Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2019: 3 elites gather

In addition, there is also the breath of Jiang Qingfeng.

The cyan giant eagle opened its mouth and spewed out a dazzling cyan light, hitting the cyan light curtain, and several tiny cracks appeared on the cyan light curtain.

Yuan Shu opened his mouth and spewed out a steamy sound wave, hitting the cyan light curtain.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed nine Dinghai beads, and with the magic trick, countless blue water vapors suddenly emerged, turning into thick blue water curtains, covering the entire valley.

The void fluctuated together, and a golden light appeared, it was the golden key, Jiang Qingfeng's face was pale, and his left hand was caught by the golden key.

"Sure enough, here, hum, I want to see what tricks you guys play."

Jin Key's expression turned cold, he raised his right hand high, turned his claw with one hand, and slapped towards the blue water curtain. Water curtain away.

After the loud rumbling sound, the blue water curtain was torn apart by the dense wind like paper paste, and turned into countless blue water waves. The water arrow hit the golden wind.

Hundreds of golden winds were smashed by dense blue water arrows, and smoke billowed.

After the smoke cleared, you could see a blue light gate at the end of the valley. Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Feng Yao and Yuanshu were standing in the valley, and their expressions were different.

Jin Key's eyes were cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, a man full of energy shouted loudly, like the sound of thunder, which shocked Jiang Qingfeng's eardrums.

Jiang Qingfeng's facial features were distorted, he held his head in his hands, and let out a scream, Jin Yueliu frowned, slightly uncomfortable.

The blue water vapor in the void suddenly gathered in one place, turning into a big blue hand with a misty water vapor, and slapped the key.

With the right hand of the golden key raised, five golden lights flew out, smashing the big blue hand.

The golden wings on her back flapped lightly and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were the fastest, their bodies lit up with a dazzling blue light, which turned into a blue light and disappeared into the blue light gate.

Yuan Shu's response was not slow, and it turned into an afterimage, directly submerging into the cyan light gate.

The cyan wings on Feng Yao's back flicked lightly, turning into a breeze and disappearing.

The cyan light door lit up with a golden light, the golden key appeared, and hundreds of golden lights burst out from the body surface, covering a radius of 100 zhang.

The blue light flashed, and a blue giant eagle was covered by the golden light, unable to move.

The cyan giant eagle lit up with a dazzling blue light and suddenly turned into a human shape.

"Senior spare your life, junior is willing to lead the way."

Feng Yao quickly opened his mouth to beg for mercy, his mood was so depressed that he almost went in.

In addition to entering the cyan light gate, he could not escape the key by using the escape technique to escape.

As soon as the golden key method was pinched, the slender jade finger lightly tapped, and a slender golden light came out of his hand and disappeared into Feng Yao's body.

Feng Yao could clearly find that dozens of pale golden chains entangled his Nascent Soul, and his body regained freedom.

"If I want to kill you, just a thought will do. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Jin Key's voice was indifferent, giving people an unquestionable feeling.

Feng Yao smiled embarrassingly and said with a smiling face: "The junior dare not, the junior is willing to go through fire and water for the senior."

He just wanted to survive now, he glanced at Jiang Qingfeng, and his heart was full of killing intent.

If it wasn't for Jiang Qingfeng, Jin Key would not have chased after him at all.

Jin Key looked at the sky and said with a cold face; "Young Daoist Qing, since you are here, why hide and hide, come out!"

"I didn't expect to be discovered by fellow Daoist Jin."

A gentle man's voice sounded, and just after the voice fell, a thunderous sound sounded, and a group of cyan lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, Qing Yu suddenly appeared, and the whole body was wrapped in countless cyan arcs.

Qing Yu's expression was indifferent, and his eyes fell on Feng Yao and Jiang Qingfeng.

"Someone is here, it seems to be friend Mi Daoist."

Qing Yu frowned and looked towards the distant sky.

A red light appeared in the sky and flew towards it quickly.

After a while, a red light appeared in front of them, it was Mi Yan, and two members of the Lei He clan followed Mi Yan.

"Fellow Daoist Mi, what do you mean? Arrest my people as cannon fodder?"

Qing Yu was furious, and the cyan electric arc on his body suddenly rose sharply, with a posture that he would fight if he disagreed.

Mi Yan narrowed his eyes, and his eyes fell on Feng Yao and Jiang Qingfeng, and said, "Sure enough people from other races got in, I met your clansmen and said that there were foreigners coming in, so I asked them to bring them with me. I went to find you, but I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Jin to catch a foreigner."

"There are three more people who have already entered. What is this place?"

Jin Key asked at Fengyao.

"It is said that it is the body of Venerable Xuanfeng, but it is not clear whether it is."

Feng Yao said cautiously, not daring to hide.

Jin Yue naturally didn't believe it, and Feng Yao didn't dare to resist at all when he searched for Feng Yao's soul, and cooperated honestly.

"He didn't lie. The other three, two of them are from the Mermaid family and one is from the Orc family, but they are only in the Spirit Transformation Stage."

Jin Key didn't take the three cultivators to heart at all.

"If this is where Venerable Xuanfeng's body is, maybe there is a control hub of Xuanfeng Dongtian, don't be careless, let's go in quickly! Don't let them find the control hub and the inheritance of Venerable Xuanfeng~www.readwn .com~ Let's join hands to get the treasure, how about we divide the treasure among the three of us?"

Miyan suggested.

Neither Jin Key nor Qing Yu had any objections. They agreed. They haven't seen the treasure yet, so there is no need to quarrel.

As long as the temptation is big enough and the promise can be broken at any time, they will naturally not believe what they say orally. The key is to look at their strength.

Jin Yue let Feng Yao take the lead, Jiang Qingfeng followed her, and the group entered the blue light gate one after another.

Jiang Qingfeng felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a gorgeously decorated cyan palace. The floor was paved with some kind of cyan jade, and eight thick white marble pillars supported the entire hall.

There are two cyan light gates on the left and right sides, and there are some black ice chips near one of the cyan light gates.

Mi Yan's nose lightly sniffed a few times, his eyes fell on the cyan door of light near the black ice debris, and he said, "They entered that door of light, and they don't know what's behind the door of light."

"Master Xuanfeng is the descendant of the blue-winged golden-clawed eagle, and the blue-winged golden-clawed eagle is the spiritual bird of Xuanling Tianzun. It seems that Master Xuanfeng has a lot of treasures, and they should be placed separately to avoid all treasures being destroyed. Get it alone!"

Jin Key analyzed that the high-level cultivator is unwilling to inherit the inheritance by one person, and will place the belongings separately, which may also be a test.

"Four gates of light, just right, let's choose a cyan gate of light each, there is no need to fight, let's break the ban first!"

After Mi Yan finished saying this, the magic formula was pinched, and a little light suddenly appeared in the void.

Jin Key and the others either kept fighting, or resorted to magic weapons and attacked the four cyan light gates.

The explosions continued, and the air waves rolled.

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