distorted and deformed, and the old man in yellow robe flew out and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was shocked and angry. He was shocked that the other party could use strange magical powers to confuse their six senses. He was angry that his Taoist companion died at the hands of the other party.

He knew the seriousness of the problem, the two people in front of him were extraordinary, and he was not able to deal with them.

He flipped the palm of his hand, and a blue glittering ball appeared in his hand. There were countless blue arcs on the surface of the blue ball, exuding a violent aura.

Heavy Water Thunderball!

Just when he was about to sacrifice this treasure, a gentle female voice sounded in his ear: "Why do fellow Daoists need to go all the way to the black? Alien races are killing our human race, fellow Daoists should give up resistance early, instead of helping the tyrants. "

I don't know why, when the old man in yellow robe heard this, he felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

The supernatural powers attached to "Plain Girl Tianyin" are lingering. Immortal cultivators or monsters will feel intimacy when they hear this sound, and obediently obey Wang Ruyan's request, but this supernatural power has high requirements for spiritual consciousness. Wang Ruyan's current Divine Senses cannot be used, but fortunately their Divine Senses can be superimposed.

The old man in the yellow robe looked in a trance, his eyes were hazy, as if he had fallen asleep.

Seven looming white lights flew in, easily piercing the defense of the yellow-robed old man and passing between his eyebrows.

A mini Yuanying flew out from the corpse holding a yellow banana fan. As soon as Yuanying left the body, ripples swayed on the top of his head, and a golden eyeball suddenly appeared, which was the Ding Lingzhu.

The golden light flashed, and a golden glow hung down, covering the Mini Nascent Soul and securing it.

"Fellow Daoist, it was my master who planned to seek refuge with an alien, and I was forced to helpless! I know an ancient monk's cave, which is said to be the Zuohua cave of a cultivator. I am willing to take you to treasure hunting. I know something about aliens. In any case, I am willing to do it anyway, no, I am willing to recognize the two as masters and go through fire and water."

Mini Nascent Soul begged for mercy, and it was completely different from just now.

A blue-light sparkling talisman descended from the sky and stuck to the Mini Nascent Soul.

The expression of the Mini Nascent Soul suddenly slumped, appearing listless.

Wang Changsheng grabbed towards the void with one hand, and the heavy water thunderball flew towards him and fell into his hand.

They put away the enemy's belongings, put the mini Nascent Soul into a cyan jade box, and flew along the way.

They had just flown out of the thousands of miles when a flash of light flew towards them, followed by a golden flash of light.

"Quickly withdraw! The reinforcements of the alien race have arrived."

Cai Yunfeng's panicked voice suddenly sounded, and his voice was a little weak.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's expressions changed, the reinforcements of the alien race arrived so quickly?

Wang Changsheng's consciousness sensed the breath of three cultivators, one of whom was Cai Yunfeng, and the remaining two cultivators had extremely powerful breaths. In addition, there were seven other cultivators.

The power disparity is too great, and they are not opponents at all.

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a while, then flipped his right hand, and a heavy water thunder bead appeared in his hand. He planned to help Cai Yunfeng, otherwise Cai Yunfeng would surely die.

With a flick of his wrist, the heavy water thunder bead suddenly flew out, and after a blur, it disappeared.

A flying shuttle with non-stop golden light swept across the sky quickly. Seven men and three women stood on the golden flying shuttle, headed by an orc race with the head of a cow, and a white skeleton with a height of 10 feet standing beside them. It is a period of immortality.

There was a ripple in the void in front of him, and a blue-light sparkling bead suddenly appeared, and there were countless blue arcs beating on the surface of the blue bead.

"It's not good, it's a heavy water thunderball, avoid it."

The face of the orcs changed greatly, and the magic trick was pinched, and the golden shuttle flew along the path at a faster speed.


A deafening roar sounded, and a huge incomparable blue scorching sun suddenly appeared on the sea, submerging hundreds of miles around, covering the aliens and others.

No matter what, they were all human races, and they all came from Zhenhai Palace. Wang Changsheng did his best. As for whether he could escape, it would depend on Cai Yunfeng's luck.

Cai Yunfeng's face was bloodless, there were several terrifying scratches on his chest, and his left arm was missing.

"Uncle Cai, hurry up."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surface lit up with a dazzling blue light, which was Tianyue Escape Light.

The two turned into a blue Changhong and walked away at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as Cai Yunfeng's tactic was pinched, the blue light on the body surface was released, turning into a blue rainbow, flying in the other direction at a very fast speed.

It didn't take long for the blue scorching sun to dissipate, revealing a dim golden flying shuttle with several small cracks on the surface.

A white light curtain covered them, and the Bone Race held a gleaming white dharma plate in their There were several tiny cracks on the surface of the dharma plate. The power of the heavy water thunderball should not be underestimated. Faster, I am afraid there will be casualties.

There were no casualties, and the golden shuttle was damaged, which is not a good thing.

The orcs looked gloomy and cold, and they suffered a small loss when they were caught off guard.

"Niu Mercury, you chase these two people, you must not let them escape."

The orcs ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Seven."

A burly orcs repeatedly agreed, and followed Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan with six companions.

The two aliens in the refining stage chased Cai Yunfeng, and the group quickly disappeared into the sky.

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