Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1978: Heavenly Fu Xianwei

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The blood shark sea area is a well-known place. There are a large number of blood sharks living here. The blood sharks are very sensitive to blood and are brutal and bloodthirsty.

Hundreds of blood sharks are frantically attacking a blue whale with a length of 100,000 meters below the bottom of the sea. The surface of the blue whale is dripping with blood, and the small half of its body has been gnawed away, and white bones can be clearly seen.

A five-foot-long blood shark wandered around the periphery, not approaching the blue whale.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were standing at the control hub. They knew they had stabbed the basket and could only rush to their destination as soon as possible.

Hundreds of blood sharks are besieging a fifth-order monster. They are too conspicuous and control the shark puppet to hide on the periphery.


The blue shark let out a low roar, and even though it was hit hard, it didn't die.

Hundreds of blood sharks rushed up, the blue whale's eyes showed a bit of fierce color, and its body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up, drowning a hundred miles around, and a large number of blood sharks were shrouded in blue light.

After a while, the blue light dissipated, and the sea water was dyed red. There were only dozens of blood sharks left from the hundreds of blood sharks. Most of them were fifth-order monsters, and most of them were injured.

The shark puppet beast has been active in the periphery, and it has not been affected much.

Dozens of blood sharks smelled the blood and attacked their companions frantically.

"What a hassle!"

Wang Changsheng complained, and manipulated the shark puppet to move into the distance, allowing dozens of blood sharks to kill each other.

Blood sharks are brutal and bloodthirsty. As long as they smell blood, they will still attack even if they are companions. In order to compete for prey, blood sharks often attack each other. Most blood sharks die in infighting. They have seen many times. I got used to it.

Suddenly, there was a sound like a baby crying.

An astonishing scene appeared, and dozens of blood sharks stopped fighting and moved in a certain direction together.

"What is this for? Is it the voice of the sixth-order blood shark?"

Wang Ruyan's eyes were a little uncertain and doubtful.

"Maybe the Golden Scales Clan notified the Blood Shark Clan, they may be looking for us."

Wang Changsheng's face was solemn, if that's the case, it would be troublesome.

"We can't use the shark puppet to hurry, let's use the escape technique to move forward! It's not very far from the destination."

Wang Changsheng suggested to take out a handful of yellow glittering jade Ruyi, with a pattern of a yellow pangolin engraved on the head, with amazing aura, obviously a heaven-penetrating spiritual treasure.

There was a muffled sound from the belly of the shark puppet beast, and a gap as large as a zhang appeared, from which Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew out.

In the distance lies a patch of colorful coral, and the seabed is uneven.

The yellow jade Ruyi in Wang Changsheng's hand released a great deal of spiritual light, and the pangolin seemed to come alive, making a low roar, opening its mouth and spewing out a yellow light, which turned into a thick yellow light curtain, covering Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Under the wrapping of the yellow light curtain, they dived into the seabed and walked through the seabed.

The topography of the seabed is more complicated, and sometimes when they encounter a ore vein, they cannot pass through the ore vein, and can only bypass it.

Seven days later, they were traveling quickly through the seabed, and a thick yellow light curtain covered the two of them.

With a muffled "bang", the yellow light curtain seemed to hit the copper wall and was blocked.

A little bit of golden light appeared in front, it seemed to be a mineral vein, or it might be forbidden by the formation.

Wang Changsheng frowned and kept trying, but the result was the same, but he couldn't move forward. He used his divine sense to investigate, and his divine sense was seriously affected.

Wang Ruyan frowned, and a red light lit up between his brows.

She could clearly see that there was a huge golden mine in front of her, and she also saw several cultivators, both the golden scale family and the blood shark family. The old man, tall and thin, in the late stage of spiritual transformation.

"It is indeed a ore vein, and there are sea clan guards in the God Transformation period. Go around from there, there is no obstacle there."

Wang Ruyan pointed to the northeast and said.

They immediately moved towards the northeast, not very fast.

After a while, they passed through the veins and continued to move in the original direction.

"No, there are high-level monks here, I don't know if they will find us."

Wang Changsheng's face was dignified, he thought for a moment, and returned along the path he came from, back to the vicinity of the mine, where the restrictions on consciousness were relatively strong, and he might be able to avoid the enemy's tracking.

Wang Ruyan used Wufeng Famu to observe the situation on the ground.

Three men and one woman flew in from a distance, each riding a blood shark, headed by a plump young woman, with a slender body, a pair of peach blossom eyes that seduce souls, her skin as congealed, golden eyes, wearing Wearing a golden Luo skirt, the plump and straight **** are brought out, and a little golden light can be seen on the face and arms.

"Void Cultivator!"

Wang Ruyan's face froze, and his breathing became heavy.

They are hiding tens of thousands of feet underground, and it stands to reason that the probability of being discovered is very small, but this kind of thing is difficult to talk about.

As soon as the four sea clan approached the mine, they immediately alerted the cultivator of the gods who were sitting in the mine, and they hurriedly came out to greet them.

"I don't know if Senior Lin is coming, but I will be far away."

The blood-robed old man bowed and said nervously.

"You don't need to be nervous, we are just doing a routine. It is rumored that a merman clan broke into the blood shark sea area. We are looking for this person. Have you encountered a strange monk recently? Or a strange blood shark beast."

The young woman in the golden skirt asked.

"We haven't encountered any monks recently, nor have we encountered any strange blood sharks."

The blood-robed old man said truthfully.

"Linger, use the golden shark mirror to investigate. If there is no abnormality, we will leave here."

The young woman in the golden skirt ordered.

A blue-skirted girl with beautiful eyebrows responded and took out a small mirror with golden light. The back of the mirror was engraved with a pattern of a golden shark. The aura was amazing.

She aimed the mirror at the surroundings, and after the mirror illuminated countless mysterious runes, a golden glow swept out, covering the surroundings.

She surveyed the sea area with a radius of ten thousand miles, and found nothing unusual, but soon, the mirror was aimed at the ground, and the golden rays of light covered the ground.

"No, she uses the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao to investigate and may find us."

Wang Ruyan's jade appearance changed and exclaimed.

"Madam, didn't you make the Heavenly Heaven Talisman? Give it a try! If it doesn't work, let's kill it again."

Wang Changsheng said solemnly, at this time, they can only rely on the Heavenly Heaven Talisman. If they were forced to kill them, their survival rate would not be high.

Wang Ruyan took out two Heavenly Celestial Talismans and distributed one to Wang Changsheng, and the two took a picture of them on their bodies.

A flash of The two were covered by a burst of dazzling blue light. It didn't take long for the blue light to disappear, and so did they, and the yellow light curtain also collapsed.

It didn't take long for the golden rays to arrive where they were, and there was nothing unusual about the golden mirror.

"Si Gu, there is no problem here."

The girl in the blue dress put away the golden mirror and said truthfully.

The young woman in the golden skirt nodded and ordered: "If you find suspicious persons or strange blood sharks, report them immediately."

After saying this, the blood shark beast under the four of them moved towards the distance, and soon disappeared into the vast sea.

"Let's go! Let's go back!"

The blood-robed old man waved his sleeves and returned to the mine with his companions.

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