Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2010: Blood Mosquito and Purple Soul Control Corpse Insect

He still has a lot of magical powers that he didn't have time to use, and he just died like this, which is really embarrassing.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan broke out of the ground, and they escaped all the way. When they reached the vicinity of the gathering place, they found that Feng Yao was fighting with the Lei He clan, and naturally offered to help.

The Leihe clan does not have the Nascent Soul, but it is also the soul.

As soon as the young man in the golden shirt died, a miniature golden crane spirit flew out of his body. As soon as he left the body, the Wansoul Tower descended from the sky, covering the miniature golden crane and entering the Wansoul Tower!

The girl in the purple skirt changed her face greatly, and she broke out in a cold sweat, and countless purple arcs appeared on her body.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and Feng Yao suddenly appeared beside the girl in the purple skirt.

As soon as Feng Yao's tactic was pinched, ten thousand cyan rays of light bloomed on the surface of the body, covering the girl in the purple skirt.

The girl in the purple skirt seemed to be immobilized, unable to move.

Feng Yao's right hand turned into a sharp cyan eagle claw and grabbed towards the head of the girl in the purple skirt, with a posture of smashing her head into pieces.

The girl in the purple skirt suddenly made a sharp, ear-piercing noise, her body swelled up rapidly, and countless purple arcs appeared on her body, as if she was about to expose herself.

Feng Yao was taken aback, the azure light on his body flashed, and it disappeared into a gust of breeze.

The double-eyed mouse drilled out of the ground, opened its mouth to bite the right hand of the young man in the golden shirt, and bit down together with a golden storage ring.

A group of extremely dazzling purple thunder light suddenly lit up, which could be clearly seen for thousands of miles, and a large number of towering ancient trees turned into fly ash.

After the purple thunder light dissipated, a huge pit appeared in a radius of 100 miles, all the grass and trees were wiped out, and the corpse of the young man in the golden shirt was also destroyed.

"She didn't expose herself, fellow Daoist Feng, you were tricked."

Wang Changsheng frowned and said, his consciousness sensed that the girl in the purple skirt was five hundred miles away, and the next moment, she appeared eight hundred miles away, and then disappeared.

Obviously, this is a very clever escape technique.

"This is the Thunderstorm Escape Spirit Technique! The unique secret technique of the Leihe family, it is almost impossible to catch up with her. We have stabbed the basket, get the things as soon as possible, and leave here quickly!"

Feng Yao frowned and his tone was heavy.

Wang Changsheng nodded, and was escaped by the Lei He clan. He didn't want to stay for long, it was better to leave early.

The double-eyed mouse emerged from the ground with blood dripping from its body. It risked its life to get the storage ring of the golden-shirted youth.

It opened its mouth and spat out a pale golden storage ring, which landed on Wang Changsheng's hand.

Feng Yao flipped his hand and took out a handful of yellow glittering jade Ruyi, and with a flick of it, a yellow glow swept out, covering the three of them, and the three escaped into the ground.

Under the wrapping of the yellow light, the three quickly sneaked and disappeared into the depths of the ground.


In a dark and damp jungle, a golden light swept across the jungle at an extremely fast speed.

Behind the golden light, there is a black cloud with a size of more than ten acres. If you look closely, the black cloud is filled with hundreds of millions of black monster mosquitoes. The black monster mosquitoes have a blood-colored tail thorn, and a pair of mouthparts are exposed. It looked hideous.

The Mosquito King is a hundred jade feet in size, with a circle of blood-colored spiritual patterns on his abdomen, and four wings on his back. He is a sixth-order monster.

The Mosquito King made a shrill hissing sound, and the golden light suddenly fell from the sky. It was the golden key.

Ordinary sixth-order monsters, she doesn't care at all, but hundreds of millions of blood mosquitoes, she can't provoke such fierce insects.

Blood Luo Mosquito ranked 192nd on the list of ten thousand insects. You must know that there are no less than 100 million kinds of spiritual insects in Xuanyang Realm, and only 10,000 kinds of spiritual insects are on the list. The higher the ranking, the more powerful the spiritual insects.

The speed of reproduction of the blood mosquito is relatively strong, it can easily reach tens of millions, it is brutal and bloodthirsty, and it has the innate ability to eat souls. However, this kind of spirit insect also has great shortcomings. Kill, but hundreds of millions of blood mosquitoes, she can only escape.

The Mosquito King spewed out a blood-colored flame and went straight to the golden key, and the other blood mosquitoes followed suit.

The monstrous blood-colored flames covered the sky and covered the earth, and Jin Key's vision became blood-colored.

As soon as the Golden Key Technique was pinched, a shrill cry sounded, and a huge golden eagle phantom suddenly appeared above her head.

