Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2018: Refinement period aliens are approaching

The eyes of the giant beast turned blood red, and it opened its mouth to spurt out a cloud of blue light, heading straight for Wang Changsheng and the three of them.

Wang Ruyan's body surface glowed with blue light, his breath soared, and he shouted loudly.

The body of the giant beast trembled slightly, and the blue glow suddenly dissipated.

Taking this opportunity, Feng Yao raised his right hand, and a green plume flew out, the runes flickered non-stop, and the aura was amazing, obviously it was not a mortal thing.

The blue feathers flew over the top of the giant beast, and spun around the giant beast.

The giant beast seemed to be immobilized, unable to move.

"Come on, I can't hold it for long."

Feng Yao turned into a ray of light and flew towards the northeast corner, followed by Wang Changsheng and the three.

They flew into a long and narrow valley, Feng Yao shook his right hand, and a yellow gleaming flag appeared in his hand. With a slight flick, a yellow glow swept out, quickly swept across the ground, and the ground was torn apart. A teleportation formation more than 100 feet large appeared. The teleportation formation had hundreds of grooves, and each groove had a gray-white stone.

Wang Changsheng's sleeves were rolled up, a gust of wind blew through, and all the stones in the grooves flew up, Wang Ruyan's sleeves flicked, and hundreds of high-grade spirit stones flew out, landing precisely in each groove.

A deafening roar sounded, and the ground shook.

Feng Yao and the four hurriedly landed on the teleportation array, Wang Changsheng's magic art was pinched, and a little blue light appeared in the void, turning into thick blue water curtains, covering the entire small valley.

With a loud bang, more than a dozen hills burst open one after another, and the blue behemoth suddenly appeared over the valley.


An earth-shattering roar sounded, and the four Wang Changsheng were dizzy, unable to mobilize the slightest real energy.

The giant beast's eyes each shot a blue light, hitting the blue water curtain, and the blue water curtain froze instantly.

A little blue light appeared on the top of the giant beast, and after a blur, a vast ocean, like a flood, slammed into the small valley where Wang Changsheng and the four were.

After the loud bang, more than a dozen hills exploded, and smoke and dust flew all over the sky.

The blue ice curtain shattered in an instant, and the blue flood charged at Wang Changsheng and the others with a force of hundreds of millions of pounds.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and nine Dinghai beads flew out, turning into nine blue lights and submerging into the flood.


Wang Changsheng's magic formula changed, and a dazzling blue light lit up in the flood, and suddenly stopped.

The giant beast was furious and planned to use other magical powers. A deafening man shouted loudly. The giant beast felt an unbearable pain from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and his body trembled slightly.

When it came back to its senses, a silver flame descended from the sky and landed on it.


The giant beast let out a roar, a dazzling blue light burst out from its body, and all the silver flames on its body disappeared.

At this time, Wang Changsheng and the others also disappeared, and the flood smashed the formation into pieces.

The giant beast let out an unwilling roar, countless ancient trees burst open, and smoke billowed.


More than 100,000 miles away, there is an endless green bamboo forest.

There was a sudden ripple in the sky above the bamboo forest, and three men and one woman suddenly appeared. It was Wang Changsheng and the four of them. Their faces were pale, their heads were sweating profusely, and their eyes were full of horror.

If Wang Changsheng hadn't mastered the magical power of Zhenshen Roar, he would not have been able to escape.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness was wide open, and he swept around, but did not find any powerful monsters or other aliens, and he was relieved.

"It's finally safe, Fellow Daoist Ape, where is the place you said? Take us there."

Feng Yao urged that if he could obtain the inheritance of Master Xuanfeng, he would have a great chance to enter the Void Refinement Stage.

Yuan Shu nodded, took out a topographic map and looked at it. It turned into a flash of light and flew towards the northwest. Wang Changsheng and the three quickly followed.


Two escaping lights quickly swept across an endless black sea, and after a while, the two escaping lights suddenly stopped, revealing the figures of Jin Key and Jiang Qingfeng.

Jiang Qingfeng frowned, as if he had encountered a problem.

"What's wrong? Can't sense his existence?"

Jin Key frowned.

"He suddenly teleported a long distance and was still within my sensing range, but he was fast and seemed to be rushing somewhere."

Jiang Qingfeng did not dare to hide it and answered truthfully.

"It should be the teleportation array, did he find the body of the Lord Xuanfeng?"

Jin Key looked confused and muttered to himself.

"Forget it, your escaping speed is too slow, and sooner or later you will be thrown off by him. You show me the way, and if you can't find them, you know the end."

Jin Yue snorted coldly, the body surface was bright with golden light, and Jiang Qingfeng rolled up and returned to the original road.


A small valley surrounded by mountains on three sides, there are obvious marks of fighting in the valley, the ground is dark, and some stones have melted traces, which seem to have been burned by fire.

Four escaping lights flew from the distant sky, and after one flashed, they stopped over the valley.

The escape light converged, revealing the four figures of Wang Changsheng.

"This is it, there are restrictions here, be careful."

Yuan Shu pointed to the valley and said, his eyes fiery.

A dazzling blue light emerged from Wang Changsheng's right fist, and he smashed towards the valley's void, the void oscillated and distorted, and a blue boxing shadow more than a hundred feet in size flew out, hitting the stone wall in the valley accurately.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and a large amount of gravel fell from the stone Nothing unusual.

Wang Ruyan hurriedly urged Wufeng Famu to observe the situation in the valley, and indeed saw a looming cyan light curtain.

"There is indeed a prohibition. After so many years, it has not been revealed yet. It is very likely that Venerable Xuanfeng left it behind."

Wang Ruyan analyzed.

"Be cautious, let's break the formation outside, break the formation as soon as possible!"

Feng Yao urged, his eyes fiery.

The azure light on his body suddenly turned into a cyan giant eagle with wings more than a hundred feet long, and the eagle's beak was black.

The cyan giant eagle made a sharp eagle cry, its wings fluttered, the wind blew, and giant wind blades flew out one after another, hitting the valley.

The three of Wang Changsheng either used magical powers or activated magic weapons to attack the valley where the cyan light curtain was located.

There was a loud rumbling sound, and the dazzling aura flooded the valley, and the dust was flying.

After a quarter of an hour, the aura of the cyan light curtain dimmed, and it seemed that it couldn't last much longer.

"No, someone has come here, an alien in the Void Refinement Stage."

Wang Changsheng exclaimed, he has been paying attention to the situation nearby.

"Jiang Qingfeng, it's him, he brought the aliens here."

Feng Yao's face was full of anger. He planted a ban on Jiang Qingfeng. Originally, he wanted Jiang Qingfeng to help transplant the green luan fruit tree, but he did not expect Jiang Qingfeng to become a scourge.

"Don't delay, break into the formation as soon as possible, the opponent's speed is very fast, and we can't catch up even if we run away now."

Wang Changsheng's tone was anxious, and his consciousness sensed that the breath of a Void Refining Stage moved towards them quickly.

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