Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1970: Shaqing'er and Jinlin

He found a lot of news about alien races, most of which were customs and specialties of alien races.

"True Monarch Xuangui!"

Wang Changsheng let out a light yawn, holding a pale golden jade slip in his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

This jade slip records the deeds of the True Monarch Xuangui. The True Monarch Xuangui is a sea clan, and his body is a sixth-order mysterious turtle with Xuanwu blood. It was active more than 80,000 years ago and is said to have died in Under the catastrophe.

By a chance, Huang Lizhi discovered Xuangui Zhenjun's Zuohuadongfu, but the ban was too strong, he couldn't break the ban, and asked Jinfeng Daoist for help. The rank puppet beast, ready to be dedicated to the alien race, was targeted by Zhenhai Palace.

Wang Changsheng picked up a light-blue sheepskin roll, and stared at the topographic map above, his face became more and more solemn.

To be honest, he was tempted. There must be a lot of treasures in the Sea Clan’s seated cave dwelling in the refining stage. If nothing else, even if you get its wreckage, you can refine a powerful heaven-penetrating treasure. If you are lucky, Maybe a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao can be refined!

True Monarch Xuangui's Zuohua Dongfu is in the sea clan's territory, and it is not easy to obtain treasures.

Their top priority now is to heal their wounds, and the second is to determine their current location. There are many islands on the chart, and high-level monk fighting can easily destroy some small islands. The chart alone cannot determine their location. Therefore, unless they find a specific Landmarks to determine your location.

There is no landmark that is easier to identify than Fang City, until they recover from their injuries.

In addition to these things, there are also materials for refining the avatar, and Wang Changsheng can refine another avatar.

Ma Wuye, the grass is not fat, this time he killed three enemies of the God Transformation stage and made a fortune.

Wang Changsheng sorted the things on the ground, took out a blood-colored pill, and swallowed it.

The medicinal pill melted in the mouth, turning into a majestic energy, scurrying around in his body.

He hurriedly guided the majestic energy and walked along the meridians. Wherever he passed, there was a burst of warmth, and his body became slightly hot.


Shark Qinger is from the sea clan. She grew up in the sea since she was a child. She is currently in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Because of her thin bloodline, she usually appears in the form of half-human and half-demon. The pure-blooded sea clan can be completely transformed when she cultivates in the Nascent Soul stage. humanoid.

Shark Qinger is an orphan who lives in a square market opened by the Hai Clan, and rarely goes ashore.

On this day, the night was like water, and a bright moon hung high in the sky, reflecting on the sea.

There was a muffled sound, and a huge wave broke out on the sea. A girl in a green dress with delicate features emerged from the sea. The girl's skin was snow-white, and there were some cyan scales on her face and arms. The lower body was a fish tail, covered with cyan scales. It's Shaqing'er.

Shark Qing'er hummed a little tune in her mouth, marching on the sea like walking on the ground, and her speed was extremely fast.

The sea was calm and the waves were calm, and occasionally a few demon birds passed by, ignoring Sha Qinger.

An hour later, Shark Qing'er appeared in the sea near a deserted island. She looked at a certain peak with excitement in her eyes.

"This place is so remote, it should still be there! I couldn't beat it last time, this time, I will definitely win it."

Shark Qing'er muttered to herself, her eyes revealing a bit of confidence.

She seemed to notice something, and she patted the sea with her right hand, and the sea suddenly rolled violently, bursting open, setting off hundreds of huge waves.


Three figures flew out from the bottom of the sea, headed by a golden-clothed youth with handsome features. The golden-clothed youth had several golden scales on his arms, and his eyes were golden.

The other two have some cyan scales on their arms, tall noses and wide ears, both of them are in the early stage of spiritual transformation.

"Jin Lin, it's you, why are you following me?"

Shark Qing'er said with a frown.

"Hey, sister Qing'er, don't get me wrong, we are just passing by, you came all the way here, is there any treasure here?"

The young man in golden clothes laughed and looked at Shaqing'er with bad intentions.

"What treasures can there be in this broken place? I just came to visit a senior."

Sha Qing'er explained, looking a little flustered.

"Senior? If it is the senior of our sea clan, how can you live in such a place? You can't think of me as a fool, there won't be rare elixir on the island!"

Jin Lin sneered and said, the sea clan usually live on the bottom of the sea, and rarely on the sea surface. The place is remote and the spiritual energy is not abundant. It is impossible for high-level sea clan to live here.

