Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1985: News from the Nether

The Thousand Gourd Realm, the secret realm of gusty winds.

In the secret realm, there is a steep giant peak that lifts the sky. On the top of the mountain is a cyan palace more than ten feet high, and the palace gate is closed.

Next to the cyan palace are two three-storey golden pavilions, the Bailing Building and the Xuanyun Building.

Bailing Building, a guest room, Guangdong Ren sits on a futon.

He made a vase-shaped knot with both hands, his eyes were closed, and his mouth and nose slowly swallowed and inhaled.

A red halo poured into the body along the nose and mouth, and his body surface was shrouded in a layer of red rays of light.

After a while, the spiritual light on Guangdong Ren's body dissipated, and he opened his eyes. He frowned, and suddenly took out a red dharma disk with aura and entered a magic formula.

"Hua Lei, what happened?"

Guangdong Ren asked in a deep voice.

Wang Hualei is in charge of handling the chores of the Mysterious Wind Realm. Under normal circumstances, he will not disturb the cultivation of Guangdong Ren, and Wang Qingqing is in retreat and shocks the spirit of transformation.

"Senior Guang, the people of Tianlan Sect have gone too far. They have taken away more than 100 islands. Uncle Yingjie sent people to communicate. If this continues, the Qianglu Sect's main altar will not be able to be preserved."

An anxious male voice suddenly sounded.

Thousands of monks from the Wang family went to the Thousand Gourd Realm back then. With the help of the two god-transforming ancestors, the Wang family won a lot of land and resources for immortal cultivation. Until now, there are 50,000 cultivators of the Wang family in the Thousand Gourd Realm, covering more than half of them. A thousand gourd world.

The Tianlan Sect closed the space passage from the Thousand Gourd Realm to the Dongli Realm, with the intention of annexing the Thousand Gourd Realm on its own.

Tian Lanzong was afraid of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's strength, and did not dare to make it clear, but as time passed, Tian Lanzong became more and more bold.

"You send someone to inform Yingjie, prepare to retreat! Without the Spirit Transformation cultivator, we can't keep the Thousand Gourd Sect's main altar, and there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

Guangdong Ren instructed that the form is not as good as people, so he can only bow his head.

"But the Qianglu Zong main altar has fifth-order spiritual veins. Once the Qianglu Zong main altar is withdrawn, our family's interests in that sea area will probably be given up."

Wang Hualei was a little reluctant. The family has finally grown to this day. If they lose the Thousand Gourd Sect's main altar, their income will be seriously affected.

"If you save the land and lose people, all people and land will be lost; if you save people's lost land, everyone will gain. Now it's important to preserve your strength. Don't conflict with the Tianlan Sect, and the Tianlan Sect will not bite the Wang family."

Guangdong Ren instructed that if there is a cultivator in the Wang family, as long as he shows up, the Tianlan Sect will back down. The key point is that there is no cultivator in the Wang family.

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly sounded.

Guangdong Ren was startled, he suddenly thought of something, and ordered: "Let's do it! Take a step back to see the sky, don't worry about temporary gains and losses."

Putting away the communication tray, he rushed out of the Bailing Building.

There was a peculiar smell in the air, resembling sandalwood.

"The fleshly body becomes sandalwood!"

Guangdong Ren said in surprise, full of surprises.

Wang Qingqing has been in seclusion for many years, and his physical body has begun to transform into sandalwood.

"Everyone leaves here immediately, and Baili Nei is turned into a restricted area. You are not allowed to approach. Violators will be severely punished."

Guangdong Ren instructed, and the voice echoed in this world.

The monks quickly walked out of the residence and left the place.

Hundreds of monsters came from a distance and made various roars, but they were not of high rank, and the highest was mid-rank three.

After they occupied the Wild Wind Secret Realm, they sent people to clear up the high-level monsters in the secret realm, and the fourth-level monsters have long been killed.

Guangdong Ren let out a light snort, turned his hand and took out a red slaughtering knife, and slashed at these monsters.

An ear-piercing knife sound rang out, and a red knife light flew out of the void, as if the sky and the earth were beginning to open, and the yin and yang were drowning.

The red sword light submerged into the beast group, and the low-level monsters fell to the ground one by one, turning into a rain of blood.

The monks of the Wang family took action one after another, and quickly killed the group of monsters.

In the cyan palace, Wang Qingqing sat cross-legged on a cyan futon, with a cyan jade box and a golden jade box in front of him.

Her eyes were closed, and a strange fragrance emanated from her body.

The rumbling thunder sounded, Wang Qingqing opened his eyes, and there was a dignified look in his beautiful eyes.

"This day is still here, I must advance to the Divine Transformation Stage!"

Wang Qingqing said to himself, his eyes firm.

A huge thundercloud appeared high in the sky without warning, with lightning and thunder, and a large number of silver thunder snakes could be seen.

There was a deafening sound of thunder from high in the sky, and a thick silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed down.

With a loud bang, the eaves of the blue palace collapsed, and a thick blue light curtain suddenly appeared, covering Wang Qingqing.

The silver lightning landed on the cyan light curtain, and suddenly burst open, turning into a large silver arc.

It didn't take long for the silver arc to dissipate, the cyan light curtain dimmed slightly, and Wang Qingqing was safe and sound.

Soon, another huge thunder sounded, and a thicker silver lightning pierced the sky and struck Wang Qingqing again.

One after another silver lightning fell, submerging the cyan palace where Wang Qingqing was located, the air was like a tide, and the smoke was billowing.

Guangdong Ren stood high in the sky out of thin air, looking at the distant thundercloud, with a bit of worry in his eyes.

The Wang family has already had two cultivators, can there be a third one?


In a hidden space Wang Qingshan sat cross-legged on the ground, nine azure glass swords flew around Wang Qingshan unsteadily, and there were bursts of harsh sword sounds.

Upon closer inspection, the nine azure glass swords all have tiny cracks on the surface, obviously not lightly injured.

After a while, Wang Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes, a gleam of light shot out from his eyes, and the nine azure glass swords flew towards the surroundings and stuck on the ground.

Wang Qingshan sniffed lightly, his eyes flashed with surprise, and said to himself, "Tanhua of the flesh!"

Bai Linger is in retreat, and it goes without saying that this is Bai Linger's shocking period.


A loud wolf howl suddenly sounded, followed by the roar of various ferocious monsters, one after another.

Some light spots appeared in the distance, mixed with bursts of shrill bird chirping.

When the cultivator hit the stage of spiritual transformation, his fleshly body turned into sandalwood, which was an irresistible temptation for monsters.

"Last time you protected the Dharma for me, this time, I will protect the Dharma for you."

Wang Qingshan stood up with a chilling expression on his face.

The nine azure glass swords soared into the sky as if they were guided by some kind of guidance. In a piercing sound of sword cries, the nine azure glass swords suddenly turned into nine zhang-sized cyan lotus flowers with obvious veins.

The nine cyan lotus flowers spun around and flew towards the front at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the stone man emerged from the ground and strode towards the attacking monster.

The rumbling sound rang out, the nine cyan lotus flowers turned rapidly, and countless sharp sword qi swept out, slashing at the low-level monster, and the low-level monster instantly turned into a pile of minced meat.

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