Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1971: Tianshafang

Based on her cultivation and experience, she naturally couldn't see the true identities of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

From the chat, Sha Qing'er said a lot about the sea clan.

According to what Sha Qing'er said, they are now located in the sea clan's territory, more than a billion miles away from the Golden Toad Island.

If you want to return to the territory of the human race, you need to cross a long distance, and it is easy to encounter aliens on the road.

"By the way, Qing'er, have you heard of Xuangui Island?"

Wang Ruyan asked casually that True Monarch Xuangui's Zuohua Cave Mansion was near Xuangui Island.

There are frequent wars in the Xuanling Continent, and wars often break out. It is normal for the island to change owners. The sea clan is divided into multiple branches, just like the human clan is divided into multiple sects and Xiuxian families, and there are also competitions with each other.

"Mysterious Tortoise Island? The two seniors are also going to Mysterious Tortoise Island?"

Shark Qing'er said in surprise.

"What? Anyone else going to Xuangui Island?"

Wang Ruyan asked, could it be that True Monarch Xuangui's Sihua Cave Mansion was discovered by others?

"Grandma was going to Xuangui Island, but now that she is injured, she didn't go."

Shaan Qing'er explained, she changed her tone and asked, "Are the two seniors going to Xuangui Island to find someone?"

"A friend lives near Xuangui Island, but we haven't been there, we just know that he lives near Xuangui Island."

Wang Ruyan explained that this reason was barely justified.

Sha Qing'er suddenly realized and said with a smile: "So it is, Xuangui Island is very far from here, and it has to pass through the territory of the Jinlin clan. The Jinlin clan hates our mermaid clan. , that would be troublesome."

According to Sha Qing’er’s account, the Hai Clan exists in the form of a tribe, with hundreds of large and small tribes, and the Jinlin Clan is a relatively powerful tribe with Mahayana monks in charge.

"Uncle Turtle has rescued the people of the Jinlin family, and he will also go to Xuangui Island. If he is willing to lead the way, the two seniors should be able to reach the vicinity of Xuangui Island safely."

Sha Qing'er remembered something and added.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan nodded and said nothing.

Seven days later, they stopped, and a colorful door of light appeared in front of them. The surface of the door of light was covered with mysterious runes, emitting a strong restraint wave.

The door of light suddenly swayed with ripples, and there was a gap as large as a zhang, and a guy with a head and a horse came out from behind the door of light.

Several rays of light flew from a distance, and they were three beautiful female mermen, but they were only in the Nascent Soul stage.

"Two seniors, let's go! This is Tian Shafang City, which has been migrated from elsewhere."

Sha Qing'er greeted her, her body lit up with a dazzling blue light and moved towards the door of light.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan followed closely, their expressions were calm, like nothing else, but they were actually quite nervous. This was the first time they had entered an alien market, so it would be a lie to say that they were not nervous.

Shark Qing'er easily passed through the gate of light, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan lit up with a dazzling blue light, and also passed through the gate of light.

The environment in front of them changed, and they suddenly appeared on a spacious and clean street. The floor tiles were made of countless shells, and they were colorful. The shops on both sides of the street were built with coral stones.

There is no seawater here, and the seawater is propped up by the formation method to form a space.

Not far away, there is a doorway building more than 100 feet high. The doorway building is made of coral stone, and the four characters "Tian Shafang City" are written in Hai nationality characters.

A large number of mermen walk on the streets, most of which are in the stage of formation of elixir. These mermen walk on the ground like walking on the ground and are not affected at all.

In addition to the merman, Wang Changsheng has seen many races such as the Bone Race, the Bat Race, the Orc Race, etc., but has not seen the Human Race cultivator for the time being.

"Two seniors, come with me! I'll introduce you to Uncle Turtle!"

Sha Qing'er moved forward, extremely fast.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan hurriedly followed. Along the way, many people greeted Sha Qing'er. It seemed that Sha Qing'er's popularity was relatively good.

Most of the shops in Fangshi are set up by sharks, and they operate in a wide range, and there are many strange things.

A quarter of an hour later, Shark Qing'er appeared at the door of a three-storey golden attic with three large silver characters "Cloud Shark Tower" written on the plaque.

"Qing'er, you are finally back. Grandma sent someone to look for you for a long time. If you don't come back, she will find you in person."

A beautiful-looking female merman came out of the attic. Her lower body was covered with red scales, and she had a lot of red spirit lines on her body. She was in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"Didn't I come back? Sister Hong'er, is grandma feeling better?"

Shark Qing'er asked nervously.

"Qing'er, where did you go to? Cough, come in quickly... come in."

A weak female voice came from the attic.

Sharma Qing'er responded quickly and said to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, "Two seniors, come in with me! Otherwise, I will be scolded."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan nodded and followed Sha Qinger in.

The layout in the attic is elegant, you can see some coral stone potted plants, and some circular water curtains, in which there are colorful spiritual fish swimming around.

An old woman in green robe with a slightly pale complexion was sitting on a wooden chair.

"Grandma, I got two blue pith fruits, you will be well soon."

Shark Qing'er took out two blue marrow fruits and said excitedly.

"Hmph, how many times have I told you? I told you not to leave Fangshi without authorization. You'd better leave Fangshi privately while I am healing. Did you forget what I said?"

The old woman in green robe frowned and said, her eyes fell on Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Grandma, I don't dare next time. I met Jin Lin on the way. Fortunately, the two seniors came to the rescue and I was able to come back safely. This senior defeated Jin Lin with one punch."

Sha Qing'er introduced full of admiration.

"Old Shaun Yao, I don't know what the two fellow Taoists call them?"

The old woman in green robe said politely, surprise flashed in her eyes.

"In the sea of ​​​​shark clouds, this is my wife, Sha Yun."

Wang Changsheng clasped his fists with both hands and said politely.

"Grandma, they have to go to Xuangui Island, why don't you ask Uncle Turtle to help them!"

Shark Qinger suggested.

There was a bit of confusion in Shaiyao's eyes, and he said: "I take the liberty to ask, what are the two fellow Daoists doing at Xuangui Island? It is not the territory of our merman clan, Xuangui Island is located at the junction of many tribes. , the fish and the dragon are mixed, and it is more dangerous."

"We went to visit friends, but I heard from Qing'er that it would be more troublesome to pass through the territory of the Golden Scales. I heard that a fellow Taoist turtle has a good relationship with the Golden Scales. If you could introduce me, we would be grateful."

Wang Changsheng's tone was sincere.

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