Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2021: The inheritance of Master Xuanfeng? water of black glass

The eyes of the double-eyed mouse each shot a yellow light, hitting the golden light curtain, and the surface of the golden light curtain suddenly swayed with ripples like water ripples.

At this moment, the mysterious runes on the surface of the golden light curtain seemed to come alive, suddenly twisted and deformed, gathered in one place, and suddenly turned into a burly golden giant ape.

The golden giant ape let out a low roar, and the golden light curtain became thicker and thicker, as if it were an entity.

"This is the Golden Ape Guarding Spirit Formation, and only Juli can break it."

Yuan Shu frowned and said, his face dignified.

A dazzling blue light lit up on his body, strode forward, a skeletal sound of "crackling" came from him, and his body soared.

Yuan Shu's fists lit up with dazzling blue light and smashed towards the golden light curtain.

With two muffled sounds of "bang bang", the golden light curtain sank, and soon returned to normal.

Yuan Shu shouted loudly, his body rose more than a circle, and his hands clenched a giant stick that sparkled with blue light, making a vertical split.

Before the blue giant stick fell, a harsh sound of breaking wind sounded, and the void shook and twisted.

The giant blue stick smashed onto the golden light curtain, and a muffled sound came out, and the golden light curtain sank.

But soon, the golden giant ape on the surface of the golden light curtain made a deafening roar, and the golden light curtain slowly returned to normal.

A gust of breeze blew, and Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared in front of the golden light curtain, his fists smashed into the golden light curtain under the envelope of a cloud of blue light.

With a muffled sound of "bang bang", the golden light curtain sank, and the golden giant ape on the surface let out an extremely painful roar, and his facial features were distorted.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed fiercely, his blue veins were exposed, and his fists were hard.

The golden light curtain shattered like a bubble, and disappeared as little auras.

A tantalizing aroma floated into their nostrils, and they were shocked when they smelled the aroma.

"Biyue Pantao can't be touched directly with your hands. You can only touch it with a magic weapon made of wood properties, and you can only put it into a vessel made of spiritual wood."

Wang Changsheng said slowly.

"I naturally know that, I happen to have a wooden treasure in my hand."

Yuan Shu took out a pair of scissors with a bright blue light and walked towards Biyue Pantao.

He carefully cut off the fruit stalk, letting Biyue Peach fall into the wooden box.

A total of 33 Biyue Pan peaches, Yuanshu took 15, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan 18, Yuanshu had self-knowledge and did not dare to ask for too much.

The wood demon was only Tier 4, and could not transplant the Biyue Pan peach tree. It could only chop it down and use it for refining. As for the green moon, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan took most of it, and Yuan Shu took a small half.

Behind the Lingtian is a blue stone arch bridge, and on the other side is a quiet garden where you can see a lot of exotic flowers and plants.

Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng Famu to observe, but did not find any abnormality. The two puppet puppet beasts walked in front, and they followed behind, five hundred paces apart.

Entering the garden, their faces were full of alertness, their consciousness was wide open, and they observed everything around them.

Suddenly, the blue brick that a puppet puppet beast stepped on sank, and the environment in front of them changed, and they suddenly appeared in a valley full of birds and flowers.

On both sides of the valley are colorful spiritual flowers, the stone walls are covered with cyan vines, and the air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers.

The cyan vines seemed to come alive, wriggling, like strips of cyan long whips, slapping at Wang Changsheng and the three.


Wang Changsheng frowned, using the organs to trigger the prohibition formation, which is rare.

They didn't dare to be careless, and they all resorted to magic weapons to attack the blue vines.

Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng Famu to look for array eyes.


In a long blue corridor, Qing Yu was fighting with a golden skeleton more than ten feet tall. The golden skeleton resembled a human shape. It was made up of thousands of golden bones of different sizes. The skeleton held a white bone knife in each hand.

There were four cyan light curtains in total, representing four paths, and the paths they chose were different from those of Wang Changsheng.

Mi Yan stood aside with an indifferent expression.

Behind them is a thick cyan light curtain, and behind the golden skeleton is a pale golden stone door with a thick golden light curtain on the surface of the stone door.

Qing Yu rubbed his hands together, and countless cyan electric arcs emerged, turning into a cyan lightning ball the size of a water tank, exuding a violent aura.

With a flick of his wrist, the cyan lightning ball came out of his hand and smashed towards the opposite side.

The golden skeleton waved the bone knife in his hand and slashed at the blue lightning ball.

There was a loud rumbling sound, a huge explosion sounded, and a round of cyan sun lit up, drowning the golden skeleton.