The golden eagle phantom slammed its wings fiercely, and the void was twisted and deformed, as if it was about to be torn apart, and thousands of golden tornadoes swept out, like a golden torrent, facing the blood-colored flame.

With a loud bang, thousands of golden hurricanes were involved in the insect cloud, and a large number of blood mosquitoes were strangled by the golden hurricane.

Taking this opportunity, the golden wings on Jin Key's back lit up, slammed it fiercely, and disappeared from the spot.

Thousands of miles away, there is a certain desolate grassland, the ground is full of potholes, a piece of charred black, and there are many bones of monsters.

A gust of wind whizzed past, and the golden key suddenly appeared, her face was pale, she used the wind escape technique to escape, and performed it more than ten times in a row.

As soon as she appeared, there was a deafening roar from the sky, and a huge black thundercloud appeared in the sky without warning, with lightning and thunder.

A deafening thunder sounded, and a thick black lightning pierced the sky and slashed at the key.

"Damn, the ban is triggered."

The golden key cursed, if it wasn't to avoid the **** mosquito, she would not have escaped thousands of miles in one breath, and she would not have touched the ban.

Master Xuanfeng was a fit cultivator before his life, and the independent space he opened must be dangerous, otherwise the predecessors would have obtained the inheritance of Master Xuanfeng long ago.

The golden key hurriedly threw out a golden command flag and entered a magic formula. The golden command flag swayed in the wind and suddenly turned into a golden gust to protect the golden key.

Black lightning hits the black wind, like mud like the sea.

The rumbling thunder sounded, and dozens of black lightning bolts pierced the sky and slashed at the golden key.

Jin Key's face was condensed, and he didn't dare to be careless, and quickly drove the magic weapon to resist.


In a small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, there are countless giant purple flowers growing in the valley, the buds are closed, and the stems are covered with golden thorns.

An orc with an ape-headed human body stood outside the valley, and on the ground not far away lay a purple giant python more than 100 feet long. The python's head was smashed into flesh.

The Orcs held a cyan bead the size of a pigeon egg.

With the help of the cyan bead, he could clearly see a light cyan light curtain on the stone wall at the end of the valley, looming.

"Master Xuanfeng's sitting in the cave? Haha, it seems that my chance has come."

The orcs laughed wildly, looking excited.

Since Xuanfeng Dongtian appeared in the world, I have never heard of anyone who has obtained the inheritance of Master Xuanfeng. If it wasn't for the three clan cultivators fighting here, causing the space to be unstable, cultivators with too high cultivation levels could not enter, and the highest can only be With the entry of the virtual cultivator, and the strong restriction of Xuanfeng Dongtian, it is estimated that the inheritance of Master Xuanfeng has long been obtained.

He opened his mouth and spewed out a blue flame, which landed on a purple giant flower. It burned, and the fire expanded rapidly, and the purple giant flowers turned into ashes.

Within ten breaths, the giant purple flowers in the valley turned to ashes.

The orcs blessed themselves with several defenses and strode towards the valley.

Before long, he came to the end of the valley, and a rough stone wall blocked his way.

He smashed his right fist towards the void, and there was an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the A blue fist with a size of more than 100 feet flew out and smashed on the stone wall.

The stone wall suddenly shattered, and a large amount of gravel rolled down.

At this moment, a mutation protruded, and a purple light suddenly emerged from the ground, heading straight for the orcs.

The orcs' complexion changed, and they quickly spewed out a blue flame, hitting the purple light.

The purple light suddenly elongated, passed through the blue flame, and entangled the orcs. The purple light was a long purple worm. This kind of spiritual worm has no eyes, only a small mouth, and its body is no more than **** thick.

The orcs grabbed the purple worm with both hands and pulled it hard, his face flushed red, but he couldn't break the purple worm.

The long purple worm opened its mouth, revealing a row of golden teeth, biting the arm of the orcs, and following the wound, it drilled into the body of the orcs.

"Purple Soul Control Corpse Insect, it's actually this kind of strange insect."

The orcs muttered to themselves, their faces flushed red.

The purple soul corpse worm is ranked 205th on the Ten Thousand Insects list. It has the innate magical power of assimilation. It is usually parasitic on other life forms, assimilating the host's Nascent Soul or Divine Soul, and achieves the means to control other life forms until the host. After death, the Purple Soul Control Corpse Insect will look for other hosts.

Two long purple worms suddenly emerged from the eyes of the orcs, blood flowed continuously, and their eyes were dull.

After a while, he released the Purple Soul Controlling Corpse Insect, and the Purple Soul Controlling Corpse Worm's body completely penetrated into his body and controlled the Orcs.

"I can't break the ban alone, I have to join Daoist Yu and the others."

The orcs muttered to themselves and left here as a flash of light.

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