Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1984: Retreat practice Taixu forging divine art

"Husband, Feng Yao seems to be a little worried about us."

Wang Ruyan frowned and said that they are located in the hinterland of alien races, once their true identities are recognized, it will be a lot of trouble.

"It's normal to be worried. After all, we didn't know each other before. As long as he doesn't recognize our identity, then he can be whatever he wants. The most urgent task now is to cultivate the "Tai Xu Forging Divine Art" to improve our spiritual awareness and master it. Mystery."

Wang Changsheng said nonchalantly that their cultivation was too low, and in the short term, their cultivation would not be able to improve, but they could improve their consciousness and master the mysteries of consciousness.

There are several secret techniques attached to Taixu Forging Divine Art, but the spellcaster's consciousness is strong enough to be used.

Wang Ruyan nodded, she remembered something, and said: "There are many human monks on the island, except Jiang Qingfeng, other human monks are not high in cultivation, most of them are in the foundation stage, it seems that they have been enslaved by Feng Yao for many years. ."

Alien races often rob Terran monks and bring them back to their lair for enslavement. Human races are better at planting elixir, refining tools, setting up arrays, etc. In addition, some alien races feed on humans as a panacea.

Wang Ruyan did not expect to encounter enslaved human monks here. Jiang Qingfeng was in the late Nascent Soul stage, and his cultivation was not low, while most of the human races on the island were in the foundation-building period.

"I guess Jiang Qingfeng has some special ability! Jiang Qingfeng's complexion is better than that of many monks. He is obviously a role of giving orders. Maybe it is Jinfeng Daoist and his like, let's not talk about him, we finally have a place to stay, first retreat Cultivation of Taixu forging divine art."

After Wang Changsheng said this, he walked towards the blue attic not far away.

The attic is divided into three floors and is elegantly furnished, with some antique furniture and murals, as well as a few emerald green potted plants.

There are three exercise rooms in the attic, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan each entered one exercise room.

The practice room is not big, but more than a hundred feet in size, and there is a cyan futon on the ground.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, and he carefully observed everything in the stone room. After confirming that there was no problem, he sat down on the futon.

He laid down a set of defensive formations and was prepared.

Wang Changsheng took out a pale blue jade slip, and his eyes became hot.

He put the jade slip between his eyebrows, and when he realized it, the more powerful the exercises, the more difficult it would be to practice them, and this Taixu Forging Divine Art was no exception.


In a courtyard where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, a beautiful-looking girl is sitting in the stone pavilion. The girl has a beautiful nose and cherry lips, looking forward to life, wearing a blue skirt with a few lifelike butterflies embroidered on it.

She was holding a thick book in her hand, her brows were wrinkled, her face was full of sadness, and she looked out from time to time.

A slight footstep sounded, and the girl in the blue skirt tightened.

Jiang Qingfeng walked in, he said with a smile: "Yulin, Senior Feng is back, but he is injured, so he shouldn't call you over."

Hearing this, the girl in the blue dress breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of her dangling heart.

"It's all my fault that it's useless. It makes you worry all day. Don't worry, even if you fight for your life, your father will not let you be like your mother..."

At the end, Jiang Qingfeng clenched his fists tightly, his face full of grief and indignation.

As a man, Daoist climbed onto the bed of other men, Jiang Qingfeng had to do things for each other, and his daughter had to serve each other at any time. Jiang Qingfeng felt very useless and fought desperately, he was not the opponent's opponent.

"Dad, I don't blame you. If it wasn't for me, my mother wouldn't do that. I know that you and my mother are both for me. Promise me that no matter what, you will live well."

Jiang Yulin said at the end, her beautiful eyes were full of determination.

Jiang Qingfeng sighed and said nothing.


In the northeast corner of the island, there is a valley extending in all directions, and there is a huge manor covering an area of ​​1,000 acres in the valley.

Pavilions and palaces, winding walls, towering ancient trees, and waterfalls made by turbulent waters are a scene of a heaven and a blessed land.

Feng Yao stood at the door of a three-storey cyan attic with three golden characters "Xuanying Pavilion" written on the plaque. The door was tightly closed, and a light cyan light curtain covered the entire cyan attic.

He took out a circular cyan token, injected mana, the cyan light flashed, and a cyan light flew out, and disappeared into the cyan light curtain.

The cyan light curtain swayed with ripples like water ripples, and suddenly disappeared.

The door of Xuanying Pavilion suddenly opened, and Feng Yao walked in.

The decoration in the attic was elegant. Feng Yao walked into the basement and was blocked by a round stone door with a height of 10 feet. There was a black eagle pattern and a circular groove on the stone door.

He put the circular token into the groove and injected mana, the black eagle pattern suddenly brightened, the wings kept flapping, and the stone door opened, revealing a stone room more than a hundred feet in size.

The stone wall was inscribed with bright and mysterious runes, which exuded a strong restraint fluctuation. In the center of the stone room was a magic circle that was more than fifty feet long, and the magic circle was covered by a thick cyan light curtain.

A middle-aged beautiful woman with a slender figure is sitting on top of the magic circle. The middle-aged beautiful woman has pink cheeks, a pair of smart apricot eyes, with a bit of mist, willow leaves show eyebrows, and small red lips. A late Nascent Soul monk.

"Liu Ru, have the Seven Star Insects advanced to the fifth rank?"

Feng Yao asked in a deep voice, looking forward to it.

"Where's my husband and daughter! How are they?"

The middle-aged beautiful woman asked.

Feng Yao snorted softly, took out a light blue magic plate, and entered a magic formula. Soon, Jiang Qingfeng's voice suddenly sounded: "Master Feng, what are your orders?"

"Is your daughter with you? Let her tell me."

Feng Yao opened his mouth and ordered.

"Master Feng, what are your orders?"

A somewhat nervous female voice came from the dial.

"It's nothing, I heard that you have entered the stage of forming an elixir, so practice I'll see you another day."

Feng Yao put away the communication disk and said coldly, "They are still alive, are you satisfied now?"

Liu Ru breathed a sigh of relief, and with a flick of her right hand, a golden light flew out. It was a golden beetle with four wings on its back, exposed fangs, seven silver spots on its abdomen, and a circle of lines on its tail. Looking at its breath, it is a fifth-order spirit insect.

"It just entered the fifth rank not long ago. If it wants to form a combat power, it will take some time."

Liu Ru said slowly, with mixed feelings in her heart, Feng Yao threatened her with her husband and daughter and asked her to cultivate spirit worms.

"Okay, I know I didn't read you wrong, but it has advanced to the fifth rank, can you control it?"

Feng Yao's eyes were full of joy, and he asked.

"I have the God Control Card. It was raised by me from childhood to adulthood, and it will not eat the Lord in the short term."

Liu Ru said truthfully.

"That's good, you nurture it well. I will be of great use in the future. Don't worry, I will fulfill my promise. As long as I get something like that, I can let your family of three leave."

Feng Yao's tone was full of temptation.

Liu Ru nodded and said nothing.

Feng Yao turned to leave and closed the door.

"Hmph, idiot, wait for that kind of thing, when you and you are dead, but unfortunately your couple are only in the Nascent Soul stage, and the taste of the spiritual cultivator is better."

Feng Yao said at the end, licked his lips, and his eyes became hot.

In order to take advantage of Jiang Qingfeng and Liu Ru, Feng Yao placed them separately, so that they would care about each other and not run around.

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