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Chapter 2004: The power of the golden eagle puppet

Latest website: In addition, there are two lower-grade three-eyed wind dogs.

The three-eyed wind dog, this monster has a keen sense of smell and a strong aggressiveness, and its eyes can release the mysterious light of annihilation, which should not be underestimated.

A piece of information appeared in Wang Changsheng's mind. He had checked the books of many exotic animals and recognized the origin of these cyan hounds at a glance.

As soon as Wang Changsheng appeared, the Dog King found him.


A strange roar sounded, and the dog king's three eyes each shot a slender blue light, and went straight to Wang Changsheng.

Tens of thousands of three-eyed wind dogs followed suit, each with a blue light emitting from their eyes, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Tens of thousands of azure lights converged in one place, like a long azure river, rushing towards Wang Changsheng, the void vibrated, and the sound of breaking through the air was endless.

Wang Changsheng's reaction was very fast, he sacrificed a blue ball with a lot of water vapor, and punched a magic trick. in front of you.

Intensive cyan light hit the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain seemed to be non-existent, pierced by the cyan light.

The dense blue light directly penetrated Wang Changsheng's body, and Wang Changsheng disappeared into a little blue light.

The dog king sniffed a few times, and suddenly opened his **** mouth, revealing a row of sharp, **** fangs.

At this moment, some blue water vapor emerged from a certain void, taking the appearance of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and the mysterious light released by the eyes of the three-eyed wind dog was unusual. If it was refined into the body of the puppet beast, it could improve the strength of the puppet beast.


An angry roar sounded, a little blue light appeared in the mouth of the dog king, and a little blue light appeared in the mouths of the other three-eyed wind dogs.

Wang Changsheng shouted, the dog king's body trembled slightly, the blue light in his mouth suddenly dissipated, and the other three-eyed wind dogs were even more uncomfortable.

God roar!

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changsheng raised his hand, and a golden light flew out from the storage ring. It was a huge golden bone bird. The golden bone bird had no flesh and feathers on its body, and was surrounded by countless golden electric arcs. , One after another mysterious lines can be seen on the skeleton.

The fifth-order middle-grade puppet beast, the golden eagle puppet beast, was refined from the corpse of the fifth-order middle-grade golden thunder eagle.

The bone wings of the golden eagle puppet beast slammed lightly, and a deafening thunder sound immediately came from the sky, and a golden thundercloud rolled up and appeared high in the sky.

After the rumbling thunder sounded, golden thunderballs flew out one by one, hitting the three-eyed wind dog like a meteor shower.

The golden thunderball hit the three-eyed wind dog, and immediately burst open. Countless golden arcs jumped, drowning the three-eyed wind dog. The skin was ripped apart, and the blood flowed non-stop.

The dog king was more resistant to beatings. Dozens of golden lightning **** hit him, but the mane on his body was burned, his whole body was charred black, and he gave off a scorched aura.

An astonishing cold air fell from the sky, and a huge blue fist more than a hundred feet in size fell from the sky and smashed at the dog king.

A little blue light immediately appeared in the dog king's mouth, the blue light flashed, and a blue light flew out, hitting the blue giant fist.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the giant blue fist was like a thin piece of paper, pierced by the blue light, and turned into a large piece of icy blue air, covering half of the dog king's body, and the dog king froze at a speed visible to the naked eye. , turned into ice sculptures.

The surface of the dog king's body suddenly burst into azure light, and small cracks appeared in the ice layer, which slowly shattered.

After a piercing sound of breaking through the air, an incomparably sharp axe fell from the sky, smashing into the dog king's head with the momentum of opening up a mountain to fill the sea, and there was a muffled sound and sparks scattered.

There was a long bloodstain on the dog king's head, and a lot of blood flowed out.

The thunder was loud, and hundreds of golden thunder **** smashed on its body one after another, and the dazzling golden thunder light lit up, drowning the dog king's figure.

After a while, the golden thunder light dissipated, the dog king's body was covered in blood, and there was a burning smell on his body.

The damage of the thunder attribute Taoist method is so powerful that even a fifth-rank middle-rank dog king can't bear it.

The bloodstain on the dog king's head was torn apart, and white bones were faintly visible.

The golden light flashed, and the golden thunder eagle suddenly appeared on the top of the dog king's head.

A painful scream sounded, and the head of the dog king was pierced by the sharp claws of the golden thunder eagle.

Its claws were originally comparable to the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao. After Wang Changsheng's tempering, the power was greatly improved.

The fifth-order golden thunder eagle tried a small knife, and Wang Changsheng was very satisfied, and it was worth the time he spent refining this fifth-order puppet beast.

One after another golden thunderballs fell and smashed into the group of dogs. The three-eyed wind dogs exploded and turned into countless flesh and blood.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two demon dogs of the fifth-order low-grade fled separately.

Two thick golden beams of light descended from the sky and hit them accurately, and two miserable screams sounded.

With a wave of Wang Changsheng's right hand, seven looming blue lights flew out, split into two groups, and submerged into the two groups of golden lightning.

After a while, the thunder light dissipated, and the two fifth-order low-grade demon dogs fell to the ground, with no breath, their bodies were charred black, and there was a burning smell.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed a small tower with a sparkling blue light and flew towards the ground. One after another miniature hounds flew out from the corpse. Just after flying out of the corpse, a blue glow hung down, taking away the spirit of the three-eyed wind dog.

Wansoul Tower, the spiritual treasure that Wang Changsheng used to collect the spirits of monsters.

The fifth-order demon dog was killed, and the remaining three-eyed wind dogs fled for their lives. Wang Changsheng ignored them, urging the golden eagle puppet beast, and killed more than ten high-grade fourth-order three-eyed wind dogs.

In less than a quarter of an hour, there was no longer a live cyan demon dog on the cyan grassland. A large number of cyan demon dogs fell on the grassland, their bodies were charred black, their skins were cracked, and there was a strong burnt smell wafting over the grassland.

Wang Changsheng descended from the sky and landed beside the Dog King. He dug out the Dog King's eyeballs with joy on his face.

He dug out the eyes of the third-order three-eyed wind dog above the fourth-order, and put away the body of the fourth-order three-eyed wind dog. After purchasing materials, he could refine a batch of puppet The golden thunderclouds in the sky rolled violently. , suddenly collapsed and disappeared, the golden eagle puppet beast turned into a golden light, and the storage ring that entered Wang Changsheng disappeared.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves flicked, and a light cyan ball flew out. The runes on the surface of the ball flashed, and it was a spiritual treasure.

Qingyunzhu, tracking Lingbao.

Long before entering the Xuanfeng Cave, Wang Changsheng refined this treasure. This treasure is a pair. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan each have one. Within millions of miles, they can sense the location of each other.

He is not arrogant, and now his primary goal is to meet with Wang Ruyan, and then to hunt for treasures.

He entered a magic formula, and the Qingyunzhu suddenly brightened, turned into a blue light, and flew towards the distance. The blue light was not far from the ground.

Xuanfeng Dongtian's prohibition is not small, and there are even sixth-order monsters, Wang Changsheng dare not be careless.

He turned into a blue rainbow, chased after him, and disappeared on the vast grassland.

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