Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2020: 9-leaf golden lotus and blue moon peach

A secluded manor covering an extremely wide area, the entire manor is covered by a thick yellow light curtain.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Yuanshu stood at the entrance of the manor, and the two-eyed mouse was lying on Wang Changsheng's shoulder, and the three looked nervous.

Yuanshu's body surface glowed with blue light, and his body more than doubled in height. His fists slammed into the yellow light curtain, and there was a muffled sound of "bang bang". He felt that his fists were hitting the copper wall.

The aliens in the Void Refinement Stage are outside, and they may break in at any time. They must break the ban as soon as possible.

"Let me give it a try! I hope to be able to open the ban and enter."

Wang Changsheng said in a deep voice, a dazzling yellow light shot out from each of the eyes of the double-eyed mouse, hitting the yellow light curtain.

A wave of water ripples rippled on the surface of the yellow light curtain, and the place hit by the yellow light became transparent.

The double-eyed mouse let out a screeching scream, and a gap of about a zhang size slowly appeared.

Wang Changchang breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly got in, followed by Wang Ruyan and Yuanshu.

When they entered the manor, the breach healed, as if it had never appeared.

The manor occupies a very wide area, with many independent courtyards, waterside corridors and garden stones everywhere.

Passing through a circular arch, a vast spiritual field came into view. The spiritual field was bare, and there was not a single spiritual medicine.

Wang Changsheng didn't find it strange. After so many years, the elixir was left unattended and must have died.

When I came to another courtyard, there was a spiritual spring with a size of more than ten feet in the center of the courtyard. In the center of the spring water were two golden lotuses with blooming buds. Each golden lotus had nine petals, and there was a golden aura above the golden lotus. , very strange.

An aqua blue light curtain covers the entire spring, and there is a blue lotus pattern on the surface of the light curtain.

"Nine-leaf golden lotus!"

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with surprise, and he quickly returned to normal.

Nine-leaf golden lotus can help high-level monks to give birth to children. The effect is not as good as Nine Dragons Pill, but it does have a certain effect.

With two nine-leaf golden lotus trees, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan may be able to give birth to a son and a half daughter and establish their own family. Of course, if they get the Nine-Dragon Pill, that would be even better.

The double-eyed mouse jumped off Wang Changsheng's shoulder, and each eye shot a yellow light, hitting the water-blue light curtain.

The blue water curtain swayed for a while, and suddenly a gap as large as a zhang appeared, and an extremely pure spiritual energy rushed out.

Yuan Shu didn't speak, after all, he came in with him.

Wang Changsheng took out a sparkling blue jade bottle and injected it with mana. The blue jade bottle sprayed out a blue glow, covering the two nine-leaf golden lotuses, and tucked them into the blue jade bottle and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng was in a good mood when he got two nine-leaf golden lotuses.

Leaving the courtyard, a dense green bamboo forest appeared in front of them. The bamboo forest was very quiet, and the three of them did not dare to be careless.

Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng Famu to observe the surrounding situation.

After walking three hundred steps, they came to the depths of the bamboo forest. The bamboos here are thick and thick, and I don't know how many years they have grown.

Not far away, there is a giant bamboo with three people hugging each other. There is a white Ganoderma lucidum growing under the giant bamboo, and there are some golden spiritual patterns on the surface of Ganoderma lucidum.

"Jinyuzhi, at least 30,000 years old!"

Yuan Shu was surprised, his eyes were burning.

The double-eyed rat made a sharp chirping sound and swung its tail to and fro, looking very excited.

"This is not a golden-patterned jade, but an illusion of the ban. If you touch this thing, I am afraid it will touch the ban."

Wang Ruyan said with a frown, her face dignified.

If she hadn't had the Wufeng Famu, she wouldn't have noticed anything abnormal.

Wang Changsheng released two pony puppets and controlled them to walk forward without touching the golden-patterned jade.

One hundred steps, three hundred steps, five hundred steps, nothing abnormal.

"Madam, you stay here to support us. Let's go ahead and take a look. If there is no abnormality, you can follow us."

Wang Changsheng warned that he was very anxious, but he couldn't panic, otherwise it would only get worse.

Wang Ruyan nodded and agreed.

Wang Changsheng and Yuanshu followed behind the pony puppet beast, and the speed was not fast.

Half an hour later, they still hadn't walked out of the bamboo forest and looked nervous.

Not far in front, a light cyan mushroom is located under a spirit bamboo. The double-eyed rat screamed excitedly and looked very excited. With the example of the golden jade zhi, they did not pick the cyan mushroom and continued to move forward. go.

