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Chapter 2007: Purple Grapefruit and Dryad

An endless red bamboo forest, two afterimages quickly passed through the bamboo forest, the speed was extremely fast, a small soil was wrapped in front, and the speed was faster.

After a while, the dirt bag suddenly stopped, and the two afterimages also stopped, showing Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

The double-eyed rat came out from the ground, making a screeching sound, then ran back to Wang Changsheng's side, and climbed up Wang Changsheng's shoulder along the leg of his trousers.

After the double-eyed rat advanced to the fifth rank, its sense of smell became more sensitive.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept in front of him. He scanned the area for thousands of miles, only to find a few fourth-order monsters, but not a single elixir that was more than a thousand years old.

Wang Changsheng was distracted and attached to the double-eyed mouse, and the eyes of the double-eyed mouse lit up with a dazzling yellow light.

With the help of the eyes of the double-eyed mouse, Wang Changsheng could even see the tentacles of the monster insect clearly.

The First Consort of the Tang Dynasty

On a steep mountain, there is a cave several feet wide on the mountainside. A monster with the body of an ape and the head of a tiger is lying in the cave, and its body is covered with a faint azure light.

"The fifth-rank top-grade tiger and ape beast!"

Wang Changsheng's face froze, tigers, apes and beasts are infinitely powerful and swift as the wind.

Strangely, Wang Changsheng used his divine sense to investigate and found no such demon, which means that the tiger and ape beasts have restrained their breath, and the demon cannot be discovered by divine sense alone.

"You discovered the existence of tigers and apes from so far away, not bad, not bad."

Wang Changsheng praised.

The double-eyed mouse flicked its tail proudly. Divine consciousness is not omnipotent. Some monsters are good at restraining their breathing or hiding, which can only be discovered by special spiritual pupils.

The eyes of the double-eyed rat have mutated, which is why the tiger and ape beasts can be discovered. Seven Realms red envelopes without pop-ups

There was no elixir in the cave, and Wang Changsheng was not interested in killing this monster.

"Since there is no elixir, then avoid it!"

Wang Ruyan suggested.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and the double-eyed rat jumped to the ground and drilled into the ground, where a small dirt bag swelled up.

The speed of Xiao Tubao was extremely fast, and Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two afterimages and chased after them.

Along the way, the double-eyed mouse, with its mutated eyes, discovered other fifth-order monsters in advance and avoided them far away. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan saved a lot of trouble.

Two days later, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan appeared in a lush dense forest. There were towering ancient trees more than a hundred feet high everywhere, with luxuriant branches and leaves, blocking a lot of sunlight. Strong putrid smell.

The double-eyed mouse suddenly got out of the ground and let out an excited cry, as if it had found something. Dragon's Pride

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open. Three hundred miles away, in a dense bush, a purple fruit tree with a height of more than 30 meters was located in the middle of the bush. The trunk was covered with extremely sharp golden thorns. The remaining grape-like purple berries.

Each purple berry is the size of an adult fist, oval in shape, and has some golden lines on the peel.

"Purple grapefruit!"

Surprise flashed in Wang Changsheng's eyes. Purple grapefruit is highly poisonous. It blooms in two thousand years, bears fruit in two thousand years, and matures in another two thousand years. Using this as a medicinal guide, the sixth-order medicinal pill, jade grapefruit can be refined, which has a detoxification effect. very nice.

For some high-level poisonous insects, purple grapefruit is a great tonic.

Generally speaking, where there are purple grapes, there are often high-level poisonous insects.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness carefully probed and found no high-level poisonous insects. Sword edge fairy dust no pop-up window

He pinned a ray of distraction on the double-eyed mouse, and the eyes of the double-eyed mouse were bright.

Strangely, he didn't see any high-level poisonous insects.

Wang Ruyan used Wufeng's method and found nothing unusual.

When the purple grapefruit matures, it will emit a special smell, attracting high-level poisonous insects. If there are no high-level poisonous insects, there will be powerful monsters, perhaps special monsters who are proficient in concealment.

With a flick of his right hand, a golden metal sphere flew out. The surface of the golden sphere was covered with spiritual patterns, and a magic trick was struck. All the spiritual patterns were bright, and the golden sphere turned into a huge golden ape puppet beast.

Wang Changsheng controlled the golden ape puppet beast to walk forward, and along the way, the golden ape puppet beast was not attacked.

The golden ape puppet beast approached the purple grape fruit tree a hundred feet, but still no monsters appeared. There is no pop-up window in the prehistoric calendar

Wang Changsheng stared at the golden ape puppet beast and controlled it to walk towards the purple grapefruit tree.

Eighty feet, fifty feet, thirty feet, ten feet...

When the golden ape puppet came to the purple grapefruit tree, it raised its right palm and sprayed out a thin golden thread, heading straight for a purple grapefruit fruit.

The golden thread entangled the fruit stalk, the fruit stalk broke, and a purple grape fruit fell.

The golden silk thread shook suddenly, and quickly weaved it into a golden net bag, catching the purple grapefruit.

At this moment, the purple grapefruit tree swayed gently, and countless golden thorns flew out from the trunk, hitting the golden ape puppet beast like steel needles.

The incident happened suddenly, and the Golden Ape Puppet Beast could not avoid it.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a golden sound wave, and the golden thorns flew out landed on the ground, smashing big holes, the golden thorns hit the purple grape fruit tree, and a burst of " Klang Keng" muffled sound. Mingfeng World Works Catalog

The purple grape fruit tree seemed to come alive, and the thick trunk was woven into a large purple hand covered with golden thorns, which was photographed head-on.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and the big purple hand clapped on the golden ape puppet beast, and there was a muffled sound.

The trunk of the purple grapefruit tree lit up with a purple light, and suddenly a coquettish woman's face appeared.

The woman opened her mouth and spurted out a purple glow, covering the golden ape puppet beast.

The golden ape puppet beast suddenly had a burst of blue smoke, and the purple glow seemed to contain strong corrosive power.

The eyes of the golden ape puppet lit up with a burst of golden light, and each spurted a golden light, hitting the trunk of the purple grapefruit tree, and there were two muffled sounds.

"The fifth-order tree demon!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he suddenly realized that it was no wonder that there were no high-level poisonous insects.

If the wood demon refines the crystal core of the fifth-order tree demon, it will be of great benefit to its advancement.

I don't know what the big chance the purple grape fruit tree has to be able to become sperm.

"The tree demon, there is hope for my husband's wood demon to advance."

Wang Ruyan said with a chuckle, she took out the red dust flute and played it.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the golden eagle puppet beast, the golden eagle puppet beast spread its wings, and countless golden arcs appeared on its body, flying towards the sky.

The tree demon is fighting fiercely with the golden ape puppet beast. The golden eagle puppet beast's defense is extremely strong, no worse than the fifth-order monster beast. The tree demon's attack has not destroyed the golden ape puppet beast.

Countless black tree trunks burrowed out of the ground, and each root had the thickness of the mouth of a bowl, like tying zongzi.

The surface of the golden ape puppet beast lit up with countless golden lights, and its arms spurted countless slender golden threads, cutting off all tree roots like sharp blades.

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