Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1982: escape

"Top of Qinglian (

"The black ice cubes outside, obviously someone has been here, could it be left by True Monarch Xuangui?"

She Ji's tone was a little suspicious, and she carefully probed with her consciousness, but she didn't find anything.

Sarangari didn't speak, and he naturally saw that there was a problem, his eyes fell on the huge turtle shell, his eyes were fiery.

The remains of True Monarch Xuangui, I don't know what treasures are in the relics.

He stepped forward quickly and dug out a dimly lit storage ring from the ground near the turtle shell, which was still stained with dirt.

He used his divine sense to swipe, and there was a look of joy in his eyes. There were a lot of treasures in it.

Are they worrying too much? There are no other monks here at all?

"How is it? Fellow Daoist Monkey, what treasures do you have?"

Snake Ji asked impatiently.

"There are indeed a lot of treasures, but there is only one Heaven-reaching Spirit Treasure. I don't know if other treasures were destroyed by the Great Calamity."

Sarugari wondered, his eyes slowly passing through the cave.

At this moment, a huge roar came from the ground, and the ground shook.

"What's going on? Could it be that fellow Daoist Jin and fellow Daoist Xiong had a fight? Or did the people from the Sea Clan come over?"

Snake Ji frowned.

"Go out and take a look first, and some time to probe."

Ape Kuri said in a deep voice and put away the turtle shell.

With a flick of his right hand, a golden light flew out, turning into a golden light curtain, blocking the entrance.

At this time, the Four Seas Royal Spirit Formation had recovered, blocking the entrance again.

More than a dozen cultivators were confronting each other, and the people who came were none other than the Jinlin family.

Shaiyao's face was pale, his face was ashen, and the breath of Turtle Thirteen was sluggish. They rushed to Xuangui Island from the sea, and were caught by the people of the Golden Scales on the way. Soul search learned that there was a place near Xuangui Island. The ancient monk's cave, suspected to be the seat of the Xuangui Zhenjun.

The Jinlin clan dispatched six virtual cultivators, the leader of which was a burly old man in golden robes with upright facial features.

Lin Yunhai, in the late stage of virtual refining, in addition to Lin Yunhai, there are also two sea clans in the middle stage of virtual refining and three in the early stage of virtual refining.

"Fellow Daoist Xiong, when did you go to mix with the human race? You even thought of the relics of our seniors from the sea race. Hmph, your orc race is getting more and more courageous."

Lin Yunhai's tone was indifferent, and his eyes were a little confused.

"Friend Jin is a friend of our orcs. As for the ancient monk's cave, whoever finds it is the chance, and it doesn't come from which ethnic group is that ethnic group."

The bear-headed orcs frowned and said indifferently.

The Four Seas Royal Spirit Formation was violently distorted and deformed. It seemed that someone was about to come out, and the seabed shook violently.

"This is our sea clan's territory, leave the things behind, you can go!"

Lin Yunhai instructed that True Monarch Xuangui was an imaginary cultivator who was active more than 80,000 years ago. He was powerful, and there must be many treasures in his relics.

True Monarch Xuangui is from the Sea Clan, and his Zuohua Cave Mansion is in the territory of the Golden Scale Clan, so naturally it belongs to him.

With a loud bang, the Four Seas Royal Spirit Formation was torn apart, and the monkey hunter and the snake princess flew out.

"Who am I talking about! It turns out to be fellow Daoist ape."

A look of fear flashed in Lin Yunhai's eyes, and his eyes became solemn.

Ape Hunter is not weak, and is a well-known master of the orc race.

In the underground cave, there was a dazzling blue light in a corner, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared, and their expressions were nervous.

The orcs blocked the exit. It was more difficult for them to leave. Fortunately, they obtained a hidden treasure, the Qing Chi Pearl. They took the Tianxu Jade Book, the Qing Chi Pearl and some precious materials, and hid in the The corner, hoping to hide the orcs.

The orcs obviously didn't believe it, so they blocked the exit.

In this way, there are two paths in front of them. The first path is to stay here and use the green pearl to hide, which is to wait for death; the second path is to kill them out. The chances of getting out are quite high.

"Madam, do it, forcibly break the ban, leave here, stay here, you can only wait for death."

As Wang Changsheng spoke, he sacrificed the taiyin bottle and entered a magic formula. A large piece of water from the Stygian River rushed out and hit the stone wall.

The stone wall quickly froze, covering a large area.

Wang Changsheng held the Glazed Spirit Slashing Axe and slashed towards the frozen stone wall.


After a deafening roar sounded, the entire grotto shook violently.

Lin Yunhai and Saru Shou were confronting each other, and the ground suddenly shook violently, and a huge explosion sounded.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, do you send someone to break the ban from the ground?"

Ape Shou's eyes were a little suspicious, and he couldn't help but think of the black ice chips he saw. Could it be that there are really monks hiding in the cave?

Lin Yunhai frowned, and snorted coldly: "I still want to ask you! Let someone break the ban underground?"

Sarugari was about to say something when the ground suddenly burst and a huge crack appeared. His consciousness sensed two breaths escaped from the ground at a very fast speed.

"Stop them, don't let them escape."

Lin Yunhai instructed, and a young woman in a blue dress with beautiful facial features responded, and followed up with five cultivators.

"Fellow Daoist Monkey, hand over your things, otherwise you may not be able to leave here today."

Lin Yunhai said with a cold face, his face full of murderous intent.

Ape Shou sneered and said: "Joke, we haven't broken the ban yet, you all came here, and someone got there first."

"Hand over the storage ring, let us check, if there is no thing from our sea clan, we will not embarrass you."

Lin Yunhai disagreed and said solemnly.

"Just kidding, what do you think of us? It's useless to talk too much, just let me learn from fellow Daoists!"

Ape Shou sneered, and when the magic trick was pinched, a huge ape phantom suddenly appeared in the void above his head, exuding a terrifying aura.


As soon as the ape dharma appeared, there was a deafening roar, and the sea tumbled violently.

Lin Yunhai was not afraid at all, and when the magic trick was pinched, a huge shadow of an alien animal suddenly appeared in the void above his head.

The nine cultivators fought on the seabed, the sea tumbled violently, the seabed was torn apart, and long and thick cracks appeared, and a large number of low-level monsters were shaken into a rain of blood.

In the underground cave, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other and smiled.

After they broke the ban, they urged the two talismans to escape from the ground, concealing their eyes and ears.

Wang Changsheng took out a handful of jade Ruyi, which was shining with yellow light, and with a flick of it, a yellow light swept out and covered them.

The yellow light wrapped them and quickly sneaked towards the ground, extremely fast.

Before long, they disappeared into the ground.

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