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Chapter 1969: Escape and Dragon Palace

In a certain azure sea, the sky is clear and the waves are calm, and a team of cyan seagulls flew over from a high altitude.

On a desert island more than a hundred miles long, the island is densely vegetated, the terrain is high in the south and low in the north, and there are dozens of hills of different sizes.

A certain sea area near the deserted island suddenly rolled violently, and two embarrassed figures flew out of the seabed and landed on the beach.

Wang Changsheng's face was pale, there were many scratches on his body, blood was dripping, and his breath was sluggish. Wang Ruyan's face was bloodless, and there was a blood hole the size of a finger on his left shoulder, and the blood stained most of her body.

They were chased and killed by seven alien races in the god-transforming stage, and they fought desperately to break out of the siege.

In order to escape, they kept changing directions along the way to avoid the enemy's pursuit. To be honest, neither Wang Changsheng nor Wang Ruyan knew their current location.

Wang Changsheng looked embarrassed, but the injury was not serious. After all, it was a body repair, and the recovery was easier. Wang Ruyan's injury was relatively serious.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept across this deserted island, and he didn't find any aliens or fifth-order monsters, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, let's go to the island to heal."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light and flew towards the mountain range in the center of the island.

Not long after, they landed in a huge valley extending in all directions. There was a cave with a diameter of more than ten feet not far away. The entrance of the cave was covered with green moss.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked in, the cave was damp and dark, and after walking hundreds of steps, the front suddenly became bright, and a cave with a size of more than ten acres appeared in front of them.

The stone walls of the cave are full of pits and pits, and there is a blue fruit tree more than ten feet high in the corner. There are seven light blue oval fruits hanging on the tree, exuding a strange aroma.

A mountain-sized alien beast is lying under the fruit tree. The alien beast is covered with blue scales, its head resembles a lion, a row of golden thorns on its back, and a pair of silver fleshy wings. Judging by its breath, this is a A fourth-order mid-grade monster.


Seeing Wang Changsheng, the alien beast let out a low roar.

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, and smashed his right fist towards the void. A piercing cracking sound came from the void, distorted and deformed, and a steamy blue fist flew out, with a destructive momentum, smashing towards Alien.

The alien beast felt its body tighten, opened its **** mouth, and sprayed out a dazzling blue light, hitting the blue fist shadow.


A painful scream sounded, the blue light was smashed by the blue fist shadow, the blue fist shadow hit the alien beast, the alien beast was suddenly smashed into flesh, and the fruit tree was also smashed.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and hundreds of yellow gleaming array flags flew out, and disappeared when they entered the stone wall.

He entered several magic tricks, the entire cave shook slightly, a large amount of gravel rolled down, and countless mysterious yellow runes suddenly appeared on the stone wall.

Yellow light flashed, and a yellow earth wall suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, blocking the entrance.

"Madam, heal your wounds first! We escaped for hundreds of millions of miles, and they won't come after us."

Wang Changsheng said to Wang Ruyan, Wang Ruyan's injury is relatively serious and needs to be taken care of.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, they escaped hundreds of millions of miles before they stopped.

Wang Ruyan nodded, walked to the corner, and sat down cross-legged.

She took out a cyan porcelain bottle, poured out an emerald green pill, the pill exuded a fragrant fragrance, and swallowed it.

Wang Ruyan hurriedly performed exercises to heal his injuries, and a soft blue light soon appeared on his body.

Wang Changsheng flipped his palm and found three storage rings of different colors in his hands. These were captured from the enemy's hands. Two of the storage rings were from the human race, and one was from the orc race.

With a flick of his wrist, three different colors of blue, red and yellow light flashed across, and a lot of things were added to the ground.

Lingbao, Tongtian Lingbao, talismans, refining materials, demon pills, elixir, etc., the number is beyond their imagination.

"Exquisite Spirit Stone!"

Wang Changsheng snorted lightly, his eyes fell on a crystal clear blue spirit stone, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Only large-scale spirit stone mines can produce top-quality spirit stones. When he was in the lower realm, he did not get a top-grade spirit stone.

The top-grade spirit stones are used for a wide range of purposes, mainly for arranging high-level formations, for killing enemies or guarding large formations.

He checked carefully and found that one tenth of the aura stored in this top-quality spirit stone was used.

Wang Changsheng searched carefully, but unfortunately he could not find the second top-quality spiritual stone. It seemed that the enemy had obtained the top-quality spiritual stone by accident.

In addition to the top-quality spirit stones, there were also six heaven-reaching spirit treasures, including a set of sky-reaching spirit treasure red light beads, and more than ten pieces of spirit treasures, two of which were pale silver jade pendants that caught Wang Changsheng's attention.

The silver jade pendant flickered non-stop, and there were mysterious runes all over it, with the word "shark cloud" engraved on it.

Wang Changsheng picked up a silver jade pendant, injected mana, and a strong fishy smell gushed out.

"Shark Cloud Pei! With the Sky Magic Pearl, you can disguise as a sea clan!"

Wang Changsheng said to himself, the Sky Magic Pearl can change the aura and appearance of the immortal cultivator, and the shark cloud pendant can make the immortal cultivator emit the breath of the sea When used together, it can disguise as the sea clan.

There are quite a lot of miscellaneous refining materials, enough for Wang Changsheng to refine several low-grade heavenly treasures. What makes him most happy is that there are some materials for refining avatars, and there is a light blue sheepskin scroll, which records a terrain. picture.

He pondered for a while, turned his hand and took out a beautiful jade box, opened the jade box, and inside was a mini Yuan Ying.

The Mini Yuanying had a gleaming talisman attached to her body, and her expression was sluggish.

Wang Changsheng held the Mini Nascent Soul in one hand, and a dazzling blue light emerged from his palm, covering the Mini Nascent Soul.

The Mini Yuan Ying let out a scream and passed out.

After a while, Wang Changsheng's palm returned to normal, and he put the Mini Nascent Soul back into the jade box and put it away.

"Dragon Palace!"

Wang Changsheng said to himself, he searched the soul of the Mini Nascent Soul and got a lot of useful information.

This person's name is Huang Lizhi, who is under the tutelage of Daoist Jinfeng. Huang Lizhi and Daoist Jinfeng went out to sea to hunt monsters. By chance, they were caught by alien races. In order to survive, they were banned by alien races and released back to human race to inquire about news. .

Not long ago, Daoist Jinfeng was said to have obtained half a seventh-order puppet beast, intending to present it to the high-ranking foreigners in exchange for a resource for cultivation, but he did not expect Zhenhai Palace to target them.

In order to go to the square market opened by the Sea Clan, Daoist Jinfeng specially refined three exotic treasures, the cloud pendant, which could be disguised as the Sea Clan.

The Hai people set up a square market on the bottom of the sea. The name of the square city is Dragon Palace, and many rare things appear.

Wang Changsheng checked each jade slip one by one, hoping to find useful information.

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