It didn't take long for Wang Changsheng to stop suddenly, his face dignified.

There is a cyan stone platform more than ten feet high in front of it. A golden flying sword is inserted on the stone platform. The surface of the stone platform is covered with cyan moss, and a large number of mysterious runes can be vaguely seen, which seems to represent something.

The golden flying sword does not look abnormal, and the fluctuation of spiritual energy is not strong.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness opened wide and swept in all directions. He scanned the 500-mile radius and found nothing unusual. The cyan stone platform was made of unknown materials, and his consciousness did not find it at all. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it at all.

"This seems to be the Wanmu Raising Sword Formation!"

Wang Changsheng said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The Ten Thousand Wood Sword Raising Formation is mainly used to cultivate the wood attribute flying swords. It uses the power of the formation to gather a large amount of grass and trees in one place, to cultivate the wood attribute flying swords and enhance its power.

Yuan Shu disagreed and said: "After so many years, I don't expect the power of the ban to be too strong."

He opened his mouth and spewed out a blue sound wave, heading straight for the golden flying sword.

As soon as the blue sound wave approached the blue stone platform, countless blue runes suddenly appeared on the blue stone platform.

"Fellow Daoist Shark, this treasure belongs to you. If there are other rare elixir in the future, how about it belong to me?"

Yuan Shu asked with a serious look.

"No problem, it's a deal."

Wang Changsheng readily agreed, Master Xuanfeng was a fit cultivator before his life, and he specially set up the Wanmu Sword Raising Array to support this flying sword, this flying sword must have something extraordinary.

No matter how precious the value of a spirit medicine is, it is just a matter of materials. No matter how ordinary a piece of heaven-reaching spiritual treasure is, it is also a heaven-seeing spiritual treasure. Which is more important, Wang Changsheng can still distinguish clearly.

Yuan Shu opened his mouth and spewed out a white flame, which landed on the cyan stone platform, and the cyan stone platform was submerged by the white flame.

Yuan Shu turned his hand and took out a giant stick whose blue light was flowing indefinitely, and swept across it, like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, towards the blue stone platform.

The blue giant stick smashed on the blue stone platform, and there was a muffled sound of gold and iron clashing, and sparks flew everywhere.

The cyan stone platform is as stable as Mount Tai and does not move at all.

Yuan Shu shouted loudly, the aura of the blue giant rod soared, and its size soared, hitting the blue stone platform again.

Wang Changsheng took out the glass axe, and the majestic mana frantically poured into the glass axe and slashed towards the blue stone platform.

A harsh sound of breaking the air sounded, and a steamy blue axe blade swept out, looking at the blue stone platform.

After the loud bang, there were several thick and long cracks on the surface of the blue stone platform.

With a loud explosion, the blue stone platform burst open, and a flying sword with dim light was inserted on the ground. After careful observation, they found that there were two nail-sized gaps on the sword. Slay the demon" four small characters.

"Golden Thunder Sword? It's not made of golden thunder bamboo, right?"

Yuan Shu was surprised and said that Golden Thunder Bamboo is a special kind of spiritual bamboo that can release Golden Gang Divine Thunder.

"Even if it's a flying sword made of golden thunder bamboo, it's mine."

Wang Changsheng grabbed it with one hand, and the Golden Thunder Demon Sword flew towards him and landed on his hand.

He tried to inject mana, and the Golden Thunder Demon Sword suddenly burst out with dazzling aura, countless golden electric arcs surged out, slashed towards the ground, and a dazzling golden sword light swept out, the golden sword light was wrapped in countless golden Arc, chopped to the ground.

With a loud rumbling sound, the ground burst open, and a groove more than a hundred feet long appeared. A large number of cyan spirit bamboos were broken at the waist, and the golden electric arc hit the cyan spirit bamboo, instantly igniting the cyan spirit bamboo.

Yuan Shu rolled up his sleeves, and a blue glow swept out, extinguishing the flames.

"Ma'am, it's alright, come here!"

Wang Changsheng shouted loudly, Wang Ruyan flew from a distance and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

She urged Wufeng Famu to observe the surroundings and found nothing unusual, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go! We have to find a way out as soon as possible, this is not a place to stay for a long time."

Wang Changsheng urged that the aliens in the imaginary stage were following behind, and he couldn't be happy at all. Fortunately, the restriction left by Master Xuanfeng was strong enough, and for a while, the aliens in the refining period should not be able to enter.

Before long, they disappeared into the bamboo forest.


In a spacious and bright hall, the faces of Mi Yan and others were ugly, and the faces of the cultivators such as Feng Yao were pale. They urged the magic weapon to attack the ban, but it was useless.

