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Chapter 2003: Xuanfeng Cave opens

Latest website: There is an oval island on the sea in an endless blue sea, the sea breeze is blowing, the island is not large, and the terrain is high in the south and low in the north.

Several escaping lights flew from a distance, and after a few flashes, they landed on the island.

The escape light converged, revealing the figure of Feng Yao and his group.

Their faces were solemn, and their faces were full of alertness.

“The location here is good, just be here!”

Feng Yao suggested that Xuanfeng Dongtian is an independent space opened up by Master Xuanfeng after all. Every few thousand years, the ban will usher in a period of weakness. This is also a good time for major forces to enter Xuanfeng Dongtian to hunt for treasures.

The big forces could not monopolize Xuanfeng Cave, so they simply joined forces to control Xuanfeng Cave. Only from a few major forces could one enter Xuanfeng Cave to hunt for treasure.

It is impossible for outsiders to enter the treasure hunt casually in the independent space opened up by the integrated monks.

Feng Yao's ancestor was a cultivator, and he was of the same ancestry as Master Xuanfeng. He used his great supernatural powers to escape into the cave of Xuanfeng, and left behind a secret hand. Later generations used the Xuanfeng decree he refined, plus With the cooperation of the formation, you can also enter the Xuanfeng Cave to hunt for treasures.

Xuanfeng Ling is made by using a secret method. Only Feng Yao can drive it, and others cannot drive it. This is also Feng Yao's confidence.

Feng Yao took out hundreds of light-blue array flags. The flags were covered with mysterious runes, emitting a faint spatial fluctuation.

With a flick of his wrist, hundreds of cyan array flags flew out, and when the magic trick was pinched, hundreds of cyan array flags lit up, and flew in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Hundreds of cyan array flags turned into hundreds of cyan lights and disappeared into the ground.

Feng Yao took out dozens of green formation plates and buried them in the center of the formation.

"I'll activate the Xuanfeng Order later, and urge the formation to send us into the Xuanfeng Cave. To be cautious, it's best not to use the real face. The Xuanfeng Cave is controlled by the Golden Eagle Clan, the Fire Dolphin Clan and the Leihe Clan. , every time the ban on Xuanfeng Dongtian ushered in a period of weakness, the three clans would send people into Xuanfeng Dongtian to hunt for treasures."

Feng Yao solemnly reminded that their use of True Face would cause unnecessary trouble, unless they could avoid encountering people from the three clans or kill them.

"No matter how we change it, we will still be in the form of the Orcs. After all, we will leave this place immediately."

Yu Xin said nonchalantly, it is not difficult for a cultivator to change his appearance, but the orcs are special, even if he changes his appearance, his skin color cannot be changed.

The most important thing is that the power of the orcs is not small. After they succeed, they will leave this place immediately, and they do not plan to make troubles.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan changed their appearances with a chore, of course it was pretentious.

"Be careful, if we encounter people from the three clans, we try our best to use magic weapons to fight the enemy, and do not use the innate magical powers. The power of the three clans is not small, and if they are blocked by them, there will be a lot of trouble."

Wang Changsheng suggested that according to what Feng Yao said, his ancestors arranged a random large-scale teleportation array in Xuanfeng Cave, which could teleport out of Xuanfeng Cave within tens of millions of miles.

In this way, they have to protect Feng Yao's safety.

If he went back the same way, he would definitely be blocked by the three clans, and the end would be a dead end.

The three clans regard Xuanfeng Dongtian as private property and do not allow outsiders to enter at all.

Feng Yao nodded and said: "I think so too, fellow Daoist Yu, you can use magic weapons to injure the enemy as much as possible, so as to confuse the people of the three clans, unless you have absolute certainty to kill the people of the three clans."

He took out two light blue seashells, the shells shone brightly, and distributed them to Wang Changsheng and Yu Xin.

"I used the formation to enter Xuanfeng Cave, we may not appear in the same place, this is part of the map of Xuanfeng Cave, we will gather near the golden punctuation, and then rush to the destination, write down the location and destroy it immediately , don't let the people of the three clans get it."

Feng Yao told him that his ancestor was an array mage, and he had learned a lot of array formation techniques.

Alien races also have professions such as Array Masters, Alchemists, Artifact Refiners, Talismans, etc., but the proportion is less than that of Human Races.

For 10,000 aliens, it would be good to have one Array Mage, and for 1,000 ethnic monks, there will be several Array Mage.

Wang Changsheng injected mana into the golden shell, and the spiritual light was bright, and a golden light flew out, turning it into a topographic map with a size of more than 100 feet, and you could see the landscape, flowers, plants and trees.

A mountain near the lake is marked with golden light spots. In addition to the golden light spots, there are many red light spots and black light spots.

Wang Changsheng felt a burst of joy in his heart, the map Feng Yao gave overlapped with the map in his hand.

"Friend Feng, what do the red light spots and the black light spots represent?"

Yu Xin asked curiously.

"The red dots represent the ban, and the black dots represent the powerful monsters. However, after so many years, the power of the ban may have weakened, and the monsters may have moved to other places. You can't trust it, but you can use it as a reference."

Feng Yao explained that after so many years, he did not know the changes in Xuanfeng Cave.

Yu Xin nodded solemnly, and Wang Changsheng looked worried.

"If it is sent to the ban or the lair of powerful monsters, what should I do?"

An orc frowned and asked.

"Luck is also a part of strength. I can only blame myself for my bad luck. Even if it's me, I don't have absolute confidence in teleporting to a safe location."

Feng Yao said solemnly.

There is never a shortage of opportunities in the world of immortality. Anyone can have a chance, but some people are very lucky, and some people are relatively unlucky.

Treasure hunts are full of variables.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go! Delaying for too long will easily be discovered by the three clans."

Feng Yao urged, walking to the center of the formation, Wang Changsheng and others followed.

Feng Yao flipped his right hand, the cyan light flashed, and a square cyan token appeared in his hand. On the surface of the cyan token, there was a pattern of a miniature flying eagle. The aura was amazing. A medium-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

He threw the Xuanfeng Order into a magic formula.

Xuanfeng Ling suddenly brightened, and a azure light spewed out, covering them.

Feng Yao took out a nine-pointed cyan array plate, and entered several magic tricks. The ground shook slightly, and hundreds of cyan lights shot up into the sky, drowning Wang Changsheng and others.

After a while, the blue light dissipated, and Wang Changsheng and others disappeared.


An endless green grassland, tens of thousands of blue hounds are foraging, thousands of black demon wolves are lying on the ground, the ground is full of potholes, and there are huge pits.

The cyan hound is covered with cyan manes, has three eyes, and has an extremely short tail.

There was a ripple in the sky, and a figure suddenly appeared, it was Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept away, and his eyes flashed with surprise. The dog king was a fifth-order mid-grade monster.

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