Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1991: The news of Xuanfeng Dongtian and Qingluanguo

"That's true, brother shark, I have something I want to discuss with you, let's talk about it in detail."

Feng Yao said politely.

Wang Changsheng nodded, agreed, and left with Feng Yao.

Jiang Yulin breathed a long sigh of relief, her dangling heart finally let go, and her back was wet with cold sweat.

Jiang Qingfeng also breathed a sigh of relief, he was really worried about what the other party would do to Jiang Yulin.

A splendid cyan palace, the floor is paved with a kind of cyan jade, eight thick stone pillars support the whole hall, there is a cyan step in the middle, and above the steps, there is a cyan jade chair with a double eagle embracing.

Feng Yao sat on the blue jade chair, and Wang Changsheng sat beside him.

"Brother Jiao, I have sent someone to inquire. There is no one you are looking for. Does the True Monarch of the Golden Turtle really live here?"

Feng Yao asked curiously, he has lived here for many years, and he has never heard of the Golden Turtle True Monarch. He sent someone to inquire about the Golden Turtle True Monarch, but he did not gain anything.

"No? No! Fellow Daoist Turtle told me that he lives in this sea area, did he move away?"

Wang Changsheng frowned, he naturally knew the truth.

Feng Yao nodded and said: "It should be, my people have traveled all over the country for hundreds of millions of miles, but I haven't heard about the person who is the Golden Turtle True Monarch. Maybe he moved away. After all, the last time you met was three hundred years ago, such a long time. , maybe there is something wrong."

Wang Changsheng sighed with regret.

"Friend Wang Dao, take the liberty to ask, what are you doing to find True Monarch Golden Turtle? Maybe I can help."

Feng Yao asked casually.

"It's nothing, True Monarch Golden Tortoise didn't elaborate, just let us come here to find him, I didn't expect him to be gone."

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, "Too much will be lost. He has already made up a lie. If he wants to cover up the second lie, he needs to make up another lie to cover it up. It's easy to get caught by saying too much.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Feng, you just said that you have something to discuss with me. I don't know what is the matter?"

Wang Changsheng quickly changed the subject.

"It's nothing, just tell you that my people can't find the true monarch of the golden turtle. If you don't dislike it, you will live on Xuanying Island. I will continue to send people to inquire about the whereabouts of the true monarch of the golden turtle."

Feng Yao's tone was warm.

Wang Changsheng could naturally see that Feng Yao didn't tell the truth and thought in a different position. He would also be nervous if two powerful cultivators came to his cave.

"I've disturbed Daoist Feng all these years. When my wife leaves, we will leave."

Wang Changsheng said politely, there is no need, he does not want to stay in the Xuanfeng Sea Area, and plans to return to the territory of the human race, but the distance is long, they have to detour, and I don't know how long it will take to return to the territory of the human race.

Feng Yao was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Friend Shark, if there is nothing important, you might as well stay for a while. Feng has a lot of things to ask you for advice."

"We have something important to do, otherwise we can stay for a while longer. If we are free another day, we will definitely come back to Xuanfeng Sea Area."

Wang Changsheng declined politely. They had nothing important to do in the Xuanfeng Sea Area. If they succeeded in the first three levels of the "Tai Xu Refinement Technique", there was no need to stay here for a long time.

With Sha Yunpei in hand, Feng Yao couldn't identify their identities, but they often stood by the river without wet shoes. They didn't plan to stay for long, and it would be troublesome if their identities were revealed.

Feng Yao frowned, looking worried.

He pondered for a while and said, "Brother Shark, you are from the Sea Clan, have you ever heard of True Monarch Xuangui?"

"Of course I have heard that this senior has great magical powers, and he is not inferior to one enemy, but this senior has not shown up for many years, and I heard that he died under the great catastrophe."

Wang Changsheng had a memory-like expression on his face, and his eyes were a little suspicious.

"Brother Shark, did you ever know why True Monarch Xuangui has such great magical powers?"

Feng Yao asked mysteriously.