After a while, the cyan sun dissipated and disappeared, and the golden skeleton was safe and sound.

"Fellow Daoist Mi, if you don't do anything, everything will be taken away by the three cultivators."

Qing Yu urged, looking anxious.

"What's the hurry, you can slowly break this bone corpse. In terms of escape speed, I'm not as fast as you."

Mi Yan's tone was indifferent, they joined forces to break the ban, and finally broke the ban, Qing Yu used the Thunder Escape Technique, the first to enter the passage, he was naturally dissatisfied.

"Now and then, I promise that I won't do it again. If it is delayed, everything will be taken away by the younger generation, and Fairy Jin may also come in."

Qing Yu frowned and said, there is not no restriction here, he naturally dare not use the thunder escape technique casually.

"I have the priority to get the treasure."

Mi Yan bargained.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Qing Yu readily agreed, if Mi Yan cooperated with him, it would be easier for them to break the ban.

"Then don't delay, urge Fa Xiang to destroy this monster! I know you want to subdue it. It's not easy to subdue a bone corpse in the virtual refining stage. I don't have the time to waste it with you."

After Mi Yan finished saying this, the magic trick reminded him, and there was a ripple in the void above his head, a huge red dolphin phantom suddenly appeared, and the temperature in the vicinity suddenly rose.

The red dolphin phantom made a strange roar, and opened the mouth of the blood basin to spurt a red-golden flame, with runes flashing in the flame, and it landed on the golden skeleton.

With a loud bang, the golden skeleton let out an extremely painful Devil May cry, and a burst of blue smoke rose from the huge body.

There was a huge roar from the top of Qing Yu's head, and a huge thunder crane phantom appeared above his head.

The Thunder Crane flapped his wings gently, and countless arcs surged out, landing on the golden skeleton one after another, and the golden skeleton let out an extremely painful devil cry.

After the loud rumbling sound, the red golden flame and silver thunder light drowned the golden skeleton, and the air was billowing.

After a while, the lightning and firelight dissipated, the golden skeleton disappeared, and two bones with dim aura were scattered on the ground.

They mobilized Dharma and attacked the golden light curtain.

With a loud bang, the stone gate suddenly shattered, and a stone room more than a hundred feet long appeared in front of them.

There is a cyan stone frame in the lower left corner of the stone room, on which are placed four treasures of swords, guns, shields and flags, each of which is a low-grade heaven-penetrating treasure.

"Low-grade Tongtian Lingbao!"

Qing Yu and Mi Yan were a little disappointed, but they still split up the four Heavenly Soul Treasures.

"It seems that this passage stores treasures, I don't know if there will be a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao!"

There was a thoughtful expression on Mi Yan's face. Master Xuanfeng was a fit cultivator before his death, and he should have a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao. I don't know if it will be stored here.

"If there is a high-grade Tongtian Lingbao, you will know if you break the ban."

Qing Yu disagreed.

Mi Yan nodded and followed Qingyu out of the stone room. After passing through a corner, a bright and spacious bluestone passage appeared in front of them. The passage was spacious and bright, and there was nothing else. There was a corner more than a hundred paces away.

Mi Yan released a little cyan monkey as tall as a person and let it walk towards the bluestone passage.

The little cyan monkey walked through the entire bluestone passage without any abnormality, so they followed.

Passing through the corner, a longer bluestone passage appeared in front of them. At the end of the passage, there was a azure stone gate with a height of about ten feet. On the stone gate, there was a pattern of a cyan giant eagle.

The little cyan monkey strode forward and walked through the entire passage without any abnormality. Only then did Mi Yan and Qing Yu follow.

"I don't know what treasure is behind this stone gate. I hope it is a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao."

Mi Yan's eyes were fiery, and when he raised his right hand, a huge red fireball flew out and smashed towards the blue stone gate.

Rumbling loud noise, billowing flames drowned the blue stone door.

Soon, a dazzling white light lit up in the flames, the flames collapsed suddenly, and the cyan giant eagle turned into a white giant eagle.

A mysterious white rune suddenly appeared on the floor tiles and stone walls, and a large white cold air emerged.

"No, the ban has been triggered."

Qing Yu's face changed, and she exclaimed.

They felt a flower in front of them, suddenly appearing in a field of ice and snow.

A large number of white snowflakes continued to fall from the sky, and the cold wind whistled past.

Countless white snowflakes fluttered in the wind, and after a blur, they turned into white icicles and hit them.