"I don't know what you are talking about. If you are sensible, leave here quickly, or else you will disturb the senior, and you will not be able to eat and walk around."

Shark Qing'er said bravely, hoping to get rid of the golden-clothed youth.

"Hmph, isn't it? I'd like to see which senior lives here and come with me."

Jin Lin raised his right hand, and a golden light flew out, heading straight for Sha Qing'er.

Shark Qing'er was shocked and tried to avoid it, but she was horrified to find that the sea water under her body weighed millions of kilograms, and she couldn't move.

The difference between the Yuan Ying cultivator and the Spirit Transformation cultivator was not even a single star, and it was impossible for Sha Qing'er to be an opponent at all.

The golden light was wrapped around Sha Qing'er, and it was a golden ring with flashing runes.

"Hehe, Sha Qing'er, you have today too."

A mermaid laughed, with a smirk all over his face.

"Jin Lin, if you dare to mess around, grandma won't spare you."

Sha Qing'er looked flustered, and quickly moved out of the backer.

"Don't worry, I won't be fooling around. It's rare for you to leave Fangshi by yourself. I still hope to exchange you with that old thing! Come, take me to see what's here."

Jin Lin sneered and said that he had used his divine sense to sweep the island, but he did not find the aura of the cultivator.

"Who is it? Injuring people at the entrance of our cave? It's too hard to take us seriously!"

An indifferent male voice suddenly came from the island.

After hearing this, Sha Qing'er was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and said respectfully, "Senior, junior Sha Qing'er has come to pay respects to senior at the order of grandma."

Jin Lin frowned, his eyes a little suspicious.

Just based on the sound, who knows what the other party is.

"Jin Lin, the law enforcement elder of the Jin Lin family is the great-grandfather of the younger generation. I don't know which fellow Daoist lives here. Can you show up and see him?"

Jin Lin said politely, most of the people who can be called seniors by Sha Qing'er are Spirit Transformation cultivators, and the chances of virtual cultivators living here are very small.

Two rays of escape light flew out from the island and landed on the sky above Jinlin. The escape light converged, revealing a man and a woman, who were Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, who had been transformed into disguise.

They have been training for more than half a month, and their injuries have improved a lot. They wanted to find the sea clan, but they did not expect the sea clan to find the door themselves.

"The merman family!"

Jin Lin frowned slightly, the sea clan is divided into several branches, the merman clan is one of them, if it is other branches, it may be sold to him a little thin, the same is the merman clan, I am afraid the other party will not let him Take Shaqing'er away.

"In the sea of ​​​​shark clouds, this is my wife, Sha Yun, fellow Daoist Jin, why did you detain the younger generation of our mer clan? Do you think we don't exist?"

Wang Changsheng said coldly, he is not familiar with the situation in this place, if there is the help of the sea clan, he can find the seat of the seated cave of Xuangui Zhenjun faster.

"She took the things of our Golden Scale Clan, and I will take her back to her life."

Jin Lin explained, his tone was a little cold.

"You nonsense, when did I take the things of your Jinlin family, it was your grandma's treasure that you coveted, and you wanted to arrest me to threaten grandma."

Shark Qing'er retorted.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, you let her go and leave here, we can forgive the past."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, Jin Lin is the descendant of the law enforcement elders of the Jin Lin family, and his cultivation base is a little lower, but there must be a lot of treasures on his body, and he doesn't want to worry about it.

"Hmph, let him go? Just you?"

Jin Lin snorted coldly, with a look of disdain.

His great-grandfather was in the late stage of virtual practice and gave him a lot of treasures, and he was not afraid of each other at all.

"Let's do it! You take my three moves. If you take my three moves, I don't care about it, so what."

Wang Changsheng suggested.

"Three tricks? Well, I want to see, what skills do you have."

Jin Lin readily agreed, but he didn't believe that he couldn't forge the opponent's three moves.

Wang Changsheng's right fist lit up with a dazzling blue light, and he smashed it towards the Jinlin Void. A piercing sound of breaking through the air sounded. Countless blue water vapor rushed out, suddenly turning into a huge blue fist with a size of hundreds of feet. With an overwhelming momentum, he smashed at Jinlin.

Before the blue giant fist got close, a fierce hurricane rushed towards his face, and Jin Lin's clothes were swaying non-stop.

Jin Lin snorted coldly, and a dazzling golden light lit up on his body, illuminating a large area.

With a move of his right fist, he smashed towards the opposite side in a package of golden light.