"How did they get in? Even the ban is difficult for us to break, and the three gods can easily break it?"

Jin Key frowned and said with a look of inconceivable expression on his face.

"They have the water of the Styx River. It is much easier to break these restrictions. The water of the Styx River is unique to the underworld. Except for a few magical powers or flames to restrain this thing, ordinary treasures or flames can't help the water of the Styx River at all."

Qing Yu explained with a solemn expression.

"The water of the Styx? I'm willing to give it a try."

Mi Yan opened his mouth and spewed out a red-gold flame, and the temperature in the room suddenly rose.

The floor showed signs of melting, and the black ice cubes melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a puddle of piercing Styx water.

With a pinch of Miyan's tactic, the red-golden flame enveloped the water of the Ming River and smashed towards a cyan light curtain.

With a loud rumbling sound, the water of the Styx hit the cyan light curtain, and a large black ice layer instantly appeared on the surface of the light curtain.

Jin Key patted the black ice layer with his right hand, and a golden bird's claw appeared out of thin air and slapped the black ice layer.

With a loud bang, the black ice layer suddenly shattered, and the cyan light curtain shattered and disappeared.

A thunderous sound rang out, and countless cyan arcs appeared on Qingyu's body, and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Mi Yan's sleeves flicked, and a large red-golden flame swept out, hitting Jin Key and others.

The cyan wings on Jin Key's back flicked lightly and suddenly disappeared.

With a scream, Feng Yao was drowned by the red-golden flames and turned into flying ash. Jiang Qingfeng's cultivation base was relatively low and his position was relatively back, so it was not Mi Yan's key target.

The firelight dissipated, and the cyan light curtain had healed.

"Bastard, play with me!"

The golden key cursed, his face full of frost.

In the face of interests, the two temporary allies immediately tore up the agreement. After all, the ban is so difficult to break. One less person to enter means one less person to compete.

Qing Yu directly used the Thunder Escape Technique to enter, not caring about his clan.

The two girls in purple skirts turned pale in shock, countless arcs appeared on their bodies, and a dazzling golden light swept out, covering them.

"If you want to die, then run away! If you don't want to die, cooperate with me to break the ban."

Jin Yue said coldly, with a flick of his right hand, a large piece of golden light flew out, and disappeared into the bodies of the two girls in purple skirts.

The two were unwilling, but they did not dare to disobey the order of the key, so they could only obey honestly.

Soon, the explosion sounded again, and the dazzling thunder light drowned a cyan light curtain.

The golden key method changed, a shrill bird chirped, and a huge golden eagle phantom suddenly appeared on top of her head. In order to break the ban, she could only urge the dharma.

The golden eagle phantom's wings fluttered, and the void vibrated and twisted, as if torn apart, and the cyan light curtain also twisted and deformed.


Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Yuanshu stood in front of a cyan spiritual field. Unlike the spiritual field outside, the spiritual soil of this spiritual field was a cyan particle the size of a soybean, and the spiritual light flickered. It was obviously not an ordinary thing.

In the spiritual field, there are two white fruit trees with a height of 30 Each fruit tree is hung with more than ten oval blue spiritual peaches, the spiritual peaches are crystal clear.

"Blue moon soil! You actually use this soil to cultivate Biyue Peach."

Ape Shu sighed, his eyes fiery.

Green Moon Breath Soil is a special kind of breath soil. It has the energy of plants and trees, which can speed up the growth time of spirit medicine and spirit fruit. Medicine, even if there is no one to take care of it for tens of thousands of years, and there is no formation protection, as long as it is not disturbed, the growth of spirit medicine and spirit fruit is definitely not bad.

Generally speaking, high-level monks will arrange formations to protect the elixir from growing smoothly, but this has a drawback. If the time is too long, the restrictions on formations will be loosened.

This has also led to the fact that some ancient ruins or rare elixir of ancient monks' caves are easy to wither or be eaten by monsters. With the blue moon soil and the formation method, the two blue moon peaches can grow smoothly until now.

Biyue Pantao blooms for 8,000 years, bears fruit in 8,000 years, and it will take another 8,000 years to mature. Even if a spiritual cultivator wears a Biyue Pantao, it can save decades of hard work.

If it is refined into Biyue Jade Ginseng Pill, it can help immortal cultivators to hit the imaginary stage, which can increase the chance of 10%. In addition, Biyue Pan Tao can also be used to make wine, and the effect is very good.

A thick golden light curtain covers the entire spiritual field, and the surface of the golden light curtain is covered with mysterious runes.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's eyes were fiery. If they could get a Biyue Peach, they could save decades of hard work, thus speeding up their cultivation.

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