Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1977: poked the hornet's nest

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Hai Lin touched the back of his head, a blue light flashed, and a long blue fork appeared in his hand.

After the mana was injected, the blue long fork skyrocketed to more than ten feet long, and the water vapor was foggy.

He clenched the blue long fork in both hands and slashed towards the void. A piercing sound of piercing eardrums sounded. Hundreds of dazzling blue light swept out and hit the blue water curtain one after another. There was a muffled sound, blue The color water curtain swayed with ripples.

Soon, the blue water curtain returned to normal.

Hai Lin frowned and pinched the magic trick. Countless blue spiritual patterns appeared on his body. Holding a blue long fork, he went straight to the blue water curtain.

In front of the blue water curtain, his majestic mana poured into the blue water curtain, and the blue long fork suddenly burst into light and stabbed on the blue water curtain.

He felt like he was stabbed on the copper wall and the iron wall, the blue long fork could not pierce the blue water curtain.

How could the trapped formation arranged by the nine Dinghaizhu be so easily broken by him.

The abdomen of the shark puppet suddenly separated, revealing a gap as large as a zhang. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out from it. They were wearing shark cloud pendants, and their bodies exuded a merman aura, but they might not be able to hide from the three golden scale clan. People, as long as you can confuse them for a while.

"The merman family!"

The two Jinlin clan frowned. The relationship between the Jinlin clan and the merman clan was not very good, and there were many conflicts in private.

Wang Changsheng's magic art was pinched, and the nine Dinghaizhu suddenly brightened, exuding an astonishing wave of mana.

An amazing scene appeared, the blue water curtain shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, a huge pressure hit from all directions, and the void distorted.

This is another means of the Four Seas Demon Formation, and killing the fifth-order monsters is not a problem.

Hai Lin's face became ugly, his facial features became hideous, and gold and blue scales grew on his body.


Hai Lin roared up to the sky, the void was violently distorted and deformed like a rag, an invisible sound wave swept out, the seabed shook slightly, and then tore apart, showing thick and long cracks.

The invisible sound wave hit the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain was deformed and seemed to be shattered.

The long blue fork in Hai Lin's hand stabbed at the blue water curtain again, but was still blocked by the blue water curtain.

There was a stern look in his eyes, he put away the blue long fork, his hands were blue light, and sharp nails grew, and his hands hit the blue water curtain.

With a muffled sound, his hands pierced through the blue water curtain, pulling his hands to the left and right.

Hai Lin's face flushed red, the blue water curtain rolled violently, and he really tore a crack, but soon, the nine Dinghaizhu's spiritual light rose, and the crack was instantly healed.

How can the formation arranged by nine Dinghaizhu be so easy to decipher?

The blue water curtain is getting smaller and smaller, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the seabed bursts open, and cracks appear.

Hai Lin felt that it was becoming difficult to breathe, and an unbearable pressure hit him from all directions, as if it was about to crush his internal organs.

He took a deep breath and smashed his fists towards the ground, intending to pierce the seabed to escape.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, and with a reminder of the magic trick, the nine Dinghaizhu quickly rotated on the surface of the blue water curtain, and the pressure increased sharply.

Hai Lin's body trembled, and he felt that it was extremely difficult to lift his hands and feet.

If it goes on like this, his body will have to be crushed by gravity.

He flipped his right hand, and a pale golden ball appeared in his hand, crystal clear, like amber, with runes flashing on the surface, exuding a violent aura.

Jin Linzhu, a unique item of the Jinlin family, a one-time treasure, this is what Hai Lin spent most of his net worth in exchange. It is comparable to the full blow of a cultivator.

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded, Hai Lin felt a splitting headache, and his head was about to be torn in half.

A big blue hand protruded from the blue water curtain, like fishing for a moon out of a sea, and patted Hai Lin's palm.

With a muffled "bang", Jin Linzhu flew out and disappeared into the blue water curtain.

A flicker of surprise flashed in Hai Lin's eyes, he bit the tip of his tongue despite the severe pain, and a fishy smell spread in his mouth.

The Jin Linzhu suddenly burst, and a dazzling golden light suddenly appeared, submerging the area of ​​a hundred miles, covering the figures of Wang Changsheng and others.

The seabed burst open immediately, and the dust flew up.

It didn't take long for the golden light to dissipate, and the three of Hai Lin disappeared.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood side by side, and the two looked indifferent.

Nine Dinghaizhu floated beside them, and the spiritual light was slightly dim.

They opened up their consciousness and searched for the whereabouts of Hai Lin and the three of them.

Wang Ruyan's eyebrows lit up with a red light, and a red eyeball appeared out of thin air, which was Wufeng Famu.


Wang Ruyan pointed to the northeast and said, she could see three looming shadows.

They thought that the Golden Scales would fight to the death with them, but they didn't expect the other party to run away directly, not fighting at all.

The three of Hai Lin were covered by a blue water curtain. Hai Lin's face was pale and his body was covered in blood.

From the fact that the other party had nine Heaven-penetrating Spirit Treasures, Hai Lin knew that he was not the opponent's opponent.

This is the territory of the Jinlin family. He doesn't need to fight with each other. As long as he flees back, he can mobilize people to encircle and suppress them. At that time, he will slash the other party with thousands of swords, smashing his soul and refining his soul, in order to vent his hatred. .

At this time, they had already alarmed the blood shark herd, and some blood sharks were chasing them.


A deafening dragon roar sounded, resounding for thousands of miles.

The first, the second, the third..., the sound of six dragons rang out in succession, the sea tumbled violently, and a blue sound wave quickly spread out in the sea, and wherever it passed, the sea suddenly split.

Hearing the sound of the six dragons, Hai Lin and the three were dizzy and dazed.

When they reacted, the blue water curtain suddenly burst open, and they felt a huge force hit, the blood in the body surged, and they flew out at the same time.

Before they could stand firm, hundreds of blood sharks swarmed up and rushed towards them.

Seeing this scene, Hai Lin revealed a ferocious look on his face, and said, "I will cover your and return to the clan to report."

He turned into a blue escaping light and flew towards the blood shark herd.

Boom! A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up on the bottom of the sea, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

After a while, the blue light dissipated, and the three of Hai Lin disappeared. A large number of low-level blood sharks turned into blood rain, dyeing a large area of ​​sea water red.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan knew that they had stabbed the hornet's nest, and they fought against the Hai Clan on the bottom of the sea, and it was easier for the Hai Clan to escape.

"Go, get out of here quickly, it is estimated that the large troops of the sea clan will chase after them."

Wang Changsheng put away Ding Haizhu and returned to the body of the shark puppet with Wang Ruyan.

A dazzling spiritual pattern lit up on the body of the shark puppet, and disappeared into the deep sea as a flash of light.

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