Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1993: Mutation of double pupils

Jiang Yulin's face was a little weird. Her parents both worked for Feng Yao, so she naturally didn't dare to reveal Feng Yao's situation. If Feng Yao found out, her parents would be in trouble.

If she didn't say it, she wouldn't be able to get past this hurdle.

"I know your concerns, but you can rest assured that I won't talk about it everywhere, I've set a ban, and you won't be able to hear it if you want to hear it. As for your parents, if I want to harm them, I don't need to bother them. "

Wang Changsheng said meaningfully, he could see that Jiang Ruolin was dissatisfied with Feng Yao, but she was only captured by Feng Yao's lewd power and did not dare to say more.

Jiang Ruolin thought again and again and found that she had no better choice. If she didn't say it, she would suffer now, and her parents would also be unlucky.

"Senior Feng doesn't let us run around, we can only move around in specific areas. I don't know much about it. Senior Feng has great powers. It is said that he has killed a god-turning cultivator. He escaped very fast. He walked with a senior ape. Relatively recent, the senior ape seems to be from the orc race, the specific cultivation base is unknown, I only know so much."

Jiang Ruolin thought for a while and said slowly.

In order to prevent them from escaping, Feng Yao planted a ban. There are high-level half-demon guarding the island. There was once a cultivator who took advantage of Feng Yao to escape, but he was soon caught. Refinement.

The dispositions of alien races are cruel, ranging from beatings and scolding, to eating human cultivators in person in front of the other's relatives.

After a long time, the cultivators became numb. If it wasn't for Jiang Qingfeng's proficient planting skills and being valued by Feng Yao, she wouldn't be alive now, and she would have been tortured and killed by aliens long ago.

"How many human monks are there on the island, are they all caught by the wind friends?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"More than 300 people! Most of them were caught, some were bought, and some were descendants of the human race. They have lived on Xuanying Island since childhood and have never left."

Jiang Yulin answered truthfully, Jiang Qingfeng was highly valued by Feng Yao, and was more familiar with the situation of the human monks on the island.

Wang Changsheng nodded. He pointed to a side courtyard not far away and instructed: "You will stay in that side courtyard in the future. You are not allowed to leave that side courtyard without my instructions. Go down!"

Jiang Yulin felt as if she had been granted amnesty, and finally let go of her dangling heart, agreed repeatedly, turned around and left.

She thought that chastity was not guaranteed, but she didn't expect that the other party was not interested in her at all.

After a while, a sound transmission flew in and floated in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng crushed the sound transmission, and Jiang Qingfeng's voice suddenly sounded: "Senior Shark, I have brought you blood and food."

Wang Changsheng lifted the restriction and said, "Come in! I have something to ask you."

Soon, Jiang Qingfeng walked in, looking apprehensive.

He looked left and right, as if looking for Jiang Yulin.

"Your daughter is already living in a side hospital, and I'm not interested in her."

Wang Changsheng said.

Jiang Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief, took out a cyan storage ring, handed it to Wang Changsheng, and said respectfully, "My little girl has been spoiled by me. If there is any place to collide with the senior, please forgive me."

Wang Changsheng took the storage ring, swept away his consciousness, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Listen to Daoist Feng, you are proficient in planting, you should know the wood demon!"

Wang Changsheng asked in a deep voice.

"Of course I know, but there are many kinds of wood demons. The most common one is the ten thousand year spiritual medicine transformation, followed by the spiritual peach tree or the rare spiritual wood transformation. No matter which kind, the wood demon is very rare."

Jiang Qingfeng replied truthfully.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and a blue light flew out, it was the wood demon.

"I was lucky enough to surrender a wood demon, and I want to cultivate it to the fifth rank. Is there anything you can do?"

Wang Changsheng went straight to the point. He had asked many people for advice, but he had never shown them the Wood Demon.

Jiang Qingfeng looked at the wood demon carefully, and was amazed. After a while, he said, "If you want it to advance to the fifth rank, the best way is to get the crystal nucleus of the fifth rank wood demon, or lay down a ten thousand wood spirit raising array to absorb it. A large number of high-level spiritual woods and herbal spirits have a high chance of advancing to the fifth order. In addition, if there are wood-type heaven-penetrating spiritual treasures or some rare treasures, they can also advance to the fifth order. ."

"Wanmu Raising Spirit Formation! Can you arrange it?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"Yes, when I was in the Five Elements sect, I arranged this formation. This formation is a fifth-order formation. It uses the spirit trees of high years as the eyes of the formation to extract the qi of the grass and trees. Our Five Elements Sect once used this formation to cultivate Wood Demon, but failed."

Jiang Qingfeng said at the end with a regretful look on his face.

Wang Changsheng asked a few questions, and Jiang Qingfeng answered truthfully.

From the conversation, Wang Changsheng discovered that Jiang Qingfeng was proficient in planting, but unfortunately he was caught by Feng Yao.

"Have you ever thought about leaving here? Go back to the Terran territory?"

Wang Changsheng said with a half-smile.

Jiang Qingfeng sighed and said, "I want to go back, but can I go back? As long as my Taoist companion and daughter are safe, I don't dare to hope for the rest."

"I see, go back! I don't want the third person to know about today's events, do you understand?"

Wang Changsheng ordered.

Jiang Qingfeng agreed, and for the sake of Jiang Yulin's safety, he naturally wouldn't say much.

He bowed and turned to leave.

After Jiang Qingfeng left, Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and a yellow light flew out from the spirit beast bracelet, which was the double-eyed mouse.

It took the demon pill and blood essence of the fifth-order golden-eyed rat, and it was still the fourth-order high-grade, but its eyes turned pale golden, and it was unknown whether it had mastered other supernatural powers.

The double-eyed mouse made an excited chirp, and its eyes lit up with a dazzling golden light.

Wang Changsheng thought for a while, and attached a ray of distraction to the double-eyed mouse. He could clearly see the situation outside the cave.

He was full of surprises, and it didn't take him to spend a lot of money to buy the demon pill and blood essence of the golden-eyed mouse. The eyes of the double-eyed mouse changed, and he could see through the situation behind the ban, and it was more convenient to find the treasures of heaven and earth.

He turned his hand and took out a beautiful cyan jade box, opened the jade box, and inside was a pale golden demon pill, like amber, crystal clear and emitting a strange fragrance.

The Wan Beast Pill is very beneficial for spirit beasts to attack the fifth rank.

Wang Changsheng spent 1.3 million spirit stones to take pictures, but unfortunately there is only one.

After more than 100 years, I will go to Xuanfeng Cave to hunt for If the double-eyed rat is promoted to the fifth rank, it can be of great use.

The double-eyed mouse smelled the scent of the Wan Beast Pill, and became very excited. A dazzling yellow light lit up its body, and its size soared to the size of a small mountain.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist, and the Wan Beast Pill flew out, disappearing into the mouth of the double-eyed mouse.

"Little guy, improve your bloodline, and then take this Myriad Beast Pill, I hope you can advance to the fifth rank."

Wang Changsheng spoke to himself.

The double-eyed mouse took the Myriad Beast Pill, its body shrank rapidly, and it ran around in the courtyard.

A little blue light lit up in the void, and the tortoise appeared.

It let out a low roar, as if begging for something.

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