Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1981: Taixu forging magic formula and Qingchi beads

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True Monarch Xuangui was sitting in the cave, and Wang Changsheng was holding a blue shell in his hand, looking excited.

"Tai Xu Forging Divine Art! Cultivating Divine Consciousness Technique!"

Wang Changsheng let out a sigh of relief and muttered to himself.

According to this jade shell record, that page of Tianxu Jade Book records a practice called Taixu Divine Refinement Technique, which is a practice for cultivating spiritual consciousness, with a total of eighteen layers. Only a part of the restrictions were broken, and the first three layers of cultivation methods were obtained.

The exercises they practice all require a strong sense of consciousness. If the sense of spirit is too weak, they cannot cultivate. The Taixu Divine Exercise solves this problem.

There are several secret techniques attached to "Tai Xu Divine Exercise", all of which require a strong sense of consciousness to perform. However, this exercise is not easy to cultivate.

Anyone can cultivate the first three levels without the assistance of specific cultivation resources. From the fourth level, they need specific cultivation resources or large formations to cultivate. The higher the number of levels, the more spiritual consciousness they grow.

After the True Monarch Xuangui obtained the cultivation method of the first three layers, he recorded it on the jade shell and planned to pass it on to future generations.

After he got the training method of the first three layers of Taixu Divine Refinement Art, he was busy dealing with the big catastrophe, and finally survived the catastrophe. Just kill the door.

True Monarch Xuangui, whose vitality was severely injured, was not an opponent at all.

"Mu Lingzi! Azure Glass Sea Area!"

Wang Ruyan said to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

True Monarch Xuangui had been to the Qingli Sea Area. He was severely injured by a human monk named Mu Lingzi. He was hit by Mu Lingzi's supernatural power and died.

"This trip didn't come in vain, but I actually got a page of Tianxu Jade Book!"

Wang Changsheng said with a chuckle, his face full of joy.

In addition to the Tianxu Jade Book, there are a lot of good things, three top-grade spirit stones, two middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, one of which is a cyan bead, this treasure can hide the figure, and there are many materials for refining alchemy , the most precious refining material is this tortoise shell.

Even if it is seriously damaged, after all, it is the shell of the sixth-order mysterious turtle, and it is absolutely not a problem to use it to refine a defense-type Tongtian Lingbao.

"Let's go! It's time for us to go back."

Wang Changsheng put away the things on the ground and planned to leave.

At this moment, the cave shook violently.

"Oops, someone is breaking the ban!"

Wang Changsheng's face sank, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be Sha Yao and the others? Or the sea clan?

Wang Ruyan quickly urged Wufeng Famu to observe the situation on the ground.

She clearly saw that the four cultivators of Jinfeng Daoist were breaking the ban and were blocked by the four cultivators, which was not a good thing.

The four Daoist Jinfeng stood in an independent space, frantically attacking the white light curtain on the ground.

For a time, all kinds of magic weapons lit up, but without exception, they were all bounced out.

"The Four Seas Royal Spirit Formation is so difficult to break, don't keep it, use the law! I don't believe that we can't break the ban even if we push the law."

The ape-headed orcs said with a cold face, their eyes fiery.

As soon as he pinched the magic trick, the void above his head was violently distorted and deformed, and a huge and incomparable ape phantom suddenly appeared. The upper body of the ape phantom was solid, and the lower body was incorporeal.

The ape Dharma Xiang made an extremely weird roar, and the furry arms suddenly smashed towards the white light curtain.

At the same time, Daoist Jinfeng and others also urged Dharma to attack the white light curtain.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the white light curtain was twisted and deformed without breaking.

The brows of the ape-headed orcs wrinkled, the magic formula changed, and the ape-monkey magic form suddenly spurted a blue sound wave, hitting the white light curtain.

The blue sound wave was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the white light curtain was torn apart like a mirror.

Daoist Jinfeng and the others were overjoyed. After all, it was the seated cave dwelling of the cultivator, and there must be a lot of treasures.

"Fellow Daoist Jin and Daoist Xiong, you stay outside to meet us. Snake Ji and I will go in to break the ban and get the treasure, and we will share with you when we get the treasure."

The ape-headed orcs instructed.

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Jinfeng frowned, and his face showed displeasure.

"What? Fellow Daoist Jin thinks I'm doing things unfairly in Saruchi?"

The face of the ape-headed orcs turned cold, and in his heart he couldn't despise the Jinfeng Daoist who was a seller and begging for glory, even if the Jinfeng Daoist was forced to join them.

Daoist Jinfeng thought for a while, then said with a smile, "No, just follow Daoist Ape!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. If they object, I am afraid that he will not be able to leave alive. The orcs are not so good at talking.

Sarukari nodded with satisfaction, and flew into the underground cave with a young woman in a blue skirt with a snake tail.

"Hey, what is this?"

Snake Ji pointed at the stone steps and said that some places on the stone steps were covered with black ice, which was caused by the water of the Styx River and could not be restored to its original state.

"It doesn't look like ordinary jade, it may be a ban or an institution, try it!"

Saru Shou frowned and said, he flicked his two fingers, and a strong wind flew out, hitting the black ice layer exactly, the black ice layer instantly shattered, splashing everywhere, black ice chips fell on the bluestone stairs, and the bluestone stairs instantly froze. Ice, the ice layer is black.

"What is this? It's the first time I've seen it. There are so many of these things here. Has anyone come here?"

Snake Ji was confused.

"It's possible, avoid these things, don't be careless."

Sarugari said solemnly, the two flew towards the ground, and the speed was not fast.

Soon, they reached the bottom. There were a lot of black ice cubes scattered on the ground. A thick blue light curtain blocked their way. There was a blue shark on the surface of the blue light curtain. The blue shark was like a living creature. The surface of the color light curtain wanders continuously.

"This seems to be the Four Seas Spirit Absorbing Array of the Sea Clan, but how come there are so many of these things here? Could it be that someone really got there first?"

Snake Ji's brows furrowed.

"You will know if you break the ban. UU reading use the law to break the formation! Quick battle and quick decision."

Ape Shou instructed, when the magic trick was pinched, there was a ripple on the top of the head, and a huge ape dharma image emerged out of thin air, and the ape monkey dharma image moved his arms and smashed into the blue light curtain.

Snake Ji's magic trick was pinched, and a huge cyan python phantom appeared on the top of his head. Half of the body was solid, and most of it was incorporeal.

The cyan giant python spewed out a green glow, hitting the blue light curtain, and a burst of blue smoke appeared.


After a huge roar sounded, the blue light curtain shattered, a huge cave appeared in front of them, and a huge turtle shell came into view.

Their consciousness was wide open, and they carefully explored the entire cave, worried that someone would be ambushed, but they did not find any abnormality.

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