The two fists collided, and a powerful wave of air erupted. Jin Lin flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood, his face full of horror.

He has played against many cultivators of God Transformation, and even if he loses, he will not lose so quickly.

"Friend Jin, there are two more tricks."

Wang Changsheng's expression was indifferent.

Jin Lin snorted softly, pinched the magic formula, the golden circle flew towards him, and Sha Qing'er regained his freedom.

With a flick of his wrist, a blue light flew out. It was a blue shark with a body length of 100 meters. The blue shark had some silver lines on its body. It was a fifth-order low-grade spirit beast.

He released the fifth-order spirit beast to remind the other party not to mess around, and the opponent's strength made him very jealous.

"let's go."

Jin Lin jumped on the back of the blue shark and greeted the two men to jump on the back of the blue shark.

A low roar sounded, and the blue shark carried them away and disappeared into the vast darkness.

Shao Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly remembered something, and bowed to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, gratefully said, "This junior is very grateful to the two seniors for saving their lives. "

"We are of the same clan, it's just a little effort, you came here to pick elixir!"

Wang Changsheng said kindly.

"Grandma is injured and needs blue marrow fruit as a medicinal guide. I accidentally found blue marrow fruit here, but I couldn't defeat that monster, so I had to retreat. When I was ready, I was targeted by Jin Lin."

Shaqing'er explained that she was very aware of the consequences of lying and did not dare to lie.

Jin Lin is no match, let alone her.

Wang Ruyan flipped his hand over, blue light flashed, and a beautiful blue jade box appeared in his hand, with a flick of his wrist, the blue jade box flew towards Sha Qinger.

"These are two blue pith fruits, are they enough?"

Wang Ruyan said warmly.

"Enough, enough, thank you senior, senior for your kindness, junior can't repay."

Shark Qing'er looked excited and wanted to kowtow, but was stopped by Wang Changsheng.

"Okay, it's all the same clan, it's just a little effort. By the way, we have been in retreat for many years, and we don't know the outside world. Where is the nearest square market?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Shaan Qing'er hesitated for a while, and said, "If senior doesn't dislike it, I will personally lead the way for senior! A few years ago, due to the war, our sea clan removed a few squares and moved to other places."

"Relocated to other places? Dragon Palace also relocated?"

Wang Changsheng frowned and asked, the Dragon Palace is the largest market in the Sea Clan, and there are many experts. To be honest, they dare not go to the Dragon Palace. If they are recognized by the Sea Clan in the integration period, it will be troublesome.

He went to Haizufang City mainly because he wanted to take this opportunity to find True Monarch Xuangui's Zuohua Dongfu, so that he could break the ban and get treasures.

"Dragon Palace has not moved, but a few medium-sized square cities. The nearest square city is 30 million miles away from here. It was opened by our merman clan. In addition to our merman clan, there are also human races, bone races, and bat races. , If you are lucky, you can find some good things in exchange."

Shark Qing’er explained that each race has monks who specialize in business, and these monks are widely valued by all races and are protected to a certain extent.

If you kill them and cut off the passage of trade between races, it will not be good for both sides in the long Are there races, bone races, and bat races? "

Wang Changsheng's heart moved, if this is the case, then he can run for a while, even if he is recognized, that's fine.

Shaan Qing'er looked nervous. She planned to lead them on the way. First, she was grateful for their life-saving grace, and second, she was worried that Jin Lin hadn't left yet, so it was safer to follow them.

"Okay! I'll trouble you then."

Wang Changsheng agreed.

Shao Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "No trouble, it is my blessing to be able to serve the two seniors, please come with me."

Sha Qing'er released a cyan light curtain, turned into an escape light, and submerged into the sea.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan held up an aqua blue light curtain and chased after them.

A cyan light curtain and a blue light curtain sneak under the sea, and the speed is not fast.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's faces were calm, and they could clearly see a large number of low-level monsters swimming by, including seahorses, sea turtles, seals, sea lions, and so on.

"Qing'er, we have been in seclusion for many years, is there any major event in the clan these years?"

Wang Ruyan asked casually and chatted.

Wang Ruyan asked casually and chatted.

"In the past few years, there has been no major incident in our merman clan, but a major incident has occurred in the Qinglin clan. The elders of the Qinglin clan seem to have died under the great catastrophe. The power of the Qinglin clan is not as strong as before, and many sites Divided by other groups."

Shark Qing'er is a chatterer, once he opened the chatterbox, he kept talking.

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