Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2009: The wind is far away

The latest website: "No, there are cultivators who have rushed over."

Wang Changsheng frowned, and quickly put away the puppet beast and magic weapon, he and Wang Ruyan escaped into the ground and disappeared.

A quarter of an hour later, a cyan light flew from the distant sky and appeared above the dense forest.

The azure light converged, revealing a burly young man in azure shirt with a pair of huge cyan wings on his back, and the surface of the wings was filled with countless cyan arcs.

It was Qingyu, an elite disciple of the Leihe clan, who was attracted to Qingyu when she heard the explosion of the fighting technique.

He looked at the messy ground and frowned.

His eyes flashed with surprise, and he walked quickly to a huge pit with a size of 10 feet. There was a black ice cube in the giant pit, which exuded a biting chill.

With a flick of Qing Yu's finger, a cyan arc flew out, hitting the black ice cube, and the black ice cube suddenly burst, turning into a large piece of black ice debris, scattered on the ground, when it touched the black ice debris, it instantly froze, the ice layer is black.

"The Qi of Xuanming? It's not quite like it!"

Qing Yu said to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He sacrificed a glittering jade bottle and punched a magic formula. The blue jade bottle suddenly spewed out a blue glow, covering the black ice cubes and getting involved in the blue jade bottle.

The aura of the cyan jade bottle dimmed, suddenly froze, and turned into a black jade bottle. It fell from the air and shattered, and the black ice layer expanded a lot.

Qing Yu was stunned, his face full of shock, the scene in front of him was beyond his imagination.

His brows were wrinkled, his mind turned quickly, he took out a blue jade slip, and his divine sense penetrated into it.

After a while, he withdrew from his consciousness, and his face became solemn.

"The water of the Ming River! How can there be the water of the Ming River here? Is there an outsider who has come in? Or has someone found the inheritance of Master Xuanfeng?"

Qing Yu frowned and guessed.

If he didn't understand it, he didn't think about it. He took out a dazzling dharma plate and entered a magic formula. Countless cyan runes rushed out and turned into a cyan arrow about a foot long. The cyan arrow Turn quickly and eventually the arrow points to the northwest.

"Let's meet with the clan first. I hope not to be preempted by Jin Key and Mi Yan. Master Xuanfeng's inheritance must belong to our Leihe clan."

Qing Yu said to herself, turned into a blue light, and flew towards the northwest.


In a dense black forest, Feng Yao was fighting with a girl in a purple skirt with alluring features.

The girl in the purple dress had thick skin, a few cyan spiritual patterns on her face, a pair of purple feather wings on her back, filled with countless purple arcs, and her eyes were purple.

"You're not from the three clans, how did you get in here?"

The girl in the purple skirt asked with a cold face, her face full of murderous intent, and countless purple arcs rushed out.

Feng Yao didn't answer, took out a green feather fan and swiped it lightly. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew out, and a cyan wind swept out, instantly turning into a cyan wind dragon with a length of more than 100 meters, and went straight to the girl in the purple skirt. go.

Where the cyan wind dragon passed, the ground was torn apart, the earth and rocks cracked, and the towering ancient trees burst open and turned into countless debris.

The purple arc on the girl in the purple skirt rose sharply, and suddenly disappeared from the spot. The blue wind dragon flew into the air, destroying dozens of towering ancient trees in a row.

A purple thunder light suddenly lit up behind Feng Yao, and a purple girl suddenly appeared behind Feng Yao, Thunder Escape Technique!

As soon as the girl in the purple skirt appeared, the purple arc on her body seemed to be guided by some kind of direction, heading straight for the wind.


A huge explosion sounded, and the dazzling purple thunder light drowned Feng Yao's figure, and there was a faint scream of extreme pain.

After a while, thousands of blue lights emerged from the purple thunder, and the dense blue light tore apart the purple thunder.

The girl in the purple skirt was covered by hundreds of cyan rays of light, as if she was immobilized, unable to move, her eyes were full of fear.

Feng Yao's right hand turned claw towards the head of the girl in the purple skirt.

At this moment, Feng Yao seemed to notice something, and with a flick of his body, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The void fluctuated together, and a golden bird's claws emerged out of thin air and grabbed it head-on, but Feng Yao hid quickly, and the golden bird's claws flew into the air.

Feng Yao's face was full of alertness, and he sacrificed a cyan bead and entered a magic formula, and a green gust of wind swept out, protecting his body.

A golden light flew from a distance, and it was a big-bellied young man in a golden shirt. The young man in the golden shirt had a dove face and a high nose. There were a pair of golden wings on the back, and the surface of the wings was filled with countless golden arcs.

Feng Yao's pupils shrank, his face became ugly, his luck was too bad, it was not a good thing to meet people from the Leihe family.

"Wind escape, which clan are you from? How did you get in?"

The young man in the golden shirt frowned, his face full of confusion.

You must know that the three clans of the Leihe clan, the fire dolphin clan and the golden eagle clan control Xuanfeng Cave, and foreigners cannot enter at all.

Could it be that the Fire Dolphin Clan or the Golden Eagle Clan are doing tricks to send more people in?

The three clans reached an agreement, and each sent twenty people into Xuanfeng Cave, one Lianxu and nineteen Huashen.

"His mouth is very hard. No matter how I ask, I won't say it. Take him down and search for his soul directly."

The girl in the purple skirt said with a cold face, her face full of murderous intent.

At this moment, a loud shout sounded, like the sound of thunder.

The facial features of the girl in the purple skirt and the youth in the golden shirt were distorted, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, hundreds of huge axe blades with sparkling aura shot out and landed on them one after another.

The girl in the purple skirt and the young man in the golden shirt flew out immediately, and the wings on their backs fell off a lot of feathers, dripping with blood.

They smashed heavily into the jungle, hitting more than a dozen towering ancient trees, and vomiting blood.

A golden thunder light lit up on the head of the golden-shirted youth, and a huge golden eagle puppet beast suddenly appeared on top of his head.

The young man in the golden shirt responded quickly, and countless golden arcs appeared on his one after another hit the golden eagle puppet beast, and at the same time crossed his arms and stepped forward.

A painful scream sounded, and there were several terrifying bloodstains on the arm of the young man in the golden shirt, and white bones were faintly visible. This was still a monster. If it was an ordinary human monk, his hands would have been broken.

With a loud bang, a large number of towering ancient trees burst open, and a blue fist with a size of hundreds of feet, with a tendency to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, went straight to the young man in the golden shirt, and wherever he passed, One after another, the towering trees were reduced to debris.

The blue boxing shadow quickly arrived in front of the young man in the golden shirt, and the young man in the golden shirt felt that it became difficult to breathe.

He opened his mouth and spurted a dazzling golden thunder light, hitting the blue fist shadow.

With a loud bang, the blue boxing shadow exploded, turning into blue water vapor in the sky, and seven looming blue lights shot out. The young man in the golden shirt blocked four, and three blue lights penetrated his eyes.

An extremely painful scream rang out, and the young man in the golden shirt fell to the ground with an incredible look on his face.


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