Top of Qinglian

Chapter 2027: twin

Latest website: Half a year has passed quickly.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked out of the residence, Wang Changsheng's face was flushed, Wang Ruyan's face was full of love, and his abdomen was slightly bulging, obviously pregnant.

After taking Jiulong Dan and Jiuye Jinlian, they stayed at home and had children in the same room.

"We can go to Uncle Fang, go through the formalities and go to Xuanyue Mountain to take up the post."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan turned into two rays of light and flew towards the Deacon Hall.

The deacon hall was full of people, and many disciples came to look for tasks.

"Senior Brother Li, there are too few good deeds in the task of finding the Yulin beast. Is there a better task?"

"Uncle Li, can I change the mission? Patroling in Fang City is too boring and affects my cultivation."

"Deacon Li, it's hard work to inspect the mountain gate, can you change it to an easier task?"

A dozen cultivators gathered around a shrewd-looking middle-aged deacon, talking non-stop, everyone wanted a good job.

The middle-aged deacon frowned, and was about to say something when his eyes swept away and saw Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang, are you here? Uncle Fang told me that when you come, take you there, and you come with me."

The middle-aged deacon was full of smiles and personally led the way for Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Soon, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan came to a side room, and Fang Ming sat on a blue futon.

He saw Wang Ruyan's bulging belly and asked, "Are you going to go to the Spirit Medicine Garden in Xuanyue Mountain now? You can give birth to the child, and it will not be too late to go to Xuanyue Mountain to take up the post when the child is older, ten years are very long. It will be over soon."

"Many thanks to Uncle Fang's kindness, we have decided to take up the post now."

Wang Changsheng said sincerely.

"Li Feng, go through the formalities for them! Junior Sister Liu is going out to do errands and happens to pass through Xuanyue Mountain. Let's go with her! You will be notified when you leave."

Fang Ming ordered.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan repeatedly expressed their thanks and agreed.

Li Feng responded, took out a jade plate with a gleaming azure light, made a gesture, then took out two round blue tokens, pressed them on the jade plate, and a dazzling aura lit up.

"Okay, Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang, bring your mission token and show it to Uncle Chen, who is stationed at Xuanyue Mountain Spirit Medicine Garden, and they will know your identities."

Li Feng handed the two blue tokens to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and exhorted.

Fang Ming waved his hand, and Li Feng withdrew wisely.

Fang Ming took out a bright blue shell, and with a flick of his sleeve, the blue shell flew towards Wang Changsheng and landed on Wang Changsheng's hand.

"I have some friendship with the stationed junior brother Chen. Give him this sound transmission shell, and he will take care of you. Where can you practice with peace of mind."

Fang Ming warned.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan repeatedly expressed their thanks and agreed.

Wang Changsheng took out a cyan storage ring, handed it to Fang Ming with both hands, and said sincerely: "Master Fang, this is a little bit of our heart, please don't dislike it."

Fang Ming's position was high, and Wang Changsheng naturally did not dare to neglect him.

"There are a lot of places where you need to use spirit stones in the future, you can take them back! In the future, if the conditions are good, it's not too late to honor me."

Fang Ming declined. He knew that it was not easy to ascend as a monk. There was a way to make money. There was no need to fight Wang Changsheng's autumn wind.

"Uncle Fang, it's just two blue moon peaches and some monster beast materials, just accept it!"

Wang Changsheng said seriously, Fang Ming was really good to them.

"Bi Yue Pan Tao?"

Fang Ming's expression softened, he nodded, and accepted it.

He warned Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan to go back.

Back at their residence, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan each went into a practice room to meditate and practice.

Seven days passed quickly.

Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the futon, wisps of blue light poured into his body along his nose and mouth, and there were lines of mist that were visible to the naked eye.

A sound transmission flew in and landed in front of Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng seemed to sense something, the blue light slowly dissipated, and he opened his eyes.

Seeing the sound transmission in front of him, Wang Changsheng flicked two fingers, and a blue light flew out, hitting the sound transmission.

There was a muffled sound of "puchi", the sound transmission spontaneously ignited, and a cold female voice came out: "Junior Wang, we are ready to go, pack up and come out immediately."

Wang Changsheng got up and walked out, sending a message to Wang Ruyan.

Not long after, the door of the stone room opened, and Wang Ruyan came out.

"Madam, Uncle Liu is waiting for us, let's go out!"

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked out of the residence, a cyan giant owl with wings spread over a hundred feet, with three heads, cyan eyes, short tail feathers, and a pair of sickle-like golden claws.

This is a sixth-order spiritual bird with three heads, flying very fast.

More than 20 monks stood on the back of the three-headed owl, headed by a middle-aged woman with a graceful figure. The middle-aged woman wore a long blue dress, a pair of beautiful eyes, and a beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, which made her look charming. charming.

Liu Ying, in the early stage of the virtual practice, his ancestor was a soaring cultivator. This three-headed owl was cultivated to the sixth level after seven generations of talents. Former people planted trees and later generations enjoyed the shade, and Liu Ying was here to enjoy the shade.

If you don't have a good ancestor, you can only work hard and strive to be a good ancestor.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan hurriedly bowed and saluted, but were interrupted by Liu Ying: "The false salute will be spared, come up quickly!"

"Yes, Master Liu."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan responded and flew to Sanshouxiao's back.

Liu Ying patted the three-headed owls under him, and the three-headed owls made a loud hissing sound, the surface of the body glowed with blue light, the wings were lightly flapped, a gust of wind blew up, and flew high into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky. .


Located in the middle of the Xuanling Continent, the Xuanyue Mountains stretch for tens of millions of miles and consist of more than 100,000 peaks of various sizes. They are full of spiritual energy and live with many monsters.

This is a stronghold of Zhenhai Palace, which is patrolled by cultivators of Zhenhai Palace all the year round.

Xu Yin grew up in Zhenhai Palace and practiced Taoism for more than 500 years. He is currently in the late Nascent Soul, and he is responsible for leading patrols.

On this day Xu Yin was patrolling with more than 20 disciples, and a blue light flew from the distant sky.

"This is the site of our Zhenhai Palace, idlers stop."

Xu Yin shouted loudly, with a calm expression on his face.

This stronghold has an imaginary cultivator in charge, and there has never been an accident. He is not worried that someone will dare to attack Xuanyue Valley.

The blue light stopped, and it was a burly young man in a blue shirt and a plump young woman in a blue skirt. It was Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Wang Changsheng was holding a baby in his arms, and Wang Ruyan was also holding a baby in his arms.

Xuanyue Mountain is far away from the main altar of Zhenhai Palace. Wang Ruyan gave birth to two sons and twins on the way.

"We were ordered to sit in Xuanyue Mountain. This is the mission token."

Wang Changsheng took out two blue tokens and threw them to Xu Yin.

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