Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2006: 3 clan elite

The latest website: In an endless purple bamboo forest, a blue thunder light suddenly lit up in the void. The blue light flashed, and a burly young man in blue shirt suddenly appeared above the purple bamboo forest.

The young man in blue shirt has a burly stature, blue eyes, and a pair of cyan wings on his back. The surface of the cyan wings is covered with cyan arcs, exuding a violent aura.

Qing Yu, born in the Lei He clan, was in the early stage of virtual refining.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his face, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was actually teleported to the lair of the sixth-order monster, but fortunately used the Thunder Escape Technique to escape."

Qing Yu said to himself, with a lingering expression on his face.

He glanced at the bamboo forest below, and the cyan wings on his back lightly flapped, turning into a cyan escaping light and flying toward the northwest.


From a damp black jungle, a huge explosion sounded from time to time, and the fire was soaring into the sky.

In an open field, a fat young man in red stood in the open space. Millions of black demon ants surrounded him. The black demon ants had an unusually small head, a bloated tail, and a pair of thin black wings on their backs. A pair of sharp mouthparts were exposed, looking extremely ferocious.

The queen ant is a low-rank sixth-rank, and there are hundreds of fifth-rank demon ants.

The young man in red has a fat head and big ears, wearing a red ring on his left ear, and his eyes are golden.

Mi Yan was born in the family of fire dolphins.

"I actually encountered so many black flame ants! It seems that if you don't use your real skills, you won't be able to get rid of you."

Mi Yan muttered to himself, when the magic trick was pinched, the sky above his head swayed for a while, and a little red fire light appeared. After a blur, it turned into a huge red dolphin phantom.

The Dharma of the Holy Dolphin, most of the fire dolphins have mastered this kind of Dharma.

The holy dolphin's dharma image is incorporeal, and obviously it does not take long to condense.

The queen ant opened her mouth and spewed out a black flame, and the other monster ants followed suit.

Mi Yan was not afraid at all, when the magic trick was pinched, countless red runes lit up on the surface of the body, and a large red flame emerged, protecting the whole body.

The holy dolphin made a sharp and ear-piercing roar, and a red sound wave swept out and greeted him.

The dense black flames touched the red sound waves and collapsed immediately, as if they had never appeared before.

The holy dolphin spewed out a red-golden flame, and there were runes flashing in the flame, which was obviously not an ordinary flame.

The queen ant noticed something was wrong, and before she had time to avoid it, Mi Yan let out a sharp, ear-piercing roar, and the queen ant became muddleheaded and floated high in the air.

The red-golden flames fell on the queen, and the queen struggled violently, but it was useless.

The queen ant let out a strange roar, the void vibrated and twisted, and a black giant ant phantom suddenly appeared high in the sky.

The black giant ant phantom opened its mouth and spewed out a black flame, which fell on the queen ant. The red-gold flame and the black flame were indistinguishable.

A group of red-golden fire clouds hundreds of miles in size suddenly appeared high in the sky. The red-golden fire clouds rolled violently, and red-golden raindrops fell. The black flame ants touched the red-golden raindrops. The black flame ants can struggle for a while.

The red-golden raindrops fell on the towering ancient tree, and a fire suddenly ignited, and the towering ancient tree quickly turned into fly ash.

Time passed, and the black flame on the surface of the black flame ant slowly dissipated, and the red-gold flame drowned its figure and burned it to fly ashes.

A quarter of an hour later, all the millions of black flame ants were killed, tens of thousands of miles around were reduced to ruins, and huge pits appeared on the ground.

As soon as the Miyan Dharma Art was received, the Dharma image of the holy dolphin disintegrated and disappeared. He turned into a red light and disappeared into the sky.


Near a fast-flowing river, swarms of towering ancient trees fell down, and a huge golden eagle phantom was fighting with a huge blue python phantom, fighting endlessly.

A little blue light appeared in the void, turning into a huge blue wave, shooting at the phantom of the golden eagle.

The golden eagle phantom's wings kept flapping, the wind burst, the void oscillated and twisted, and the wind swept out and went straight to the opposite side.

There was a loud bang, and the golden light and the blue light flickered.

Beneath the phantom of the giant python was a blue giant python more than a hundred feet long. The blue giant python was covered in blue scales and had a sharp blue horn on its head. It was a sixth-order low-grade monster.

Below the phantom of the golden eagle, there is a graceful girl in a golden dress, with her hair combed in the clouds, her face with a little makeup, a small cherry mouth, her beautiful eyes looking forward to life, and a pair of pale golden wings on her back. .

Jin Key, a member of the Golden Eagle Clan's key training, in the early stage of virtual refining.

The golden key's face turned cold, and the magic trick was pinched, and the phantom of the golden eagle suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light.

The phantom of the giant python seemed to be immobilized, unable to move.

The golden eagle phantom flicked its wings, the wind was blowing, and the golden wind blades flew out, like a rushing golden river, hitting the python phantom. disappeared.

The dharma was broken, and the blue giant spit out a large mouthful of blood, making a low hissing sound.

The void was torn apart, and a giant golden blade suddenly appeared on top of the blue giant python's head, cutting it head-on.

The unicorn on the blue giant python's head suddenly spurted out a blue light and greeted it.


With a muffled sound, the golden giant blade turned snow blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, fell to the ground, and turned into countless tiny crystals.

The blue giant python made a strange roar, the single horn on its head lit up, and it spewed out a dazzling blue light again, and instantly came to the golden key.

The golden wings on the back of the golden key flicked, and a gust of wind blew, and the golden key disappeared.

The blue light hit a towering ancient tree, and the towering ancient tree quickly turned snow blue, as if it was frozen.

A gust of wind blew in front of the blue giant python, and the golden key suddenly appeared. As soon as she appeared, her hands were full of golden light, and a golden glow swept out, covering the blue giant python.

Golden Moon Forbidden Light, the unique magical power of the Golden Eagle Clan, only the clansmen above the Void Refinement Stage can master it.

The blue giant python couldn't move, I took this with a golden key, a golden light flew out and landed on my hand. Tongtian Lingbao.

Holding a short golden blade, she slashed towards the belly of the blue python.

There was a muffled sound of "keng", sparks scattered, a large number of scales were broken, and a long bloodstain appeared.

Jin Key snorted coldly, and the short golden blade in his hand burst into a dazzling golden light, and the blood stains instantly expanded.

The blue giant python made a strange roar, and the blue light on the body surfaced, trying to break free, but it was useless.

Jinyue Banguang imprisoned it, and the blue giant python could not move.

With a flash of golden light, the short golden blade pierced the abdomen of the blue giant python, cutting it in half.

A mini giant python flew out, and as soon as it left the body, it was sucked into the mouth of the key by a strong airflow and disappeared.

The golden key put away the corpse of the monster, turned it into a golden light, and left the place.

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