Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2005: confluence

The latest website: A small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, a large number of purple spiritual flowers grow in the valley, and a lavender miasma floats over the valley, gathering for a long time.

A blue light lit up in the valley, and an orc race with a fish head and a human body emerged out of thin air.

The surface of the orc race was covered with a layer of blue light. As soon as he appeared, the sea of ​​purple flames tumbled violently, a strange hissing sound sounded, and hundreds of purple thunder lights flew out from the sea of ​​flowers and slashed at the orc race.

With a loud bang, the cyan light blocked all these purple thunder lights, and the arcs shot everywhere.

The orcs frowned, their consciousness widened.

A gust of wind blew, and a purple giant scorpion suddenly appeared on top of the orcs' heads. The purple giant scorpion's tail thorns were black and shiny, with a hideous face on its back and purple eyes. The human-faced scorpion.

The orcs turned pale in shock, and hurriedly took out a light blue mace and smashed it at the human-faced scorpion.

The cyan mace smashed on the body of the human-faced scorpion, as if it smashed on the copper wall and the iron wall, there was a muffled sound of "keng", and sparks flew everywhere.

The human-faced scorpion let out a sharp, ear-piercing hissing sound, and the orcs' facial features were twisted.

Taking this opportunity, the human-faced scorpion's tail thorn suddenly trembled, and there was a loud sound of breaking wind, and a burst of purple lines flew out, hitting the eyes of the orcs.

The orcs let out an extremely painful scream, their eyes were stabbed blind, their hands covered their eyes, and the blood that flowed out was black.

The human-faced scorpion opened its mouth and spewed out a thick purple thunder light, hitting the orcs. The orcs felt their bodies numb, and there was a burst of unbearable pain, screaming incessantly.

It exhaled a pungent purple miasma that drowned the body of the orcs.

The orcs turned into a ray of light and flew away, but before they flew a hundred miles, the orcs fell from the sky, struggling violently, with many scars on their bodies, and the blood flowing out was black.

Several thick purple lightnings fell from the sky, hitting the orcs one after another.

After a huge roar sounded, there was a huge dirt pit on the ground, with a burst of black smoke, the orcs lay in the pit, their bodies charred.

The fifth-order high-ranking human face scorpion is very poisonous, and its supernatural powers should not be underestimated.


A majestic mountain towering into the clouds, if you look closely, there are tiny cracks in the void, looming.

With a flash of golden light, a golden-robed old man with a dove face and a high nose suddenly appeared above the mountain peak. The golden-robed old man had a pair of golden wings about 10 feet long on his back, which flapped gently.

As soon as the golden-robed old man appeared, he immediately let out a scream of extreme pain.

This person's luck was not good. As soon as he entered Xuanfeng Cave, he triggered a powerful ban and was killed directly.

Luck is also a part of strength, obviously this person's luck is a little worse.


In a lush green forest, Wang Ruyan looked flustered, holding a red dust flute in his hand.

Behind her, two red vultures were chasing after her. The red vultures had a slender neck, some red scales on their necks, long tail feathers, and sharp claws as sharp as knives.

The wings of the two red vultures spread out more than ten feet long, and their wings were gently flapped, and several huge red fireballs flew out, with rolling heat waves, smashing at Wang Ruyan.

Wang Ruyan's light rose, avoiding the red fireball.

With a loud bang, the red fireball smashed on the towering ancient tree, and a raging fire suddenly ignited, and the fire expanded instantly.

A gust of hot wind blew, and a red vulture suddenly appeared on top of Wang Ruyan's head, and the sharp blade as sharp as a knife went straight to Wang Ruyan's Tianling Gai to grab it.

The claws of the fifth-order demon bird are comparable to the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao, and it is not a problem to smash Wang Ruyan's head.

The red dust flute in Wang Ruyan's hand suddenly brightened, and along with a cheerful flute sound, an invisible sound wave swept out and hit the red vulture.

The sharp claws of the red vulture hit the invisible sound wave, and immediately flew out backwards, dropping a lot of feathers.

An amazing heat wave came from behind, and a thick red flame was like a long red river, rushing straight towards Wang Ruyan.

The void vibrated and distorted, and mysterious notes emerged out of thin air. After turning around, they turned into a thick blue light curtain, covering Wang Ruyan's whole body.

After a loud noise, billowing flames drowned the blue light curtain.

Suddenly there was a thunderous sound resounding through the sky, and a group of golden thunderclouds more than ten miles in size suddenly appeared in the sky, with lightning and thunder, and thunder snakes roamed away.

After the golden thundercloud tumbled violently, thick golden lightning bolts fell and slashed towards the two red vultures.

Before the two red vultures could avoid it, a clear and loud shout sounded, and their bodies trembled slightly, like eggplants beaten by frost, becoming listless.

Intensive golden lightning struck them, and suddenly there was a scream, and a large number of feathers were scorched black, and they were drowned by the golden thunder.

There was a piercing sound of breaking the air, and dense axe blades fell from the sky, slashing on them, the wings of two black vultures were broken, a large number of feathers fell off, and fell from the sky.

They were dripping with blood, and there were many burn marks on their bodies.

As soon as they landed, the void fluctuated together, and two big hands full of water vapor appeared out of nowhere and smashed them head-on.

With a loud bang, their bodies sank deep into the ground, and there were two huge pits on the ground. The two red vultures had not died, but they were severely injured, and most of their bones were broken.

Dozens of golden lightnings pierced through the sky and slashed on them, and they let out bursts of painful screams.

Countless cyan thorns drilled out of the ground, and the cyan thorns drilled into their bodies along the wound.

Their bodies turned into mummified corpses at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Two mini vultures flew out from the corpse, and as soon as they left the body, the Tower of Myriad Souls descended from the sky, spewing out a cloud of blue light, covering the mini vultures and entering it.

A cyan ball flew in front of Wang Ruyan, the golden eagle puppet beast descended from the sky, and Wang Changsheng stood on the back of the golden eagle puppet beast.

"Ma'am, are you alright!"

Wang Changsheng jumped off the back of the golden eagle puppet beast with a look of concern on his face.

"I'm fine, fortunately I met my Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to deal with them alone."

Wang Ruyan had a lingering expression on her face. When she entered Xuanfeng Cave, she encountered two fifth-order demon beasts and was chased and killed all the way.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and when the magic trick was pinched, the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly disintegrated, the golden eagle puppet beast turned into a golden light, and flew into the storage ring and disappeared.

He walked to the corpse of the red vulture and shook his head. The corpse of the red vulture was severely damaged, even the demon pill was shattered, and the flesh and blood were absorbed by the wood demon.

Wang Changsheng flicked his wrist lightly, and a yellow light flew out, which was the double-eyed mouse.

"It's your turn to work, to find high-year elixir or rare treasures, you are indispensable."

Wang Changsheng ordered.

The double-eyed rat's nose sniffed a few times in the void, its eyes lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and it suddenly drilled into the ground.

Wang Changsheng put away the wood demon, chased after Wang Ruyan, and disappeared into the dense forest.

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