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said, "I don't know, I would like to hear the details."

"True Monarch Xuangui has entered Xuanfeng Cave, and obtained the inheritance of Master Xuanfeng, which will greatly increase his supernatural powers."

Feng Yao said at the end, with a look of longing on his face.

"Xuanfeng Dongtian? Could it be that Xuanfeng Dongtian is in the Xuanfeng Sea?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously, he always felt that there was something in Feng Yao's words.

"That's right, Xuanfeng Cave is a dangerous place in the Xuanfeng Sea. Even if a cultivator breaks in, there is a risk of falling. Xuanfeng Cave is the place where Master Xuanfeng sits. Speaking of Xuanfeng Shang You may not know him, but you must have heard of Xuanling Tianzun."

"Master Xuanfeng is related to Xuanling Tianzun?"

Wang Changsheng was confused, Xuanling Tianzun was a legend in Xuanling Continent, but he had never heard of Master Xuanfeng, maybe he was ignorant.

Feng Yao nodded and said: "Xuanling Tianzun has an eighth-order spiritual bird, a blue-winged golden-clawed eagle. When Xuanling Tianzun's dojo appeared in the world, the blue-winged and golden-clawed eagle appeared, and then there was no news, and Xuanfeng The Venerable Master is the descendant of the Blue-winged Golden-clawed Eagle and the pride of our Xuanying Clan, but this relationship is unknown to outsiders."

"Master Xuanfeng cultivated to the middle stage of integration, and Xuanfeng Dongtian was an independent space opened up by him using his great supernatural powers. It is said that he was expected to enter the Mahayana period, but unfortunately he failed to do so and died under the great catastrophe. Dongtian has become a treasure land, but there are many restrictions in it, and even the cultivators are at risk of falling. Every thousand years, the prohibition of Xuanfeng Dongtian will usher in a period of weakness, and then it is the best time to collect treasures.”

Wang Changsheng turned his eyes and said doubtfully: "Feng Daoyou, since there are so many treasures in Xuanfeng Dongtian, why didn't the seniors in the integration period go in and search for the treasures? Leave a treasure house alone?"

"Of course, when Xuanfeng Cave was discovered back then, True Monarch Xuangui also entered Xuanfeng Cave, and several cultivators fought for treasures, causing the entrance to almost collapse. After more than 100 years, Xuanfeng Cave will be opened. I invited two friends to enter Xuanfeng Cave to hunt for treasure, but our strength is too weak. I would like to invite two Taoist friends to enter Xuanfeng Cave to search for treasure together. ,how?"

Feng Yao said slowly, with a look of anticipation on his face.

If it weren't for his low strength, he wouldn't invite others to enter Xuanfeng Cave with him.

There is no pie in the sky, Wang Changsheng can't believe Feng Yao would be so Maybe he asked them to help him break the prohibition or formation of great power.

Wang Changsheng was thoughtful and silent.

"Fellow Daoist, you invited our couple to Xuanfeng Cave, what do you need us to help with?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

Feng Yao nodded and said: "Yes, Feng found a green luan fruit tree, but there is a sixth-order demon bird guarding it. Let's use the formation to trap this demon and pick the green luan fruit, everyone has a share. Besides, there are many rare treasures in Xuanfeng Cave, my ancestors have entered Xuanfeng Cave, and I lead the way, it is easier to get rare fruits."

"Qingluan fruit? This is one of the top ten spiritual fruits in the Xuanyang world. It is said that taking the green luan fruit can control the wind. For some wind-type spirit birds, the green luan fruit is very useful for them to advance. benefit."

Wang Changsheng was full of surprise. The Xuanyang Realm was vast and rich in resources. Among them, the ten kinds of spiritual fruits were the most rare, and the green luan fruit was one of them.

"Exactly, in addition to the green luan fruit, there is also the 10,000-year-old blood forest wood, which is the main material for refining the robbery bead."

Feng Yao's tone was full of temptation. If it weren't for the lack of manpower, he would not have issued an invitation.

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