Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1983: Endure humiliation and bear the burden of Jiang Qingfeng

"Top of Qinglian (

Golden Toad Island, Tianhai Building.

On the seventh floor, Cai Yunfeng sat on a chair, his brows furrowed, his face paled slightly.

Chen Xin stood aside with his left arm hanging in the air. In the battle that day, he killed a strong enemy, but reinforcements from the alien race arrived quickly, and he fought desperately to break out of the siege and also broke his arm.

"Isn't there any news about Wang Shi-nephew and Wang Shi-nephew?"

Cai Yunfeng frowned and asked, if it wasn't for Wang Changsheng's help, he probably wouldn't have come back.

"No, the disciple has been sending people to pay attention to their news, but there has been no whereabouts of them, and I don't know where they went."

Chen Xin shook his head and said that several years had passed since the war, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Maybe they were dead or captured by aliens.

"Send someone to pay attention to their news, and notify me as soon as there is any news about them."

Cai Yunfeng commanded in a stern tone.

"Yes, Master Cai."

Chen Xin agreed and bowed down.


Xuanying Island is located in the rear of the Sea Clan, several billion miles away from Jinchan Island.

Xuanying Island is more than 3,000 miles long from east to west and more than 1,000 miles wide from north to south. The island is lush with vegetation and surrounded by spiritual energy. You can see some monks working in the spiritual field.

Careful observation, these monks' eyes are dull, like walking corpses.

A middle-aged man with cyan wings on his back is holding a long cyan whip and is supervising the cultivation of these monks.

The human race is good at planting elixir, and various races have plundered many human race monks. In addition to labor, they will also combine with the human race to reproduce.

"Be quick and quick. If Senior Feng comes back and finds that you are lazy, I will be the first to forgive you."

The middle-aged man said coldly, with a flick of his wrist, a whip hit a thin old man in green robe, leaving a terrifying bloodstain.

The old man in green robe fell to the ground and let out a painful cry.

"Pretend to be dead? Get up and work, or I'll kill you immediately."

The middle-aged man said coldly.

The other monks saw this scene and turned a blind eye.

The old man in green robe wanted to get up, but before he got up, a long whip fell from the sky and slapped him.

"Enough, Ying Xiao, you killed him, Lord Feng knows, I'm afraid he won't go around you."

A somewhat rough male voice suddenly sounded, and a middle-aged man with a height of eight feet came over, wearing a cyan gown, dark skin and a beard.

The spirit of the middle-aged man is completely different from that of other human race monks, and is obviously not the object of enslavement.

"Jiang Qingfeng, don't think that Lord Feng values ​​you, you can really be on an equal footing with me, and one day you will be useless, Lord Feng will give you to me to eat."

Eagle Roar sneered.

Jiang Qingfeng snorted lightly and said nothing.

"Speaking of which, I really want to learn from you. In order to save my life, I am willing to dedicate my Taoist companion to Master Feng. Your daughter is not too young. When the mother and daughter climb on the bed of Senior Feng, your status will be higher. already."

The corner of Yingxiao's mouth showed a touch of sarcasm.

Hearing this, Jiang Qingfeng was furious, but he thought of something, took a deep breath, and endured it again.

At this moment, a piercing eagle cry came from the distant sky.

A cyan light and two blue light appeared in the distant sky with extremely fast speed.

"Master Feng is back!"

I don't know who shouted, and they all looked towards the sky.

Qingguang soon appeared in the sky above Xuanying Island. It was a blue-shirted youth with an eagle face and a dove-nosed nose. The blue-shirted youth's face was pale and his breath was sluggish. The two blue lights were a tall blue-shirted youth and a man. A graceful young woman in a blue dress.

"Senior Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Ying Xiao's face changed, and he flew over.

Jiang Qingfeng's eyes flashed with surprise, he glanced at the blue shirt youth and the blue skirt young woman, and quickly followed.

"I'm fine, these two are fellow Daoist Sharks. If it wasn't for their help, I wouldn't be able to come back this time. What they say in the future is what I said, and whoever dares to disobey will be killed without mercy."

The tone of the blue-shirted youth was indifferent. He looked at the blue-shirted youth and said politely, "Fellow Daoist Shark, this is Feng's residence. If you don't dislike it, stay here! I will send someone to help you find friends."

"Then I will trouble Daoist Feng."

The blue-shirted youth said with a smile.

"Jiang Qingfeng, these two fellow Daoists are from the merman clan, you can arrange accommodation for them! Treat the two fellow Daoists well, if you neglect them, I will rip your skin off."

The tone of the youth in the blue shirt was indifferent.

Jiang Qingfeng responded and said respectfully, "Two seniors, please come with me."

The blue-shirted youth and the blue-skirted young woman followed Jiang Qingfeng and flew towards the northwest corner of the island.

"Master Feng, why haven't I heard of you before, knowing the seniors of the merman clan?"

Ying Xiao asked curiously.

"I need to report to you when I do something?"

The tone of the youth in the blue shirt was indifferent.

Ying Xiao shuddered and explained quickly; "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Feng, this subordinate has no other intentions, just a little curious."

"You send someone to inquire about True Monarch Golden Turtle, Fellow Daoist Shark is looking for this person."

The blue-shirted youth ordered.

Ying Xiao responded, he remembered something, his face flattered, and said: "Master Feng, Jiang Qingfeng's daughter has entered the stage of forming a pill, do you want to send her to serve you?"

"Don't need it for the time being, send someone to take a look at the few spirit medicines, nothing major, don't disturb my practice."

After the young man in blue shirt said this, he turned into a blue light and flew towards the northeast corner of the island.

On the top of a steep green mountain, there is a huge manor covering an area of ​​10,000 blue bricks and glazed tiles. Strange rocks and strange flowers and plants can be seen in the manor.

"Two seniors, what do you think of this place?"

Jiang Qingfeng asked cautiously.

"It's pretty good here, let's go here! We'll tell you something, go down!"

The blue-shirted youth ordered.

Jiang Qingfeng responded and bowed back.

The young woman in the blue dress flicked her sleeves, and hundreds of blue formation flags flew out. With a pinch of magic, the hundreds of blue formation flags turned into hundreds of blue lights, and they disappeared into the ground near the manor.

She took out a blue-light shining nine-pointed array disk and punched in several magic tricks. Countless blue mists emerged from the ground, covering the entire manor.

"I finally have a place to stay, it's not easy!"

The blue-shirted youth sighed lightly and said with a smile.

They were none other than Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, who had been transformed into disguise. After they escaped from True Monarch Xuangui's Zuohua Dongfu that day, they could only stay away from the territory of the Golden Scale Clan. Don’t ask questions, fortunately, they have Sha Yun Pei and Tian Huanzhu, and the Sea Clan has not discovered their true identities.

Often standing by the river, how can there be no wet shoes, how can there be no wet shoes,

After thinking about it again and again, they plan to find a place to practice Taixu Forging Divine Art, and then find an opportunity to return to the territory of the human race.

On the way, they encountered two alien races in the god-transforming stage fighting, and they helped an alien named Feng Yao. Feng Yao's body was a fifth-order low-grade mysterious eagle.

With gratitude, Feng Yao took them back to their residence.

Wang Changsheng made up a reason. They were looking for True Monarch Golden Tortoise. True Monarch Golden Tortoise was a mysterious tortoise in the Divine Transformation stage. They just wanted to take this opportunity to find a place to cultivate.

If they randomly found an island, they would easily encounter interrogations from other aliens, and living in Fengyao's residence was the most suitable.

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