Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1972: Tong Tianhua

After all, they are disguised as a mercenary clan, and most of their knowledge of the sea clan comes from mercurial Qing'er, and someone leading the way can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Guy Daoist can't leave now. The two Daoists will stay in Tianshafang City first. When Daoist Gui is free, I will introduce you to me immediately."

Shaiyao said politely.

These remarks are clearly polite, and it is up to her to decide when she is free.

This is also normal. It is impossible for Shaiyao to treat Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan immediately with heart and lungs when they meet for the first time.

"Okay! Then trouble fellow Daoist."

Wang Changsheng agreed and left with Wang Ruyan.

"Grandma, the two seniors are very good. If it wasn't for them to help, I might not have seen you."

Shark Qing'er asked a little puzzled.

"Hmph, you girl is getting more and more courageous. I told you not to leave Tianshafang City. Do you take my words as a deaf ear?"

Shawn Yao reprimanded coldly.

"There is no blue pith fruit in Fang City. Uncle Turtle said that if you want to get better soon, you must have a thousand-year-old blue pith fruit as a medicinal guide, so I went out to find the blue pith fruit."

Shark Qing'er explained in a low voice.

After hearing this, Shao Yao's face softened, and said: "It's not an example, who knows their real purpose, wait for my injury to get better, and then take them to Xuangui Island! Go and invite fellow Taoist turtles, the materials are already available. Got it together."

"Yes, grandma."

Shark Qing'er smiled happily, came down and took orders to leave.


Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan strolled on the street paved with shells, and they looked at the shops on both sides of the street.

It was their first time to Tianchafang City, and they were full of curiosity about many things. Of course, they would not show it.

Half an hour later, they appeared in a shop more than 100 feet long. The shopkeeper was an old man in green robe who was over seventy years old. The old man in green robe was in the form of a merman. Shells, these shells are unique to the sea clan, equivalent to the jade slips of the human clan.

"The two seniors came just in time. The shop has just entered a batch of charts."

The old man in green robe said enthusiastically.

"We want to buy some nautical charts, the more detailed the better, and some classics such as legends and biographies."

Wang Changsheng said straight to the point.

The old man in green robe was instantly overjoyed, this was a big customer, and he personally selected it.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan bought a large number of classics, the content is relatively messy, which can improve their understanding of the sea clan.

After leaving the bookstore, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan wandered along the street.

Most of the shops on both sides of the street are built with coral stones and shells. They are colorful, sparkling, and have the characteristics of the sea clan. Most of the products sold are unique to the sea clan.

"Hmph, this is the territory of our merman clan, not the place where your human clan runs wild."

"That's right, do you really think we dare not kill you?"

A fierce quarrel came from the front, as if the human race cultivator had a conflict with the merman.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan moved in their hearts and walked over quickly.

At the entrance of a nine-storey golden pavilion, the plaque reads "Tian Shalou" in three silver characters, and a human race is confronting two male sharks.

The human race is a middle-aged man with tall cows and big horses. His eyes are like copper bells, his face is full of flesh, his neck is thick and his belly is fat, and the layers of fat are stacked together like a fan. He wears a string of golden Buddha strings on his hands. A gleaming coral jade belt is wrapped around it, and a azure jade pendant is worn on the chest, showing luxury.

The middle-aged man has the cultivation base of the late stage of God Transformation, and his brows are furrowed.

"I, Tong Tianhua, are a fool in business. If you don't want to trade, forget it. Don't put a hat on me. If you want to kill me, do it. Don't talk nonsense. I'll see if you can bear the wrath of the Seven Star Business Alliance. "

The middle-aged man's voice was cold.

When the two male mermen heard this, their faces were full of fear.

The seven-star business alliance's influence in the Xuanling Continent is not small, and it is not something they can provoke.

"Since you don't kill me, then I'll go."

Tong Tianhua snorted coldly and strode into the distance.

A merman's eyes flashed fiercely, and he patted Tong Tianhua's void with one hand, and a dazzling blue light flew out, heading straight for Tong Tianhua.

At this moment, an indifferent man's voice suddenly sounded; "You are really humiliating the face of our merman clan when you started in the market."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a ripple in the void, and a tall, thin, blue-robed old man appeared behind Tong Tianhua without warning, waved a shield of blue light, blocking him.


With a muffled sound, the blue shield blocked the blue light, which turned out to be a steamy dart.

"Elder Hai!"

The two male mermen became nervous when they saw the blue-robed old man.

The blue-robed old man did not have the slightest mana fluctuation. Judging from the names of the two male mermen, the blue-robed old man was obviously a cultivator.

"Senior Hai, I'd like to help you, otherwise I really don't know how this time will end."

Tong Tianhua said gratefully.

The blue-robed old man nodded and said, "You'll be fine, Little Friend Tong. The people below are ignorant and bumped into fellow Daoist Tong. Don't worry, the old man will definitely punish them severely."

"Elder Hai, he was the one who provoked it first..."

The male merman wanted to defend, but was interrupted by the blue-robed old man: "Speaking of 10,000 and 10,000, this is not the reason for you to hurt people in Fangshi, and explain it to me later."

The blue-robed old man looked at the other mermen and said solemnly, "No matter who you are, you are not allowed to fight in the market. Also, Tong Xiaoyou is a distinguished guest of our merman family. I will not allow anyone to disrespect Tong Xiaoyou."

Many mermen agreed in unison, with respectful expressions.

"Let's go away! What should I do!"

The blue-robed old man waved his hand and let the onlookers disperse.

Wang Changsheng didn't believe how stupid the two mercenaries in the God Transformation period were. They would attack the human race in their own square market, either because they were bribed and deliberately provoked a conflict between the human race and the merpeople, or they were directed and acted by the merpeople.

It has nothing to do with them what the truth is.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked into the Tiansha Tower. The lobby was spacious and bright, and the shelves were filled with ores, elixir, demon pills, and so on.

They went straight upstairs and came to the seventh floor, where a spirited white-robed old man was drinking tea.

"Old man Hai Yunfan, I don't know if there is anything that can help the two fellow Taoists."

The white-robed old man said Wang Changsheng took out a bright blue shell, handed it to Hai Yunfan, and said, "We want to buy some materials, here is the list."

Hai Yunfan took the blue shell, swept away his consciousness, nodded, and said, "Except for the sea tide **** crystal and Wannian Jumiao wood, all other materials are available. The two fellow Taoists wait a moment."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan nodded and chatted with Hai Yunfan.

"Fellow Haidao, is there any change in the Golden Scale Clan recently? We met a few people from the Golden Scale Clan on the road, and they were not friendly to us."

Wang Changsheng asked casually.

"Hmph, the Golden Scale Clan is not trying to annex our Mermaid Clan. They relied on their own tribe to appear a Mahayana monk and invaded the territory of other tribes. Fortunately, the Silver Shark Clan competed with the Golden Scale Clan, and the Golden Scale Clan only It's not too much, but the people of the Golden Scale family have been making things difficult for us, and these years have become more and more excessive."

Hai Yunfan said with some resentment, as if he had suffered the loss of the Golden Scale Clan.

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