Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1980: Tianxu Yushu and Jinfeng Daoist

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Not long after, there were thousands of cracks on the surface of the black ice layer, densely packed, like a huge spider web.

The sound of the flute became more and more sharp, and sound waves swept out, and the void was distorted and deformed.


After a loud bang, the black ice layer shattered, revealing a huge underground cave entrance. You can see a bluestone staircase that extends along the ground.

Black layers of ice were scattered in the underground cave, and there was an echo.

Wang Changchang breathed a sigh of relief and looked excited. This time, the water of the Stygian River has made a contribution. Otherwise, with the strength of the two of them, it would be difficult to break this restriction.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light and flew into the underground cave.

They did not go down to hunt for treasure immediately, but waited quietly.

Before long, the stone wall at the entrance of the cave was bright, and countless mysterious runes appeared.

Wang Changsheng's tactic was pinched, and nine Dinghaizhu flew out from the blue water curtain and landed on his hand. The blue water curtain also shattered, and the bright sea water rushed towards the underground cave.

The white light flashed, and a thick white light curtain emerged, blocking the entrance and isolating the sea water from the outside.

The Four Seas Imperial Spirit Forbidden has the effect of self-healing, which is also

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked down the bluestone stairs to the ground. After a while, they appeared in a stone room more than 100 feet long. The stone walls were engraved with mysterious blue runes, and there were a lot of black ice chips scattered on the ground. Part of the ground was frozen in black ice.

There is a water-blue light curtain in front of the stairs, and there is a blue shark on the surface. The blue shark is like a living creature, swimming on the surface of the blue water curtain.

Wang Changsheng's right fist smashed towards the void, the sound of breaking wind was loud, and a blue fist shadow flew out, hitting the blue water curtain accurately, and the blue water curtain suddenly sank.

After the blue shark made a sharp roar, it suddenly opened its **** mouth and swallowed the blue fist shadow.

"The Four Seas Absorbing Spirit Formation?"

Wang Changsheng's eyes were a little suspicious. The formation in front of him was somewhat different from the legendary Four Seas Spirit Absorbing Formation. It might be a reduced version or an improved version.

He teamed up with Wang Ruyan to try to break the ban, but it was useless, the blue water curtain absorbed all attacks.

Wang Changsheng held nine Dinghai Pearls in each of his hands, and his hands lit up with a burst of dazzling blue light, smashing them towards the blue water curtain.

He felt his fists hit the soft cotton, but soon, a huge suction force emerged out of thin air, and his hands rushed towards the blue shark's mouth uncontrollably, as if it was about to be swallowed by the blue shark.

Wang Changsheng frowned, the blue light on his body flashed, and he quickly retracted his hands.

"It seems that only the water of the Ming River can be used to break the ban, break the ban and leave here soon!"

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Wang Changsheng nodded, took out the bottle of lunar yin, and entered a magic formula with the mouth of the bottle facing down.

A large amount of Styx water poured out and fell on the blue water curtain. The blue water curtain froze at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a black ice wall.

Even the ground and stone walls were frozen, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were far away.

The red dust flute in Wang Ruyan's hand suddenly brightened, and an invisible sound wave swept out, hitting the black ice wall.

The black ice wall cracked open like a piece of paper, and a hundred-acre cave appeared in front of them. Numerous mysterious runes were inscribed on the stone wall, emitting a faint wave of restraint.

There is a huge black turtle shell on the ground. There are hundreds of thick cracks on the surface of the turtle shell, and there are no traces of lightning strikes.

"Didn't it say that True Monarch Xuangui died under the great catastrophe? Why does it seem like he was killed by a powerful enemy?"

Wang Ruyan wondered, judging from the degree of damage to the tortoise shell, True Monarch Xuangui was obviously hit hard during his lifetime, not like he was struck by lightning.

"If you die under the great catastrophe, there is no reason to impose a ban, and it is impossible to be unknown here. Maybe there is something hidden!"

Wang Changsheng guessed that his consciousness was wide open to see if there was any abnormality.

Wang Ruyan raised her hand, and a five-color aura flew out, it was a five-color talisman, and the aura was amazing. When she pinched the magic trick, the five-color talisman suddenly burst into light, and turned into a young man wearing five-color armor. Wen Flickering was obviously a five-element talisman in the Yuan Ying period.

The Five Elements Soldier strode towards the giant tortoise shell, and when he came to the giant tortoise shell, he lifted the tortoise shell with both hands and lifted it up, and a blue storage ring could be clearly seen.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept over the blue storage ring, and did not find any abnormality. When he grabbed it with one hand, the blue storage ring flew towards him and landed on his hand.

With a flick of his wrist, a blue glow swept across, and there were a lot of things on the ground, shining with aura. Among them was a beautiful golden jade box with a silver-white talisman attached to it.

He opened the talisman, and there was a page of golden glittering pages, the runes flashed, and the aura was amazing.

The pages are littered with esoteric characters, twisted and deformed like tadpoles.

"This is Tianxu Jade Book?"

Wang Changsheng exclaimed, his voice trembled and his breathing became rapid.

Cai Yunfeng led someone to kill the Five Elements, just to **** back the Tianxu Jade Book, but it was unsuccessful. There is actually a page of the Tianxu Jade Book.

If this news spreads out, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan will definitely not be able to keep this page of Tianxu Jade Book.

"I don't know what is recorded, I hope it is a secret technique."

Wang Ruyan's eyes were fiery, staring at Tianxu Yushu.

According to what Cai Yunfeng said, there are many restrictions on a page of Tianxu Jade Book, and the contents of the records are different, and the accompanying restrictions are also different.

"Maybe these things can give us the answer, and maybe we can find the truth of Xuangui Zhenjun's sitting."

Wang Changsheng looked at the pile of shells on the ground and said solemnly.

They each picked up a shell, immersed their consciousness in it, and checked the contents.


On the sea, several escaping lights flew from afar at extremely fast speeds.

It didn't take long for several dungeons to hear it. There were three men and one woman, and Daoist Jinfeng was among them.

His face was slightly pale, his left arm was hanging in the air, and the other three were orcs.

"It should be here. According to what my disciple said, True Monarch Xuangui's Sihua Cave Mansion is at the bottom of the sea."

Daoist Jinfeng looked excited. They were killed that day. He was severely injured. He has been healing and his injuries have improved. Only then did he tell the orcs that there is the seated cave of Xuangui Zhenjun.

He is not kind, his identity has been exposed, and he can't go back to the human race. He can only give his life for the orc race. He originally wanted to find the treasure by himself, but this is the territory of the Golden Scales, and the Golden Scales will not give it to him. face.

As a result, his injury is better, and the orcs will be notified.

" If you didn't tell us sooner, I'm afraid the baby has already been taken away."

A young woman in a green skirt with a snake tail snorted coldly and said with some dissatisfaction.

"This is the territory of the Golden Scale Clan. Even if the human race knew that True Monarch Xuangui's Sihua Cave Mansion was here, they would not be able to rush here to retrieve the treasure, not to mention the Four Seas Royal Spirit Formation to resist, this formation is famous for its defensive power, even if it is refining The virtual cultivator did not break the formation so easily."

Daoist Jinfeng said disapprovingly, he was seriously injured at the time, how much benefit would he get if he reported the orcs immediately? He is not stupid.

"It's useless to say these words. Go down and have a look and you'll know. I hope the baby is still there."

The ape-headed orcs said solemnly.

They jumped into the sea and dived towards the bottom of the sea.

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