Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1992: Require

Wang Changsheng pondered for a while, and asked, "How about the cultivation of those two fellow Daoists and their supernatural powers?"

"They are all in the middle stage of God Transformation, from the orc race, plus Daoist Shark and your wife, it shouldn't be difficult to pick the green luan fruit."

Feng Yao is full of confidence, in addition to the lack of manpower, he is also trying to contain the two orcs.

"Okay! Then we'll stay a while longer."

Wang Changsheng thought for a moment and agreed.

The two orcs in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods are not much different in strength, but they can hunt for treasures together.

Think about it too, if the difference in strength is too great, how could Feng Yao invite the other party to hunt for treasure.

"As soon as the word is settled, fellow Daoist Shark will stay here with peace of mind, and I will inform you when Xuanfeng Dongtian opens."

Feng Yao said solemnly.

"No problem, but I have a request. I want Jiang Qingfeng's daughter to serve me."

Wang Changsheng said with a wicked smile, he was naturally not interested in Jiang Ruolin, but just wanted to take this opportunity to find out the details of Feng Yao.

He could see that Jiang Ruolin was more afraid of Feng Yao, so she could just use it.

"You want Jiang Ruolin?"

Feng Yao frowned, with a hesitant look on his face.

"What? Fellow Daoist Feng is reluctant? Or is there something special about this woman?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

"That's not true. Since fellow Daoist shark likes it, I'll give it to you, and I'll call them here."

Feng Yao pondered for a while and agreed.

To him, a female slave at the stage of forming an elixir is nothing more than a rare treasure.

He took out a cyan communication plate, entered a magic formula, and ordered: "Jiang Qingfeng, you bring your daughter to the council hall and have something to tell you."

"Senior Feng, what happened?"

Jiang Qingfeng's nervous voice came from the communication board.

"I need to explain what I'm doing? Come over right away."

Feng Yao put away the communication tray, looked at Wang Changsheng, and said pleasantly: "Daoist fellow Shark wait a moment, I don't know what Daoist fellow Shark will do with Jiang Yulin? If you want to eat her, or leave, I will send someone to find her for you. A female slave with a higher cultivation."

"What? What's so special about this Jiang Yulin?"

Wang Changsheng asked a little puzzled. Hearing Feng Yao's words, he ate a lot of human monks. If Feng Yao recognized their identities, he didn't know how he would feel.

"Nothing special. Jiang Qingfeng is a fourth-order spiritual planter and is proficient in planting techniques. I need Jiang Qingfeng to help take care of the spiritual medicine. Daoist Shark can play, don't play dead, so Jiang Qingfeng will not obediently do things for me."

"That's it, it's fine."

Wang Changsheng agreed, he had no plans to do anything to Jiang Ruolin.

Not long after, Jiang Qingfeng and Jiang Ruolin walked in.

Jiang Qingfeng's face was full of sadness, and Jiang Ruolin's face was pale, as if something terrible happened.

"Meet Senior Feng and Senior Shark."

Jiang Qingfeng and Jiang Yulin saluted at the same time, looking nervous.

"Yu Lin, Daoist shark is a distinguished guest I invited. There must be no one around to serve you. You will be responsible for serving Daoist shark in the future. This is also a chance for you."

Feng Yao ordered.

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yulin's face turned ashen, and her beautiful eyes dimmed.

Over the years, she has seen with her own eyes that the female cultivators of the human race were brutally murdered by aliens, and none of them would end well. Letting her serve the merman clan in the God Transformation Stage was no different from letting her die.

"Senior Feng, the Seven-Star Jade Sun Grass is about to mature. I can't take care of it by myself. I need the help of the little girl. The little girl is so flimsy.

Jiang Qingfeng said cautiously, looking uneasy.

"Am I negotiating with you? What I ask you to do is troublesome. You can disobey my orders, as long as you are not afraid of death, your bones are hard, and Liu Ru's bones are not so hard."

Feng Yaohan said coldly, his face full of disdain.

He promised Wang Changsheng, if Jiang Qingfeng made him change his mind with a few words, where would he put his face?

In his opinion, the human monks on the island are all his slaves. If they want to kill, they will kill, and if the slaves dare to resist, they will be killed.

Jiang Qingfeng's breathing became rapid, and his heart was full of grief. Feng Yao threatened his Taoist companion. He was not afraid of death, but he did not want his Taoist companion to have an accident.

"Father, don't say it, what Senior Feng said is that it is my blessing to be able to serve Senior Shark. In the future, when my daughter is not by my side, please take care."

Jiang Yulin said in a calm tone.

Feng Yao's expression softened and said, "Don't worry! For the sake of your good work in taking care of the elixir, Daoist shark promised me that it would not hurt your life, but you have to be careful, don't neglect Daoist shark, or I will It can't save you either."

After hearing this, Jiang Qingfeng and Jiang Yulin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Feng Daoyou, I'm a little tired. I'll go back to rest first, Jiang Qingfeng, remember to bring the blood and food."

Wang Changsheng turned into a flash of light and flew out, and Jiang Yulin quickly followed.

Jiang Qingfeng hesitated to speak, and sighed, his heart was twisted like a knife.

As a parent, he felt very uncomfortable watching his daughter go to serve a foreign race.

"Senior Feng, is my wife still alive?"

Jiang Qingfeng said sternly.

"Of course he's alive, if I kill him, your father and daughter will probably die in one go, I won't kill you easily, do things for me well, I'll keep your family safe, by the way, let me tell you something, Five Elements Sect It has been destroyed, no one will come to rescue you, just stay on the island honestly!"

Feng Yao's tone was indifferent. He detained Jiang Qingfeng's family of three separately and let them care about each other, so that he could use it.

Jiang Qingfeng's eyes dimmed, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul. The Five Elements Sect was his last hope, and now his last hope has been extinguished.

"Okay, go back! Take good care of the Seven Star Jade Sun Grass."

Feng Yao ordered.

Jiang Qingfeng responded and turned to leave.

Back at his residence, Wang Changsheng came to a blue stone pavilion and sat on the stone bench.

Jiang Yulin stood aside, looking nervous.

Wang Changsheng looked at Jiang Ruolin carefully, and said in a warm voice, "Don't be too nervous, your father is Feng Daoyou's capable person, I will not harm you, but it depends on whether you cooperate with me or not, otherwise I will not be polite to you."

Jiang Ruolin bit her red lips, her cheeks were red and hot, and her voice was as soft as mosquitoes: "Do you want to be here?"

She grabbed the belt with her right Two clear tears fell down her cheeks, and she was ready to be humiliated by the other party.

"You misunderstood me. I'm not interested in you. I just want to ask you something, and you must answer truthfully."

Wang Changsheng's tone was serious.

Jiang Ruolin was stunned for a moment, quickly tied her belt, and asked cautiously, "What do you want to ask?

"How did you guys get caught here? Think about it before answering. Fellow Daoist Feng told me something about you."

Wang Changsheng said meaningfully.

Jiang Ruolin had a look of reminiscence on her face, pondered for a moment, and said, "More than a hundred years ago, this junior went to sea with his parents to carry out a mission, but we were caught by an alien attack, and then we were brought here."

"Your mother lives with fellow Daoist Feng?"

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised and asked, Feng Yao's move is really vicious. Some monks are not afraid of death, but they are concerned about their relatives and Taoist companions. Feng Yao separates Jiang Qingfeng's family of three, making it easier to control them.

Jiang Yulin nodded, her beautiful eyes dimmed.

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