Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1990: In 10 years, consciousness has soared

Xuanyang Realm, Xuanling Continent.

Xuanying Island, a secret room.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, his eyes were tightly closed, his facial features were slightly twisted, and a soft silver aura shrouded his body.

After a while, Wang Changsheng opened his eyes, and a gleam of light shot out of them.

"Finally, the first three layers were successfully cultivated."

Wang Changsheng was talking to himself, his expression excited.

It took him ten years to successfully cultivate the first three levels of "Tai Xu Forging Magic". It took him several years to realize it. The higher the level of "Tai Xu Forging Magic", the more difficult it should be will be higher.

After the success of the first three levels of cultivation, Wang Changsheng's spiritual consciousness has grown a lot. He estimates that it is similar to the spiritual consciousness of God Transformation Great Perfection, so he doesn't know what happened to Wang Ruyan.

He has mastered a secret technique of divine consciousness - Zhenshen's Roar, which is specially aimed at the enemy's sea of ​​consciousness. If the difference in cultivation is too great, Zhenshen's Roar can tear apart the enemy's sea of ​​consciousness and kill him directly.

The God-splitting Roar is similar to the God-splitting thorn. The difference is that the deeper the mana of the caster and the stronger the consciousness, the greater the power of the God-splitting roar. In addition, there is a difference between the two. The Splitting God stab is aimed at individuals, while the Zhenshen Roar is aimed at groups, killing supernatural powers in a large area.

This magical power can be used as a killer, and if used, it can play a key role.

There are very few treasures or secret techniques that can resist the attack of divine consciousness, and there are only a handful of them.

If they have all cultivated to the late stage of Spirit Transformation, and their spiritual senses will superimpose and cast this secret technique, I am afraid that the cultivators will also be affected.

Wang Changsheng got up and walked out, while Wang Ruyan was still in retreat.

Walking out of the residence, a green garden comes into view, all kinds of roses are budding, a few peach trees are full of peach blossoms, a cobblestone-paved path is located in the center of the courtyard, and the surrounding paths are full of fragrant grass.

He seemed to be aware of something, and with a flick of his wrist, a blue light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, which was the tortoise.

The size of the tortoise has grown a lot, and it is still the fourth-tier middle grade. It has great potential, but the advancement speed is not fast. The double-eyed mouse, the gold-swallowing ant queen, and the wood demon are all fourth-tier top grades. They want to advance It is not easy to enter the fifth rank.

In the hinterland of alien races, Wang Changsheng kept the tortoise in the spirit beast bracelet to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The lin turtle let out a low roar, as if begging for something from Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng understood what the tortoise meant, and ordered, "Go play first! I'll send someone to find you something to eat."

The tortoise seemed to understand Wang Changsheng's words, and the blue light on the body surface radiated and disappeared.

The manor has set up a formation, and he is not worried about the turtles running out.

Wang Changsheng opened the restraint and flew out, his consciousness widened.

Except for some Dongfu courtyards with strong restrictions, there is nothing to hide in other places, all in Wang Changsheng's perception.

A vast spiritual field, a large number of golden grass grows in the spiritual field, the leaves of the golden grass are oval, and the whole body is golden, like broken gold.

Jiang Qingfeng clenched his fingers incessantly, and his hands were covered by a dazzling blue light.

After a while, his magic formula changed, and there was a light cyan light group in the palm of his hand. The cyan light group continued to grow, and Jiang Qingfeng's face turned pale.

After ten breaths, a mass of cyan light the size of a grinding disc floated in Jiang Qingfeng's palm. With a flick of his wrist, the cyan light shot out, bursting like fireworks, turning into countless tiny cyan lights, and falling on the spiritual field. among.

Small blue light poured into the golden grass, and the color of the golden grass became much brighter.

Jiang Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Ling Zhifu in the Yuan Ying period! This is rare."

A somewhat surprised male voice sounded.

Jiang Qingfeng looked up and saw that a tall young man in blue shirt appeared in the sky above Lingtian at an unknown time. It was Wang Changsheng.

"Junior meets Senior Shark, what can I do for Senior?"

Jiang Qingfeng asked cautiously, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Alien races are moody, and once they accidentally anger an alien race, they will lead to killing.

Feng Yao respected Wang Changsheng and did not dare to neglect him, let alone Jiang Qingfeng.

Over the years, he has seen many aliens, and he knows that aliens are not easy to get along with.

"Father, Xuanyanghua's growth is no problem, I have checked them one by one."

A silver bell-like female voice suddenly sounded.

A beautiful-looking girl in a blue dress walked out of the courtyard with a thick smile on her face. It was Jiang Qingfeng's only daughter, Jiang Yulin.

Wang Changsheng turned his eyes and looked at the girl in the blue dress.

When the girl in the blue dress saw Wang Changsheng, there was a bit of fear in her beautiful eyes, and the smile on her face stagnated.

Jiang Qingfeng swayed and stood in front of Jiang Yulin.

"Senior, the little girl is ignorant. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

Jiang Qingfeng said nervously, the difference in strength was too great, and he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Senior, don't remember the villain's deeds, please forgive the junior!"

Jiang Yulin quickly opened her mouth to beg for mercy, with an uneasy look on her face. Over the years, she has witnessed many female cultivators being brutally murdered by aliens, and she hates and fears aliens.

"Does this have any blood food? I want to live, and water-type monsters are the best."

Wang Changsheng asked.

"Blood food? Senior wait a moment, I'll send it to you later."

Jiang Qingfeng responded quickly, and secretly said in his heart: "It really is an alien, I hope he will not become angry."

"You are a human race? Why are you here?"

Wang Changsheng asked casually Jiang Qingfeng had an embarrassed expression on his face. Naturally, they didn't come to Xuanying Island on their own initiative, nor were they arrested by someone sent by Fengyao, but he didn't dare to say such words.

"They were caught by someone I sent. They have some talent in planting. Is brother shark interested in them?"

A hearty male voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind swept through, and Feng Yao suddenly appeared near Wang Changsheng with a smile on his face.

"The spirit planting husband of the human race is really powerful. He is good at cultivating spirit medicine and spirit fruit, and the wind and Tao are friendly and blessed."

Wang Changsheng said politely.

"You're welcome, fellow Daoist Shark, do you want a Lingzhi husband? That's easy, I'll send someone to catch a few for you, but he's not as good as Jiang Qingfeng. He's a disciple of the Five Elements Sect and is proficient in planting techniques. Or the disciple and grandson of the Five Elements!"

Feng Yao explained.

"This is too much trouble, I appreciate the kindness of Fellow Daoist Feng."

Wang Changsheng declined politely. He just wanted to inquire about Jiang Qingfeng's origin, but he didn't expect Jiang Qingfeng to come from the Five Elements Sect.

The Five Elements Sect has been destroyed, and Jiang Qingfeng probably doesn't know it yet.

"If you think it's too much trouble, then buy it! I know a fellow Taoist ape, he has a way, as long as he is willing to give out the spirit stone, the human race of the spirit transformation stage can buy it, but it is difficult for the spiritual planting husband of the spirit transformation stage. Good luck too.”

Feng Yao explained.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said: "Feng Daoyou is joking, we are traveling abroad, but we are not interested in bringing a tow oil bottle."

His current identity is a mercenary family that travels, and bringing a human race from the Nascent Soul period is obviously a drag.

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