Mi Yan and Qing Yu frowned. The two looked at each other and nodded to each other. Without saying a word, their fingers clasped together. Ripples swayed above their heads, followed by a giant thunder crane phantom and a fire. Dolphin phantom.

They mobilized Dharma, attacked the formation, and planned to use brute force to break the formation.

For a while, the explosions continued, the thunder and the fire were blazing, and the air was like a tidal wave.


In a bright hall, Jin Key and others were frantically attacking a cyan light curtain, and a huge golden eagle phantom appeared high in the sky.

A stern look flashed in Jin Key's eyes, and the magic trick was urged, his face paled, the golden eagle's phantom flashed with golden light, and his claws grabbed towards the cyan light curtain.

The claws of the golden eagle phantom hit the cyan light curtain, and the cyan light curtain suddenly sunk, flashed a few times, and suddenly shattered.

Jin Key's face was filled with joy, and with a flick of his right hand, a golden glow swept out, engulfing Jiang Qingfeng and the three of them, turning into a golden escaping light and submerging into the passage.

There was a blur in front of them, and they suddenly appeared on a desolate plain. The plain was littered with a large number of gray-white stones, no grass grew, and the sky was gray, giving people a feeling of depression.

The golden key's consciousness was wide open, and nothing was found.

"You two walk ahead, if you want to die, play tricks."

The golden key pointed to the front and instructed.

"Senior Jin, his cultivation is lower than ours, why didn't he walk in the front?"

The girl in the purple skirt asked in confusion, her face full of grievances.

"He is a spiritual plant husband, and can transplant high-level spiritual plants, can you?"

Jin Key said with a cold face, indifferent tone.

The girl in the purple skirt didn't dare to say anything else, and walked honestly ahead to lead the way.

The four quickly disappeared into the wasteland, as if they had never appeared.


In a lush garden, the ground shook violently. Hundreds of formation flags flew out from the ground and suddenly burst open. A blue stone brick was broken, and the broken formation plate could be vaguely seen.

An aura lit up in the void, and Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, and Yuan Shu suddenly appeared, their faces pale.

The formation method is relatively advanced, Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng Famu, but could not find the formation eye, so he could only use brute force to break the formation.

In order to break the formation, they lost a lot of mana, and finally broke the formation.

"It seems that Venerable Xuanfeng's inheritance is not easy to take, but we have to speed up the pace, and we may not know when they will catch up."

Ape Shu urged.

Wang Changsheng nodded, controlled two puppet puppet beasts, and walked towards the front.

Passing through the garden, a huge black lake appeared in front of them. In the center of the black lake was a circular stone platform. On the stone platform was a three-story cyan attic.

Above the attic hangs a blue plaque with three golden characters "Xuanfenglou" written on it, which is very conspicuous.

There was some black mist floating above the black lake, and there was no grass around the lake.

Wang Changsheng's consciousness swept towards the cyan attic. Strangely, as soon as his consciousness approached the black lake, it was sucked into the bottom of the lake by a mysterious force and disappeared.

Wang Changsheng hurriedly cut off the connection to prevent all his spiritual consciousness from being sucked away by the black lake.

"Xuanfeng Tower, could it be that Venerable Xuanfeng's body is here?"

Yuan Shu's eyes were fixed on the cyan and looked excited.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to get treasure, maybe there are sixth-order monsters here!"

Wang Changsheng's face was solemn.

Wang Ruyan urged Wufeng Famu to observe the situation under the black lake. She only saw a dark area and could not see what was at the bottom of the lake.

As soon as Wang Ruyan raised his hand, a blue light flew out, and in the sound of a crane croak, it turned into a blue paper crane with wings spread out more than ten feet.

The cyan paper crane slammed lightly and flew towards the black lake.

There was nothing abnormal at first, but after the cyan paper crane flew more than a hundred feet away, the runes on the body flashed wildly, as if it had been attacked.

The talisman is a dead thing. If a third-order talisman is destroyed, Wang Ruyan will not feel distressed.

The paper crane talisman approached the blue attic a hundred feet, and holes appeared on the body surface, the flight speed was greatly reduced, and finally fell into the black lake. Lost.

"Water of black glass! It's actually this kind of poisonous water!"

Yuan Shu was surprised, his brows furrowed.

"Water of Black Glass, what is this?"

Wang Changsheng was perplexed. He had checked many classics introducing rare treasures, but this was the first time he had heard of the water of black glass.

"The venom spewed by the black glass dove is extremely poisonous. After dilution, it is the water of black glass. However, the difficulty in cultivating this kind of vicious bird seems to have disappeared. Even poisonous insects cannot move in the water of black glass."

Ape Shu explained slowly.

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