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Chapter 1028: Wang Qingcheng, Wang Qingfeng

Xu Yin checked it carefully, and after confirming it was correct, he looked at the baby in their arms with confusion on his face.

It was the first time he had seen someone take a baby to work. The mission token was real, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Two uncles, please come with me, you continue to patrol."

Xu Yinchong's companion ordered to return the token to Wang Changsheng and lead the way in person.

It didn't take long for them to stop, and in front of them was a sea of ​​white clouds that stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Xu Yin took out a shiny disc, entered a magic formula, and gestured for a while.

After a while, the sea of ​​​​clouds rolled violently, and a sharp crane roar sounded. A giant crane with a white body and a golden flesh crown flew out of the sea of ​​​​clouds. A tall blue-robed old man sat on the back of the giant crane. superior.

The old man was full of white hair, his face was red, and his brows were not angry and arrogant.

"Old husband Chen Yangming, what do you call your junior brother and junior sister?"

The old man in green robe said politely.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan reported their names one after another, took out their identity tokens, and handed them over to Chen Yangming to check.

Chen Yangming checked the token and inquired about the internal situation of Zhenhai Palace. Wang Changsheng responded fluently, pointing out the mistakes of Chen Yangming's question, which was how he gained Chen Yangming's trust.

"I'm sorry, Junior Brother Wang and Junior Sister Wang, we are instructed to guard this place, and we don't dare to be careless. Please forgive me."

Chen Yangming and Yan Yuese explained that he was a local monk in the Xuanyang world and belonged to a local faction, but he did not want to get involved in the factional battle, so he explained it to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

"It doesn't matter, is it convenient for Uncle Chen? We have something to report to Uncle Chen."

Wang Changsheng asked politely.

"It's unfortunate that you came here. Uncle Chen retreated and practiced not long ago, and ordered him to come down. There is no major event, so don't disturb his practice."

Chen Yangming said seriously, he suddenly thought of something, his tone changed, and then he said: "You guys stay here first! If Uncle Chen leaves the customs, I will notify you."

"Then I will trouble Senior Brother Chen."

Wang Changsheng said politely and agreed.

They followed Chen Yangming and flew into the sea of ​​​​clouds. They could clearly see the emerald green peaks. On some peaks, you could see Qiongtai Jade Pavilions. You could also see rainbow bridges in the ravines. The sound of the cranes is endless, and it is a scene of a heaven and a blessed land.

Xuanling Mountain has more than 100,000 acres of spiritual fields, which is a relatively important stronghold of Zhenhai Palace, otherwise it would not have sent cultivators to sit in town.

Chen Yangming brought Wang Changsheng and his wife to a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. In the valley, there is a manor covering an area of ​​10,000 mu, with green bricks and green tiles. The manor is lush, exotic flowers and plants, strange rocks, small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and palaces. Each has its own merits.

Facing the mountain wall outside the valley, a silver waterfall like a ribbon flew down from a thousand feet high, causing countless water mists.

"Junior Brother Wang, Junior Sister Wang, what do you think of this place? If you don't like it, you can arrange another cave for you."

Chen Yangming pointed at the manor and asked enthusiastically.

"It's good here, let's stay here!"

Wang Changsheng found that the water here is full of spiritual energy, which is very suitable for his cultivation.

"Okay, I'll send some disciples over and stationed outside the valley. If you have something to do, you can tell them to do it. There is a Xuanyufang City more than 10 million miles away from here. You can send your disciples to buy some resources for cultivating immortals. This is this. A generation of topographic maps."

As Chen Yangming spoke, he took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng thanked him and accepted the blue jade slip.

After sending Chen Yangming away, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan walked into the manor.

He released the wood demon and the gold-swallowing ant queen, and the tortoise devoured the demon pill of the fifth-order middle-grade golden thunder eagle and fell into a deep sleep.

The two sons are Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng.

Generally speaking, only six years old can check whether a baby has spiritual roots, but that is for low-level monks. There are many methods in Xuanyang Realm to detect spiritual roots, and they can be detected even if they are under six years old.

Wang Qingcheng has the earth-attribute Tianling root, and Wang Qingfeng has the golden and fire double spiritual roots.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan can still regenerate, but the aptitude of the child is hard to say. After taking the Nine Dragons Pill, the aptitude of the first child will be better, but the second child is hard to say. There are also monks who took the Nine Dragons Pill, and the second child gave birth to a spirit For those who are physical, the probability is very low, it is a matter of probability.

If the aptitude of the parents is relatively good, the aptitude of the descendants will not be too bad. This is one of the reasons why the major forces will make the disciples with good aptitude become double cultivators.

One Heavenly Spirit Root and one Double Spirit Root, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were disappointed, but also a little fortunate that if they were born with a spirit body, they would not be able to leave Zhenhai Palace and go out independently.

As far as they know, there are at least two spiritual practitioners in Zhenhai Palace, and there are more than 20 people in Tianlinggen. This is not surprising. There are more than 100,000 disciples of Zhenhai Palace alone, not counting the affiliated forces.

The territory controlled by the human race is tens of trillions of miles, and it is normal for Zhenhai Palace to have two spiritual bodies and more than 20 heavenly spiritual roots.

Spiritual body practitioners practice faster and have unique magical powers. All major forces attach great importance to spiritual body people, and even fight for them. Tianlinggen cultivator is a disciple of the major forces that focus on training. A Heavenly Spiritual Root will emerge every year, and as for the Spiritual Body, a Spiritual Body may not appear even in tens of thousands of years.

"Finally, I have reached Xuanling Mountain, and I can grow up with them."

Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Qingcheng in his arms, his face full of love.

He and Wang Ruyan were more than a thousand years old, and they gave birth again. Seeing their two sons, he couldn't help thinking of Wang Qingzhi.

Wang Qingzhi was a boring gourd, dedicated to farming, not interested in cultivation, and died at the hands of the enemy. This incident also became the inner demon of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

This time, he will definitely protect his two They are the crystallization of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and they are also the future of the Wang family.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan could not have been born forever. If the Wang family wanted to develop into a cultivator family, they still had to rely on Wang Qingcheng and Wang Qingfeng to have children and increase the number of clan members.

"Husband, if there is reincarnation, do you think Qingzhi will become our son again?"

Wang Ruyan looked at Wang Qingfeng in her arms and said softly.

"Hope it! If there is really reincarnation, the parents may have new identities."

Wang Changsheng said with some uncertainty, he had checked the classics of Zhenhai Palace and had a deeper understanding of reincarnation.

It is said that the dead monk went to the underworld, and if he was lucky, he would be reborn, but he changed his identity and forgot his previous identity and experience.

This is what the classics say, the authenticity cannot be identified. There are many such cases, and some things are difficult to verify. Believe it or not.

After chatting for a while, the two walked towards a cyan attic.

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