Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1989: Majin Kaisou

Heluojie, one of the interfaces directly under the Demon Realm.

Tianluofang City is located in the northwest corner of the Heiluo Realm. It is one of the top Dafang cities in the Heiluo Realm.

The streets paved with black stone bricks are spacious and clean, crowded with pedestrians, cars and horses, and it is very lively.

The shops on both sides of the street are lined with houses and houses, and all kinds of flags and flags are hung outside the shop, and the second shopkeeper is diligently attracting customers.

A quiet small courtyard, the courtyard is lush and green, with strange flowers and trees, small bridges and flowing water, and strange stone pavilions.

Ye Haitang sat cross-legged on a magic circle that was more than 100 feet long, and the magic circle was covered with mysterious black runes.

Fang Mu stood aside with a solemn expression.

"Fairy Ye, are you really going to do this? It's very risky."

Fang Mu frowned.

They accidentally wandered into the Heluo Realm, which is full of demonic energy and has no spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy and demonic energy are two incompatible things, and it is difficult for them to maintain normal cultivation, let alone go further.

Either they find a way to return to the Thousand Gourd Realm or the Dongli Realm, or they can modify their exercises, but the Heiluo Realm is the interface of the devil, and the two of them appear in the Heiluo Realm, standing out from the crowd, attracting the devil to kill them.

They joined forces to destroy the demons, used secret techniques to hide the aura of spiritual practice, and mixed into Tianluofang City.

They are struggling, and even their daily activities are a problem, let alone finding a way to return to the Thousand Gourd Realm or the Dongli Realm.

They have always been absorbing spiritual energy to cultivate, and suddenly they have absorbed magic energy to cultivate, and their bodies can't stand it at all.

Therefore, they need to transform their bodies to transform themselves into demons.

The most common way is to find high-level demons, ask the other party to cast spells, and use the magic energy to transform their bodies. They are in the Nascent Soul stage. It is best to find the demons in the god-transforming stage. Some.

They come from the interface of spiritual practice, and they actively search for demons in the spiritual transformation stage. It is no different from seeking death. Even if the other party doesn't kill them, they may have to help the other party with their lives, and they will be banned and acted as slaves.

The strength is not equal, and there is no fairness at all.

"I've made up my mind, I don't want to hand my life over to others. I spent decades researching this magic formation, and I have a good grasp of it. As you can see, we were almost exposed last time. already."

Ye Haitang's eyes are firm, their breath can be disguised, but the magic weapon, spirit beast, and supernatural power cannot be disguised.

Some high-level demons wanted to learn from them, but they politely refused.

Often standing by the river, there is no way to have wet shoes. Ye Haitang knows this very well. If they want to settle down in the Hei Luo Realm, they must transform their bodies and then modify their magic skills.

The process of transforming the body is extremely painful, and the slightest carelessness may explode and die.

Ye Haitang also made some preparations, and she was still very confident.

Fang Mu nodded, he also didn't want to ask for help from the god-turning stage demon, and handed his life into the hands of others.

Fang Mu took out a gleaming nine-cornered array plate, the runes on it flashed, and he entered a magic formula.

The runes on the magic circle were bright, and wisps of demonic energy poured out.

As soon as Ye Haitang's tactic was pinched, countless black patterns lit up on the surface of the body, and these patterns were twisted and deformed like living creatures.

The devilish energy seemed to be attracted in some way, and slowly poured into Ye Haitang's body along the pattern.

Ye Haitang's face turned pale, sweating profusely, and her body slowly swelled.

After a while, she turned into a fat man with a big belly, broke her tight skirt, and the spring light leaked out.

As soon as Ye Haitang's magic formula was pinched, her teeth made a muffled "creaking" sound. She felt that her body was about to be torn apart, and terrifying bloodstains appeared on the surface of her body.

She hurriedly took out a shiny black talisman and slapped it on her body, choking at the same time.

The lines on Ye Haitang's body were all bright, and she let out a painful scream. Her body shrunken down at a speed visible to the naked eye and returned to normal.

Intensive demonic energy poured into Ye Haitang's body again, her body swelled up again, and when it was about to explode, all the lines on Ye Haitang's body surfaced brightly, and her body quickly returned to normal.

It didn't take long for Ye Haitang's body to swell up again, and it kept repeating. Every time Ye Haitang's body would appear terrifying bloodstains, the whole person would be torn apart.

Half an hour later, the blood stained the formation, Ye Haitang sat cross-legged on the formation, an unbearable pain came from her whole body, and many meridians were broken. , not to mention snorting.

Ye Haitang was sweating profusely, and her whole body turned into a **** man, with bones faintly visible on her arms.

She faltered, and the lines on her body were still flickering.

After a while, all the runes on the magic circle dimmed, and there was no more magic gushing out.

Ye Haitang breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground. She was panting and said to herself, "I... I did it, and I said this method can be successful."

Fang Mu's eyes showed joy, and Ye Haitang's current aura was no different from that of the devil.

Since Ye Haitang can succeed, so can he.

"Fairy Ye, you are so amazing that you really let you study it."

Fang Mu said excitedly.

"I said it's okay. When I recover, I will preside over the formation for you and help you turn into a devil."

Ye Haitang's tone was weak.

"But in this way, we don't need to go back to the Dongli Realm. This is the direct interface of the Demon Realm. If we cultivate to the middle stage of God Transformation, we can ascend to the Demon Realm. For me, the Spirit Realm and the Demon Realm are the same. Just walk down Changsheng Avenue."

Fang Mu said at the end, his eyes were very firm.

Ye Haitang sighed She has already become a demon, even if she returns to the Dongli Realm, her cultivation will be stagnant, so she can only plant a demon tree like Zhao Qianfeng, transform the entire interface, and gradually improve own strength.

"If there is a chance, I still have to go back. I don't know what happened to cousin Qingshan, and my uncle and aunt."

Ye Haitang had a look of reminiscence on her face. She grew up in the Wang family, and the Wang family was her home.

"Qinglian Xianlu's supernatural powers are not small, and it should be fine. As for your cousin, the Wang family will send someone to rescue him. Even if you want to go back, you must at least have a spirit transformation stage, have a treasure that breaks the interface, or go further. , soar to the Demon Realm, and cast the Great Divine Ability to the Lower Realm."

Fang Mu had a look of longing on his face.

Ye Haitang nodded and said, "That's right, I want to go back to heal my injuries. When my injuries heal, I'll help you."

Ye Haitang walked slowly towards a black attic not far away.

Fang Mu sat down with his knees crossed, took out two mid-grade spirit stones, and absorbed the spirit inside to restore his mana.

In Tianluojie, he can only restore his mana in this way. The currency of Tianluojie is magic stone, full of magic energy, Fang Mu can't use it at all.

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