Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2002: Wang Ruyan is in the middle stage of transforming into a god, and his enemies are ver

Time flies, fifty years have passed quickly.

Xuanyang Realm, Xuanling Continent, Xuanying Island.

The door of a certain secret room suddenly opened, and Wang Ruyan came out. Her breath was much stronger than before, and she was in the middle stage of divine transformation.

After cultivating the first three layers of "Taixu Divine Refinement Technique", she practiced in closed-door seclusion and practiced hard for decades, and successfully advanced to the middle stage of Spirit Transformation.

She found that the door to the secret room where Wang Changsheng was closed was closed, and it was estimated that Wang Changsheng was still in retreat.

Walking out of the attic, Wang Ruyan's consciousness widened, and she found that there was an unfamiliar female cultivator in her residence, but she was only in the stage of forming pills.

When he came to a side courtyard, Wang Ruyan sent a sound transmission.

It didn't take long for Jiang Yulin to come out, and she looked apprehensive.

"Junior Jiang Yulin pays respects to senior."

Jiang Yulin asked nervously.

Wang Ruyan looked up and down Jiang Yulin and asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

She and Wang Changsheng used the concentric worm to cast a secret technique and knew each other's thoughts, but they couldn't read each other's memories. She didn't know Jiang Yulin's origin.

Jiang Yulin didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly told what happened.

"Human, so it is, you continue to live here!"

Wang Ruyan instructed that she did not intend to embarrass Jiang Yulin.

She sympathized with Jiang Ruolin's experience, but she couldn't help it. This was an alien territory, and it was very inconvenient to bring them along.

Jiang Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, agreed, and returned to the courtyard.

Wang Ruyan walked back, and just returned to the small courtyard where he was, a sound transmission flew in and landed in front of Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan crushed the sound transmission, and Feng Yao's voice suddenly sounded: "Friend Sha, we are going to leave, is it convenient for you now? Come to the council hall, and I will introduce you to two fellow Daoists."

"Madam, you are in the middle stage of God Transformation!"

A surprised man's voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Ruyan followed the source of the voice and saw Wang Changsheng walking towards him.

Wang Changsheng's breath was much stronger than before, still in the middle stage of divine transformation.

Over the years, he has devoted himself to studying the technique of puppets, and has refined three fifth-order puppet beasts. With the addition of shark puppet beasts, he has four fifth-order puppet beasts, including a fifth-order middle-grade golden eagle puppet beast.

To a certain extent, the golden eagle puppet beast is equivalent to a fifth-order spiritual bird with thunder attributes. The difference is that the golden eagle puppet beast is a dead thing, controlled by Wang Changsheng’s consciousness, and the fifth-order spiritual bird can act autonomously.

Wang Ruyan nodded, and said, ""Taixu Forging God's Art" is indeed a good exercise. Speaking of which, I can advance to the middle stage of God Transformation, which has a certain relationship with "Taixu Forging God's Art"."

"Plain Girl Tianyin" has certain requirements for cultivators' spiritual awareness. If it is not for the increase of spiritual awareness, it is indeed not easy for Wang Ruyan to enter the middle stage of God Transformation.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Feng invited us to discuss matters in the council hall, saying that he wanted to introduce two fellow Daoists to us."

Wang Ruyan remembered something and added.

Wang Changsheng nodded, left the residence with Wang Ruyan, and went to the council hall.

In the conference hall, Feng Yao was sitting in the main seat, with a smile on his face, looking at his aura, he was suddenly promoted to the middle stage of God Transformation.

The five orcs sat aside, headed by a middle-aged man with golden wings on his back, his aura was much stronger than Feng Yao.

"Feng Daoyou, why haven't the two people you mentioned arrived yet? There are a few of us, why do you have to invite others."

An ape-headed orc frowned and said.

"Those two fellow Daoists have saved my life for me. Their strength is not weak. With their help, I will be more confident."

Feng Yao explained politely, with a sneer in his heart: "It was agreed that the two of them would go to treasure hunt, but in the end they brought three of them. Fortunately, I did the backhand, otherwise, it would not be your opponent if you entered the middle stage of God Transformation."

Two rays of light flew in and landed in the council hall. It was Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Hey, it's you!"

The ape-headed orcs looked cold and murderous.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, he didn't expect that the enemy's road was narrow, and he actually met each other here.

More than 50 years ago, when he went out to kill the golden thunder eagle, he encountered Tong Tianhua being chased and killed, and he rescued Tong Tianhua.

It was these orcs who were chasing down Tong Tianhua, but they didn't expect to meet here.

"Feng Daoyou, what's the matter with you? Invite them to Xuanfeng Cave? Don't you know that they saved the Terran? Maybe they have been bought by the Terran."

The middle-aged man with golden wings on his back frowned and said with a murderous look on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Tong is an honored guest of our merman clan. Our elder Hai has ordered us to take good care of fellow Daoist Tong. When I encounter fellow Daoist Tong being chased by you, how can I not help? I don't listen to Elder Hai, do I still listen to your orcs? of?"

Wang Changsheng sneered and said, even if they fight, he is not afraid of each other.

"Hmph, I, Yu Xin, are not of your mercenary family. I don't want to eat your way, fellow Daoist Feng, do you really want to invite them to Xuanfeng Cave to hunt for treasure?"

The middle-aged man looked unhappy.

"That's right, the two Daoist Sharks have saved my life. I have already invited them there. Daoist Yu, give me a face. It's better to resolve enemies than to tie them up, so why fight for a human race?"

Feng Yao played a roundabout way, the more the two groups disagreed, the happier he was, so that they would not unite against him.

Yu Xin's face was cloudy for a while, and UU reading looked worried.

"Okay! For the sake of fellow Daoist Feng, I won't mention it for the time being."

Yu Xin intends to put this matter aside. If there is no Feng Yao to lead the way, none of them will know the location of the Qingluan fruit tree.

Wang Changsheng didn't say a word, he knew very well in his heart that when they got the Green Luan Divine Fruit, it was time for them to settle their grievances.

Feng Yao's face softened, and he said, "It's almost the same. When my men arrive, let's set off immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Qingfeng walked in.

"Feng Daoyou, you are talking about him? How can Yuan Ying stage help?"

Yu Xin frowned and said, his face full of displeasure.

"Fellow Daoist Yu doesn't know that Jiang Qingfeng is proficient in planting. I need him to help transplant some rare elixir. If conditions permit, I plan to transplant the Qingluan Divine Fruit Tree back."

Feng Yao explained that at the end, his expression was excited.

Wang Changsheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Feng Yao to bring Jiang Qingfeng with him. It seemed that Jiang Qingfeng's ability was still beyond his expectations.

Yu Xin's face softened, and he didn't say anything.

"Jiang Qingfeng, depending on your performance this time, if you do well, I can reunite your husband and wife."

Feng Yao ordered.

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

Jiang Qingfeng agreed, his face calm.

"Set off!"

Feng Yao waved his sleeves, turned into a gust of green wind, and flew out, followed by Wang Changsheng and others.

Not long after, the group disappeared into the sky.

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